THE ESSENE COMMUNIONS: THEIR PURPOSE AND MEANING Hear me, Sons of Light, for I will impart to you the gift of tongues, that by speaking to your Earthly Mother in the morning, and to your Heavenly Father in the evening, you may go closer and closer to oneness with the kingdoms of earth and heaven, that oneness for which the Son of Man is destined from the beginning of the times. ~Essene Gospel of Peace The symbolic Tree of Life enabled the Essenes to understand how they were surrounded by forces, or angels, from the visible world of nature and the invisible cosmic world. The Communions show how each of these forces is utilized in mans body and consciousness. The Communions are said to have been originated by Esnoch, or Enoch, and were again brought forth by Moses to Esrael, the elect of the people, on the two stone tablets he first brought down from Mount Sinai. The second set of tablets he brought down contained the Ten Commandments, the outer teaching, which he gave to the rest of the people, Israel. But the small minority, Esrael, or the Essenes, from that time on, held their communions morning and evening, to the earthly and heavenly forces, regulating their lives according to the inspiration received from them. The Communions three immediate objectives The first is to make man conscious of the activities of the different forces and forms of energy which surround him and perpetually flow toward him from nature and the cosmos. The second is to make him aware of the organs and centers within his being which can receive these currents of energy. The third is to establish a connection between the organs and centers and their, corresponding forces so as to absorb, control and utilize each current. The Essenes knew that man has different bodily systems to absorb the different energies from food, air, water, solar radiation and so on; and they knew that each individual must control and utilize these powers for himself though his own conscious efforts, and that no one could do it for him. The Communions were practiced each morning and evening, a different earthly force being meditated upon each morning upon arising, and a different heavenly force each evening before retiring, each day of the week. This made a total of fourteen communions during each seven day period. At each of the Communions the designated force was concentrated upon, contemplated and meditated upon so that its power could be absorbed and then consciously utilized. The Essene Daily Communions: The Words, Prayers and Meditations The Morning Communions The Earthly Mother - Saturday Morning. The purpose of this Communion is to establish unity between mans physical organism and the nutritive forces of the earth. The Angel of Earth - Sunday Morning. The purpose of the Communion was to transform the generative powers in life into the regeneration of the human body. The Angel Of Life - Monday Morning. This Communion was dedicated to the life, health and vitality of the human organism and that of the whole planet and brought about a dynamic unity between them. The Angel of Joy - Tuesday Morning. All forms of beauty were joyously contemplated in this Communion in order to make man conscious of the beauties of nature and the joy within himself in every part of his being. The Angel of the Sun - Wednesday Morning. The purpose of this Communion was to become receptive to the solar energies and establish a perfect unity between the self and the sun and distribute its power throughout the body. The Angel of Water - Thursday Morning. In this Communion all forms of water were contemplated, rivers, creeks, rain, the sap in trees and plants and so on, establishing as a living reality the unity between the waters of the body and the waters of the planet. The Angel of Air - Friday Morning. The purpose of this Communion was to make man conscious of the dynamic unity between air and life and that respiration is the link between the organism and the cosmos. The Evening Communions In the same way that the seven mornings of the week were devoted to the forces of the visible world, the seven evenings were given to the powers of the invisible realms, or the Angels of the Heavenly Father. The Angel of Eternal Life - Saturday Evening. This Communion was the Essenes central communion, dedicated to the totality of cosmic laws and to the realization that the universe is a process of continuous creation in which man must take his part. The Angel of Creative Work - Sunday Evening. The purpose of the Communion was to teach the importance of creative work and its paramount role in the individuals evolution. The Angel of Peace - Monday Evening. The Communion with the Angel of Peace was dedicated to mans deep inner intuition of peace within himself and with all the infinite universe. The Angel of Power - Tuesday Evening. The Essenes conceived of the whole universe as a cosmic ocean of life in which currents of cosmic power are continually uniting all forms of life on all planets and connecting man with all other organisms. The Angel of Love - Wednesday Evening. Love was considered by the Essenes to be the highest creative feeling and they held that a cosmic ocean of love exists everywhere uniting all forms of life and, that life itself is an expression of love. The Angel of Wisdom - Thursday Evening. Thought was held by the Essenes to be both a cosmic and a physical function. They considered the cosmic ocean of thought pervading all space, containing all thoughts, as the highest and most powerful of all energies. It never diminishes and is never lost. The Heavenly Father - Friday Evening. This Communion with the Heavenly Father, was the Essenes central communion, dedicated to the totality of cosmic laws and to the realization that the universe is a process of continuous creation in which man must take his part.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:42:36 +0000

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