THE ETERNAL SECURITY OF THE TRUE BELIEVER For if we sin wilfully - TopicsExpress


THE ETERNAL SECURITY OF THE TRUE BELIEVER For if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth,there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin(Heb.10:26). It seems that I am always having to confront some form of heresy or another!This is a full time job!There are some who insist that a true believer can lose their salvation.These people attack the sovereignty and omnipotence of the All-Powerful Lord that we serve and trust!These will use certain scriptures like my opening verse to prove their false doctrine.But here I will once again defend the faith from such heresy! In the above verse it appears that one can apostate after knowing the truth (gospel) if they continue to wilfully sin,but what is the actual meaning of the text?First let us examine the word knowledge.There are two Greek words we find most prominent in scripture.One is nosis and the other epinosis.The first is a mental knowledge;the second a experimental knowledge.Here in Hebrews 10:26 the writer is using the word nosis not epinosis. These he is addressing are those who have heard the gospel and have understood it but continue to reject it.If we look at verses 19-25 we find that the writer made a plea to the hearers to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.He continues to admonish these hearers of the Gospel by saying that if they sin wilfully after [they] received the knowledge of truth {hearing the gospel] that there remains no more [other] sacrifice for sin but that which they have heard which is Jesus Christ!We also find that the writer closes this thought with the affirmation that we who have truly believed the Gospel and accepted the call to draw near with a true heart are not of them who draw back unto perdition;BUT of them that believe TO THE SAVING OF THE SOUL(v39). DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME!! In no wise do the scriptures teach that one can be truly saved and continue to indulge in sin.On the contrary the scriptures teach that one who is truly saved will overcome the world,the flesh,and the devil!But this overcoming is through the grace of God! If we are saved by grace through faith and not by works or merit;how can we conclude that once we are saved,we must work or merit the continuance of our salvation?The Bible says;Every good and precious gift comes from above,and comes down from the Father of lights,with Whom is NO VARIABLENESS NEITHER SHADOW OF TURNING(James 1:17). Can we agree that salvation is the most good and precious gift?Then how is it that we can come to believe that God would repent of His giving us that gift? Romans 9:11 says;that the purpose (salvation) of God according to election might stand,NOT OF WORKS,but of HIM Who calleth.And Ephesians 2:8-9 say;For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH,and that NOT of yourselves,it is THE GIFT of God.NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast. Again if it is by GRACE that we are saved how would it be by works that we stay saved? John 10:28 & 29 say;I (Jesus) give unto them (those who believe) eternal life,and they(us who believe) SHALL NEVER PERISH,neither shall any man pluck them (we who believe) out of my hand.My Father Who gave them(us who believe) Me,is greater and no man is able to pluck them out of My Fathers hand. And Paul wrote that NOTHING shall separate us from the love of God,which is in Christ Jesus(Rom.8:38-39). So if Paul,by the Spirit of God,wrote that nothing can separate us from the love of God are we to believe that the occasional sin that we commit can?Is God so weak that He cannot utterly save His chosen? Jesus said that we who believe in Him hath EVERLASTING LIFE(John 5:24). So here we see two biblical truths: 1) We already have everlasting life.This life is not something we will experience in the future only but we begin this everlasting life at the moment of conversion! And 2) it is EVERLASTING!!! So if we can lose our salvation it was NEVER everlasting life now was it?! But this life is indeed everlasting and although I am not a genius I am sure that EVERLASTING MEANS LASTING FOREVER!!Also 1 John 5:13 says;These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God;THAT YOU MAY KNOW (with full assurance) that ye HAVE(present tense) ETERNAL LIFE(NEVER ENDING LIFE W/GOD)!!! Now I am confident that I have submitted enough evidence to assure you that the doctrine that teaches one who is a TRUE BELIEVER can lose their salvation is FALSE AND HERETICAL!There are so many scriptures throughout both the Old Testament and New Testament that assures the TRUE BELIEVER that once you are born-again,born from above,in a living union with Jesus Christ,flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone,you cannot ever lose your salvation or apostate!Why Because God is the One Who saves us not we ourselves!It begins with God,continues with God and ends with God!!!ALONE!! In closing I leave you with these verses from 1 Peter 1:5 & Jude 24; You who are kept by the power of God unto salvation shall not be lost for He is able to keep you from falling,and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory will bring it to completion... Do not be carried away by false teaching but search the scriptures that you may what is the will and purposes of God.When youve come to a living faith be at rest in the assurance of your salvation!God bless you and keep you in perfect peace Amen.. By:Edward J Navarro
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 23:08:21 +0000

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