◄$$$ THE EURASIAN TRADE ZONE CONTINUES APACE WITH PROGRESS. THE EASTERN POWERS WILL PUSH THE ENVELOPE. THE WEST CONTINUES TO BE LOCKED OUT, ITS ROLE HAVING CHANGED TO DISRUPT PROGRESS RATHER THAN TO JOIN IT. MANY ARE THE PIPELINES AND NATIONS AS PIECES AND PLAYERS. ANOTHER EURASIAN TRADE ZONE BUILDING BLOCK IS BEING CONSTRUCTED IN BELARUS. SIMILAR ENTERPRISE EFFORTS ARE OCCURRING IN GREECE. $$$ For an excellent review of the plans, progress, and development of the New Silk Road, see the Asian Times article (CLICK HERE) by Pepe Escobar. He colorfully describes the evolution of the Eastern Hemisphere, with all its progress, uniting efforts by the various nations, and the obstruction presented by the West, led by the United States. He calls the many new pipelines the odd moniker of Pipelineistan. Their development explains a motive why Syria might be in the process of being destroyed. The Jackass has given the natural gas pipeline going from Iran to Syria the name Shiite Pipeline, thus the target for its derailing. The most significant partnership is clearly between Russia & China, the axis for the Eurasian Trade Zone itself. Volumes could be filled with the progress, developments, and events behind the Eurasian build-out. This brief story is a summary of miniscule length. Some key turning points are in progress of development. The New Economic Axis is being built, which could eventually place the Euro currency over the USDollar. A significant strategic economic and political development is at work, not covered in the least by the Western press, probably since it is terminally negative to the USDollar. The latest odd event is taking place in the Western suburb of the Former Soviet Union. China is building an entire city in the forests near the Belarusian capital of Minsk. Its design is to create a manufacturing site for exploit between the European Union and Russia. The area is 40% larger than Manhattan, located around the Minsk international airport. Overall the project calls for $5 billion in development, which will include enough housing to accommodate 155 thousand people, according to Chinese and Belarusian officials. The small Belarus Economy has a $60 billion GDP, but has required a $6.5 billion in bailouts from the Intl Monetary Fund and Russia since 2009. The hub will put Chinese exporters within 170 miles of EU members Poland and Lithuania and give them tax-free entry into Russia and Kazakhstan, which share a customs union. The local Belarus population is 99.6% literate but with half the wages of Poland. The industrial park is unique in Europe. See the Bloomberg article (CLICK HERE). Be sure to know that China is also building a city of industry in Idaho, in the Western United States.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 16:39:32 +0000

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