THE EVIL THAT MEN DO FIRST BIBLE LESSON: GALATIANS 6:7 Be not deceived God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. GOLDEN TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. REPAY EVIL WITH GOOD WORKS If the gospel is food, this one is the most palatable. We have to unveil the truth. We may ponder why Cain killed Abel and why God instructed that Cain should not be harmed but instead gave him a mark of identity. We may also wish to know why God instructed that you should use good works to repay evil deeds. That if you are beaten on the right cheek, you should turn the other cheek. Our Lord Jesus Christ came and demonstrated this very teaching. He was beaten, slapped, mocked abused and cursed yet he continued in doing good works. He never paid evil for evil. Recall the action of Peter in cutting the ear of the servant of the high priests when they came to arrest our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ rebuked him and took the half ear and joined it to the remaining half on the head and it became normal again. He told Peter to put back his sword into its sheet, for all those that carry the sword shall die by the sword. He further asked whether he think he cannot pray his father to send about 12 legions of angels to come down and fight on his behalf. However if he does that, the words of his father would not be made manifest. See Matthew 26:51-54 Luke 22:50 and John 18:10-11. EVERLASTING JUDGEMENT You can see that the words of God are everlasting judgment. Do you think that on the Day of Judgment people would be lined up and invited one after the other for judgment? That cannot be the case. The very words you read and hear from the father constitute judgment. We are reaping all what we sowed, thus confirming the assertion that the evil ones would be more sinful hence, men would be lovers of money rather than lovers of God. They would love fashion selves’ pleasure but hate the truth. This is the reciprocation of all these acts which mankind is harvesting today. What is happening to mankind is not caused by ghost, apparition, demons, mermaid or creatures like fishes, animals, trees, water, sun, moon or stars. Similarly, they are not caused by angels or elements however; their occurrence is that fulfillment of the words of God. For it was said of God that whatsoever a man soweth, same shall he reap. All the sins committed from the time of Adam are to be paid for now. This is the time of harvest when you have to reap the rewards of all your actions. When Christ got to Jerusalem he wept bitterly. He was weeping because of this is very time of harvest when men shall reap of their evil deeds. He knew that what ever a man soweth same he shall reap. Now, even here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, people still tell lies, fornicate, steal money and commit other evils. This is pathetic. You, who perpetuate these acts, do not know what you are doing. It is written that the evil ones would do more evil and would deceive people to follow their evil ways and would also be deceived by others. What benefits do you derive from practicing evil or committing sin today? During The Nigerian Civil War, in 1967, we produced a pamphlet, which I sent to both General Yakubu Gowan and Odumegu Ojukwu. I did admonish them not to engage in warfare for anyone that kills must be killed. Since then, a lot of innocent, important and intelligent people have been killed in this country. The number of killings including millions of innocent children is better imagined then said. Do you think that the Army broke into people’s houses, robbed and killed them for nothing? This is the judgment of God. All those who killed must equally be killed. You can see why God directed that Cain should not be touched. For anyone who killed Cain, would be killed by another person and killings would continue to multiply. That is why Christ has brought this very Gospel today. The same was the reason why Adam and Eve offended God and were cursed but now God has withdrawn that curse. To this end, God no longer imputes sins for mankind however, that does not sanction continuity of sin and evil practices. Do you know that a sinner is a foolish person? The most foolish person on earth is one who commits sin. SPIRITUAL CHORUS: You have to get ready for the Lord will come again what ever a man sows, same shall he reap. CHRIST IS THE TRUTH Our Lord Jesus Christ alone is the truth. Jesus the Christ, the Lord is the Almighty God. He is the only one I have seen. Do the whites who claim to be wise know that? Do the blacks know this with all the power they claim to possess? Even you in this fold lack this wisdom. That is why you keep calling Olumba without knowing the foundation. This is the beginning and end of this gospels. I want to reveal this truth to you. The name Brotherhood of the Cross and Star means, any member who does evil receives evil reward, and those who do good would receive good rewards in return. Those who are in the star are those who are doing good always no matter what treatment they receive from others including their beneficiaries. Such people have one channel for operation good works. Do not be deceived for no sinner shall go unpunished. If you imbibe this Gospel you would not wait for any person to preach to you, neither would you pay any money to any person for jobs not done. What ever you are, your works follow after you. If you do good works, you would have good reward but if you perpetuate evil acts, you would be rewarded with evil. Twenty or more years in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and prayers cannot take this away. There are no two ways about it. If you want good to follow you, you have to do good. That is why I cannot do evil no matter the temptation. No person taught me not to do evil. This is the wisdom I was born with, that is never to do evil to either myself or to others. This is the wisdom of wisdoms that whatever you do unto people would come back to you. Do not stop someone from perpetuating evil, in the same vein; do not prevent any person from doing good. SPIRITUAL CHORUS The world does not love the truth rather loves falsehood brotherhood loves the truth and is standing firm brotherhood stands firm in the truth. EVERY WORK IS COMPENSATED WITH REWARDS Brotherhood of the Cross and Star alone is standing firm in the truth. Here we believe that whatsoever a man sows same shall he reap. Therefore all the good works you do follow after you. Do not think that you are working for the government or Brotherhood of the Cross and Star neither should you think that you are serving Jesus, or Olumba, Jehovah or even Satan the devil. Whatever you do is for yourself, that is what you must know from now henceforth. If you have been in brotherhood for twenty years or more without acquiring this truth then your stay here is absolutely worthless. There is nothing like ghost, witchcraft, mermaid or demon that can hinder the progress, prosperity or good healthy from reaching mankind. These cannot cause the death of a man for they do not actually exist. Death, charms and magic do not exist but the evil mind is always deceived. The fact is that what a man sows is what he reaps. SPIRITUAL CHORUS Stand firm in the truth for the truth saves a man more than lies. You who fight in the Bethel to stop people from doing one thing or the other, do you know that each mans work follows after him, irrespective of the place and time? What matters is that you would be rewarded for whatever you do. Do you know that this truth is that mustard seed which Christ spoke about? What ever sin or evil you commit is against your very self. To this end, do not think that you can do anything against any person. If you do well, you are planning a good future for yourself and in the same vein if you perpetuate evil, you are sowing a bad seed for yourself. This law of nature has been in action operating from the beginning. Recall what happened to Pharaoh the king of Egypt and his people. Where is his corpse and those of his soldiers? Did they not perish in the water? God told Abraham that his people would be enslaved for 400 years; thereafter he would judge the nation to whom they shall be enslaved. Have you seen how God judged Egypt? EVERY EVIL TURN DESERVES ANOTHER You have heard the story about a man who had a son. His son denied him at a time he became ill. The man was taken to all hospitals and religious organizations yet the illness defiled solution. A certain time, the son decided not to continue to seek cure for his fathers ailment because he believed he has suffered enough, hence he decided to go and abandon his father somewhere. To this end, he informed his villagers that he was taking his father to a hospital, which would be closer to his station. So he took his father into the forest and dumped him there. He left his father inside mud and went home. When he returned home, he told the people that his was being attended to in a very good hospital. His father died alone in the forest and the mud became his grave. He did not tell anybody and therefore believed that no one had known about this wicked act. He lived, got married and had a child finally he develops the same type of sickness, which killed his father. His son took him to the hospitals, religious places and healing centers where his grandfather was taking yet there was no cure. At the end his son took the same decision to throw him (his father) away in the forest. He also told people that he was taking his father to a special hospital in the same direction where his grandfather was taken. His father who knew the truth from what he did to his own father and which was repeating itself on him. He was surprised as to how nemesis was catching up on him. Therefore when his son told him that he (his son) was taking him to a special hospital in a certain area, he laughed. However, they took off and when they got to the very spot where he abandoned his father, his son dumped him there and left. Remember that his father had never told any person about what he did. Having dumped him there, he turned back but the father called the young man and told him to convey him back to die at home so that the cycle would be broken. It was at this juncture that he told his son that the neglect, which he was undergoing, has happened exactly to his own father. He told his son that his father suffered from that same type of sickness and how he took him (his father) to all hospitals, healing centers and religious organizations yet there was no remedy. Consequently, he deceived the people that he was taking his father to a special hospital only to dump him in this very spot, where he died. He showed him his fathers bones and skull. To this end, he pleaded with his son to take him home so that the cycle would be broken, because if he abandons him there to die, his own son would equally do same to him and he would die there. His son wept bitterly and took his father back home. Consequently, the sickness ceased to invade that family. Their untimely death ended then and there. I use a living tortoise to consult my Oracle and not a dead one. I am telling you things that happened, as well as those that are happening and that shall come to pass. YOUR SINS SHALL FIND YOU OUT You can see that your sins shall always find you out. If you know this, you should not continue to plan to revenge or retaliate for offenses, which people wrongfully commit against you. This is yet another illustration. A young man fought against his father for sleeping with his wife. When the community heard about the incident, they met and resolved that the young man be fined a goat, in addition to other penalties. But there was an old man, in fact the oldest person in that community, who enquired about the incident. The old man was told that the young man slept with his fathers wife and that the community resolved to deal ruthlessly with him (the young man). The old man laughed and then informed the youths that the young mans grandfather received the same treatment from his father because young mens father slept with his own fathers wife. Therefore the young man had committed no evil, and should be absolved of any blame. The people were weakened by that revelation and left the young man alone. You can see what we are singing every day in songs yet many do not know the depth of the message. Nobody taught me to do this; neither did I read it in any book. I was born this way and had this teaching in me. I have not spoken any evil word against any person no matter what he does. This is because I do not want to dig a grave for myself. I leave all things the way I see them and I do not bother about what happens, so, that the will of God would be done. Recall what Lord Jesus Christ said in St. Luke Gospel 24:44-46. And he said unto them, there are the words I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets and in the psalms, concerning me. Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures, and said unto them, thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: Our Lord Jesus Christ did not mind the persecution, tribulations and humiliation but continued to plead for the salvation of man. It is his light that has illustrated the world. If he did not stand firm with the truth, the world would have perished. Therefore, pay no mans evil with evil for whatsoever a man sows same shall he reap. You have the choice either to do good or evil. But remember the local adage, which states that a stubborn fowl is always humbled inside the pot of soup. Let the first lesson be re-examined. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: GALATIANS 6:7 Be not deceived God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. THE RECOMPENSE OF EVIL Let us have another illustration. There was a gang of swindlers and hoodlums who went about doping and cheating people that fell prey. This group built a house in the thick forest and lived there, and carried out their swindling business from there. One day a young man who was on a top of a tree saw and heard the gang referred to as Alibaba and the 40 thieves because the gang was made up of strong rogues. Among them were very influential man in the society. The boy watched as the gang returned from their expedition on their horses. When they arrived at their abode in that forest they uttered the words Open casement once, and the door opened by itself. The forty rich robbers entered and the young man saw the great wealth that was stored inside. There after the boy went home only to come back another day when the 40 thieves were out. The young man repeated the same words Open Casement and the door was opened for him. He entered and was dazzled by the amount of wealth, which he saw in that place. He packed as much as he could carry and left the place through the same gate. Which opened in response to the verbal command code. When the robbers came back they were shocked to find the treasure empty. They searched the cities and communities, to find the missing treasure by all means. Consequently, they sent out the first man on conditions that any man who can find the missing treasure must be killed. The first man could not solve their problem. However, this young man had a brother who had seen when he emptied his bags of money. So his brother followed him to the robber’s den where he has been taking the money. He watched his brother as he went in and came out with much wealth. So he too timed the forty robbers and went for money when they were away. When he got to the den, he used the words open casement and the door opened. After he had carried the money he forgot to say open but rather used close casement so the door was closed and sealed such that he could not leave the house. He became afraid and continued to shout Close Casement many times yet the door was locked. When the people came back he went and hid himself in the pills of wealth. They saw that the place had been disorganized even though their wealth was still intact so they decided to search the place. They were removing the money he was found. They killed him, cut him into pieces and buried him. When they have buried the pieces they rejoiced that they have won. The brother waited for days but did not see his brother. He thought that something has happened to him. So he who known the place went back there to do as he normally does. When he got to the door he used the word Open Casement as usual and the door opened. He went in and found his brothers body cut to pieces. So he packed all the pieces of his brother’s body and a lot of wealth into a bag. He took all to there home. He then constructed a tailor to sew an overall for him. He blindfolded the tailor by tying a black cloth across his face; hence he made him sew his brother’s flesh together. After sewing him, he went in there with his brother. But the robbers came back to find out that neither the flash of the butchered boy nor their wealth was left. Consequently, the robbers started searching and the first port of call was the tailors house. They asked him whether he could sew a particular pattern for them. The tailor told them that he could sew anything. That a butchered person was brought to him the other day which he successfully sewed. They asked him where and when it happened and the tailor gave all information he knew about them. The robbers went and marked the door of the young mans house. Their plan was to attack that young man in the night and collect their stolen money back. However, the mans wife came out and saw the mark on their door. She wiped it off so that when the robbers came back they could not identify the house. For that reason they killed the man who went for the investigation. They had sent him to go and gather facts when he made the discovery from the tailor. Another person from their gang volunteered to find out what has been happening to their treasure. This second person suffered the same because the mans wife also wiped the identity mark on the door. After many trials, they decided to kill the defaulter. Therefore they acquired a mighty pot and put their tough killers inside the pot. At this juncture, they approached the man and told him that they have some oil to sell to him. In the night one of them ask the rest whether they were ready to carry out the attack. Fortunately, the young mans wife heard it and knew that this was the gang. She told her husband who boiled palm oil to several hundred degrees centigrade and poured into the pot. This killed all the members of the gang and the 40 who were remaining. Having done this, he took possession of all what the gang had. So you who go about stealing you have to learn your lesson. You have seen what happened to Alibaba and the 40 thieves. You have to be careful about the type of job you are doing for whatever you do to another must be done to you. What ever a man sows, same he must reap. Nothing can change this situation. Let the golden text be re-examined. GOLDEN TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 3:13 But evil man and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. EVIL MEN AND IMPOSTORS WILL GROW WORSE Have you seen what God did to Alibaba and the 40 thieves through only one person? You can see that upon all their wealth and big position in the community they were destroyed by one young man. This was a recompense for their evil ways. You are told that deceivers will increase in number. They shall continue to deceive and to be deceived. Why should you bother yourself in cheating and deceiving people having known that you would also be deceived? You should rather purify yourself and do good works. Do you still see those who started armed robbery? What about people like Anini and his group? What about those so-called powerful rogues in Europe and other parts of the world? Have they not passed away? Hence, if you deceive somebody, another person will deceive you. If you kill, you would be killed. Let everyone give himself a piece of advice and turn a new leaf for the truth has come. Some people are aware of their sins while others have theirs hidden. At the end, all shall be revealed. Some people have done good works but these have not been revealed. At the end all shall be revealed. If you are a member of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, accept to suffer so that evil and suffering would end in us it should not pass unto our children. There is no gain in telling lies, cheating and deceiving people. For whatever evil act you perpetuate against another person would also be fashioned against you. At the end you would reap the evil thereof. Beloved, we do not intend to take you further. For this is the last trumpet. A stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise; let he that has ears hear. May God bless his holy words Amen. THANK YOU FATHER
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 02:29:58 +0000

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