THE EXPENSIVE WORLD (by apostle paul Johnson Asamoah) We are - TopicsExpress


THE EXPENSIVE WORLD (by apostle paul Johnson Asamoah) We are living in the world whereby each day prices increase, never will you see things decrease but in your day in and day out you will always see things increase. Even in today’s world, you could see there is nothing God created that has not increased and this situation has affected everything known to be free. In this modern world there is nothing for free, even if you get something for free it will one day cost you. Let’s assume a woman from nowhere told you she was free, after getting involved with her, consequences follow. It is my prayer and hope that this message changes somebody’s life out there. In case of comparing two different cars, let’s assume you went out to buy yourself a car. Two cars were brought before you, both looked nice and appealing but one was for free and the other was sold at a very expensive price. Although they both looked elegant, which one do you think would be the best and perfect car that wouldn’t have more problems than a normal car should? Exactly! The expensive one, simply because good things don’t come for free. Now in the case of mankind, are you cheap or expensive? Are you of value or of no value? Are you giving in to the world already? Most Christians have given in too easily to the things of the world only because they do not value themselves and therefore settle for less. They’ve given in to the world because they do not know who they are; they do not know the value of Christ in them. They feel they should allow temptation to take over them simply because they think they aren’t strong enough in the Lord to resist those temptations-and that is being cheap. If Jesus had been cheap in His days, He would have given in to the temptations set before him by Satan and we wouldn’t have been saved. As a believer, you need to feel expensive! Since you are a born again, you are all that God says you are. You are expensive! Back to the things of the world, in order for you to get something of worth it has to cost you at least something. If only Most Christians knew the value of the kingdom of heaven, they would do ANYTHING to get there. Jesus said in order to follow Him you have to carry your own cross. That cross could be anything; it could be your desires, financial problems, anything at all. In this world nothing is for free, you have to suffer now to enjoy later. In the beginning God created all things; literally He created everything for us. Everything should be at our disposal but no, example is sand, water and many other things God created for us. The reason some people don’t have good marriages is because they couldn’t wait on the Lord, cheap things always come by so easy. They couldn’t wait on the Lord for the right person so they made themselves cheap and settled for the first person who bought them. Lesbians/ sodomites have made themselves so cheap, they settle for less than what God has purposed for them. The bible isn’t cheap; it has the most expensive things in the world. Just as wisdom can’t be sold so are the God-given words in the bible. Anyone who wants anything for free in the work of the Lord or as a Christian is like someone who doesn’t feel the need to add anything to the work of God simply because everything is free. This kind of person will not pay his tithes and offering, will not praise God wholeheartedly because he doesn’t see why he should give that much to God, this and many other things. It always costs people who see everything as free at the last moment. When you sacrifice unto the Lord, it shows love and acknowledgement unto the Lord. I would like to say God has feelings, He even said in His word that He is a JEALOUS God. He is also supposed to be shown love. How beautiful is it to give something to someone who REALLLY needs it and the person gives you a ten percent to you to show appreciation. God is so generous that even when you give Him little of what you have, He still appreciates it. How would you feel if someone who claims to love you gives all his/her attention to other things but you? Exactly how God feels, you’d rather spend that money on shoes and other things than to support His work. Brethren this is not only about tithes and offerings but other things like our companionship with God, our attention, our sacrifices unto God, our trust in Him. Do not say God is a spirit or God is God so he wouldn’t be that concerned about our relationship with Him because He is really interested in all that. Most people have not yet gotten to the point of making the right decisions in life (these are the cheap people). They would rather someone else make those decisions for them/ scared to make them lest they fail, all because they do not value themselves. Malachi 3:8-11, 12 says ‘‘‘will a man rob God? Yet you rob me, but you ask ‘how do we rob you??’ in tithes and offering! You are under a curse-the whole nation of you- because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty ‘and see if I will not thou open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that you will not have room for it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit.’ Says the lord’’ Some people are struggling or going through difficulties today and do not know why. Refusing to pay tithes can cause your life to be an unhappy one without measure. When God calls you into ministry and you don’t obey that calling, He takes it away from you. The love for free things will only make you take God’s word and work very lightly. Malachi urged the people to stop holding back their tithes and offerings. The tithing system began during the time of Moses (Duet 14:22). The Levite received some of the tithes because they could not possess lands of their own. During the time of Malachi, the people were not giving tithes so the Levites wanted to work and earn a living thereby neglecting their God-given responsibilities to care for the temple and for the service of worship. Everything we have is from God; so when we don’t return to Him a part of what He has given, we rob Him. Do you selfishly want to keep the 100% of what God gives to you or are you willing to return at least 10% for helping to advance God’s kingdom? The people ignored God’s command to give a tithe of their income to God’s temple. They may have feared losing what they had worked so hard to get, but in this they misjudged God. Luke 6:38 ‘’Give and it will be given unto you…’’. Before we think of robbing God, we should remember that, the blessings God promises are not always material and may not be experienced completely here on earth but we will certainly receive them in our future life with Him. Abraham did not live a cheap life but at some point he made himself cheap by getting involved with Haggai, he couldn’t wait on God any longer because only then would he give up on producing with Sarah. And even what Abraham did was from the permissible will of God but not the perfect will of God. This is what is going on in the lives of most Christians, just because the decisions they made hasn’t turn out wrong so far they come to the conclusion that it is God’s will. God allowing certain situations doesn’t always mean it is His will. Remember there are things that may seem right in the eyes of man but in the eyes of God it’s a one-way to destruction. Just ask yourself ‘’am I living according to the perfect will of God for my life or His permissible will?’’. We already know in the previous chapters that we are able to solve problems through the word of God. Today, how much is a bible? Very expensive, although not that expensive compared to other stuff, the quality of it is more than any other expensive thing in the world. Expensive things keep long that is why the Bible has been and will forever be the oldest book in history because of its unique knowledge and extraordinary wisdom that comes with it. Assuming you’ve been given two flowers by your boss to take care of, and you provide everything necessary for flower A to be in good shape and leave flower B to destroy because you claim you do not have enough money to be used on Flower B. Between these two flowers you are to keep both for yourself, in the mind of your boss he wants to see which one you are capable of taking very good care of so that you may keep it. So your boss comes back and finds out that you’ve taken very good care of the first flower unlike the second one, he then gives flower A to you and throws flower B away. Now about that scenario, you can compare to the kingdom of God. As a Christian He has given you two homes- your spiritual home and worldly home, and in order for you to take care of your spiritual home you have to take care of things like faith, love, and everything the bible says in order for your home to be in good shape, and with your worldly home you only have to do the opposite of that. Out of lust, desire for the things of the world you decide to take very good care of your worldly home instead of your spiritual home. He comes to find out you’ve taken care of your worldly home better. So He lives you with your worldly home and destroys your spiritual home in him. And as we all know worldly things never last long so why don’t we build up our treasures in heaven. Why don’t we spend our money, time, love and many other things to help advance the kingdom of God instead of allowing ourselves to be lured by the things of the world. We have to suffer for Him; we have to sacrifice to get there! That is how expensive the kingdom of God is! I don’t know if what I’m about to say happens in your country, but here in Africa what usually goes on here is the lights are out most of the time. Especially in countries like Ghana, Nigeria.etc it’s mostly in hotels, big churches, restaurants that generators are used whenever the lights go out due to technical problems. People who can’t afford generators use lanterns, candles, torch/ flash light etc for lights. Assuming you were caught up in this situation, would you say you would sleep in the dark and for how long? If people have been able to find ways and means to get light when the lights are out, what makes you think you can’t find ways and means to make life in Christ enjoyable? Don’t say ‘’ I don’t have money to buy microphones, support the poor and many other good things so I won’t force myself, after all it’s about me and not others’’. Brother, sister! Find means, there are so many decent ways to earn money these days, don’t let what you don’t have or anything at all stop you from doing the work of God or your calling. People who spend little money at all times are those who waste more money than those who have it in bulk. Example someone going to the laundry every now and then and someone who owns a washing machine, who spends more? Same applies to our Christian lives; most of us can’t buy the already-packed-Jesus which contains the money, joy, wealth, power (over demons, serpents and the enemy), authority, blessings- and many other sweet things in Christ Jesus, they then try to get all these from all kinds of source. They go to Juju for money, they fornicate for pleasure, and they use devious means to gain authority over people. You may ask, how is it costing them? The bible made us understand that, it going to cost them their souls. I tell you this, if you are in Christ, you have all these, the pleasure in God, the money, authority, joy in the spirit and even the pleasure the world craves from the wonderful spouse he provides. Learn from these people Dorcas and Abraham. God bless you. Be vigilant, what you think is nothing serious might cost you a lot tomorrow. Start planning now, not by yourself but by the spirit. Allow the Spirit to guide you in your decisions for When God is the one planning for you, everything turns out perfect. Jer 29:11 ‘’ for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans for the future’’. Do you have a plan? Plan well to live an excellent life in our world of expensive things. Heaven is expensive, hell is cheap. When you wear a neat cloth, you keep yourself neat because you don’t want to soil it. When you wear dirty cloth, you move about anyhow, thinking that the cloth is already dirty and at times you even make it dirtier. May we live our lives like the Holy people that we are. Let us put God first in all things. Let us learn to give God His part of share whenever something comes our way so that He may use what we’ve given to Him to deliver us in our times of trouble like what He did for Dorcas, psalm 41. This world of expensive things will help you to rather fully depend on God for everything. Depend fully on the WORD of God not on the things of the WORLD. The bible says in 2 cor 4:4 ‘’ the good of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.’’ God has blinded the unbelievers that they cannot see what evil goes on around them. Their hearts are hardened that they cannot see the truth of the gospel of God. As Christians we should be grateful we have life in Christ. We should be grateful that out of the many that were called by God, we are part of the chosen ones and that we are not blinded by the things of the world to see the goodness of the Lord. Let us not waste this opportunity to see God, by living according to the word of God. I prophesy today, that within this month and the months ahead will be a month of glory, a month of breakthrough. May the God of gods, King OF all kings position your life and guide your ways for His purpose. Fulfill all your wishes in Christ. Is it your wish to pray for others; is it giving; is it the David-kind of worshipping and praising God? Don’t let anything stop you from fulfilling those. God knows the future and He plans for us, good and full of hopes. As long as the God who knows all provides our needs every day, and takes care of our agenda-day in and day out as we fulfill His mission and plan for His people, we can be rest assured that our future is full of abundant blessings and boundless hope. We will be spared pain, suffering, hardship but that God has in stored for us. God will see us through this expensive world to a very glorious end. God bless you for taking the time to go through this message inspired by the spirit of God who is our helper in all things. I hope you have been blessed through this ministration. Don’t forget to count on God for help and not the world. Stay blessed child of God. Reach Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah for any kind of direction and begin to finance God’s ministry if you are not for His ministry isn’t for Africa but to everyone, even Jesus called for HELP in the book of Luke 8:1,2,3 , Matt 27:55,56, Matt 14:1, these people did what I call kingdom life insurance in the ministry of Jesus Christ, this is the time to join the kingdom life insurance, if you want to join this family please assign, call or send a message, those who have joined-their life have never been the same, God bless you, I love you but Jesus’ love for you is far beyond mine, stay blessed! Power Life Prophetic Ministries Post Office Box Dc 936 Dansoman Market, Accra Ghana West Africa. Tel: 233244657468 jesusfm921
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:25:26 +0000

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