THE FACT YOU ARE NOT DEAD IN YOUR STORM: KEEP WALKING. The broken road you find yourself on is not an accident. When you make it to your destiny God will be glorified. Do not stop walking because the terrain of jungle of life has worn you down. Before becoming King David had many broken roads. He had to run away from the very King he helped when the army of Israel could not face the giant in the valley. He was taken to the palace for that very important achievement and for the same achievement he had to run away from the palace to save his life. In life that which they need for; is the same reason they may reject you. It is not you. It is who they are. Keep walking. You get married and your mother in law is full of praise of you for getting married to her child. A few days later she hates for the same reason that she loved for. It is not you. It the nature of life and people. They give you a job because they had been looking for somebody like you. Five years later they fire you for the same reason they hired you. It is not what you have done but the broken road you have to travel. Keep walking. There is a better place waiting. A baby is born to you. You are full of praise for you child. He comes home drunk and he is only 16 years later you wonder how you can disassociate yourself from your son. She was a princess at birth. You told everybody you must rash home to be with your daughter. She is 17 and pregnant. She has brought shame to you. You hate everything about the fact that you love her and she pregnant. You blame yourself. Do not blame self. It is the broken road you must travel. There is nothing wrong with the way live your life. It is you to find how to accommodate the short comings of people. They will always disappoint you. You have already disappointed God but He still loves. It is by grace that you are still traveling on this broken road. Keep traveling. Your sunshine is coming soon. Do not stop walking because of the broken road. The broken road is part of your journey. The fact that you are not dead on this broken road is reason enough to keep walking. It is your life. You win when you walk. Keep walking.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:54:55 +0000

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