THE FACTS AGAINST COMPULSORY VACCINATION-1929 Declaration by Dr. - TopicsExpress


THE FACTS AGAINST COMPULSORY VACCINATION-1929 Declaration by Dr. John P. Koehler, Commissioner of Health of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in an article in the Wisconsin Medical Journal, November, 1925. “Since people cannot be vaccinated against their will, the biggest job of a health department has always been, and always will be, to persuade the unprotected people to get vaccinated. This we attempted to do in three ways: first by education; second by fright; and third, by pressure. We dislike very much to mention fright and pressure, yet they accomplish more than education, because they work faster than education, which is normally a slow process.” Have their tactics changed? Do you think these so-called outbreaks are real? Has their been an outbreak in your area? With this type of an attitude, do you think that the health departments of today believe in honesty? Is it not their goal to poison everybody in the world? Do you now understand when you talk to a doctor today and express your doubts, they become outraged? And if their nice, maybe they just don’t want to lose business and figure eventually you will change your mind? Do you really think that these people are looking out for your child’s best interest? EDUCATE BEFORE YOU MEDICATE INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU VACCINATE If you have just read my posts on Titer Tests-Herd immunity-Antibodies-and Virus Shedding and this post you will now understand that the whole message of the vaccine and drug sellers are a mix of lies, and fabrication and fear and intimidation are the tools they use to brainwash the masses through the headline hungry media who hasn’t did any investigative reporting in years. The head liar is Paul Offit.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:42:27 +0000

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