THE FAILED ELDER CALLED OBASANJO: (pt 1) CONFRONTING JONATHAN Obasanjo is confronting GEJ because the president is a gentleman. He could not try it with the late President Umaru Yar’ Adua, who was much tougher and savvier in the game of power than Jonathan. As sick as Yar’Adua was, he was able to curtail Obasanjo’s goat-seller mentality and keep him tightly leashed. Those were the days when people like Nasir el Rufai actually bolted to America and only returned to become a troublemakers because Jonathan is a gentleman. This same Obasanjo troubled General Babangida when the latter was in power because Babangida respected him. But when he tried it with Abacha, we know what happened. Obasanjo came out of jail in 1998 looking like an EXHUMED CORPSE! ***** OBASANJO THE THIEF: Besides, Obasanjo is a master in the game of hypocrisy. He likes to call other people thieves, and he is the first to accuse another person of being corrupt. The idea is to divert attention from his own unquantifiable deeds that fabulously enriched him, both as a military leader and elected president. Sound Sultan, has a song he entitled: “One day bushmeat go catch de hunter“. In it he sang: “Ole de shout ole”.When you catch a pickpocket red-handed, to avoid being lynched he begins to shout: “ole!, ole!!” (Thief!Thief!!). Was it not under Obasanjo that bags of money meant to induce lawmakers to impeach a political enemy of the president were displayed in the House of Representatives? Yet he calls Senators “looters”. *************** STILL THE ROUGE PA OBASANJO; As corrupt as Abacha was, when Abacha raised the pump prices of petroleum in 1994 he established the Petroleum Trust Fund, PTF and used the proceeds to intervene in infrastructural reconstruction. Where did Obasanjo put proceeds of eight price hikes that took fuel price from N22 to N65 per litre over eight years? At least, Jonathan ploughs back his own increase from N65 to N97 into a fuel subsidy regime that guarantees steady fuel supply and funds for the implementation of Subsidy Re-investment Programmes, SURE-P, nationwide. Fuel subsidy was bedevilled by corruption, but it is working. We are enjoying it. But we can’t see anything Obasanjo did with his own extra N43 per litre. Billions were sunk into the refineries but they never worked. Billions were wasted on Independent Power Plants, but turbines were imported and left for years at the ports because they could not be moved inland. Government companies were sold for pennies to fronts and cronies. But in four years, Jonathan has laid down a clear agenda to overcome the challenges of the power sector. It is very slow-going, but is moving forward, with zero reports of corruption in the sector which is now mainly in private hands. ********** BURUJI KASHAMU is a Drug Baron? by OBJ To Pa Obasanjo, Recall that when the former Governor of Ogun state, Otunba Gbenga Daniel seized the PDP structure from you in 2008/2009, it was this same “drug baron” whom you aligned with to create parallel party structure and institute legal action against the party. It was this same man who secured the court judgment that eventually got your faction of the PDP recognized by the National leadership ahead of the 2011 General elections. “Your daughter, then Senator Iyabo Obasanjo worked closely with this same Prince Kashamu to protect and defend your sagging and diminishing political interest and relevance in your local turf in the state. “This was a period when Buruji’s frequent visit to your Abeokuta Hill top residence was always greeted with celebrative feasting on bowls of pounded yam and egusi soup! The question is what were you telling your “foreign friends” about this man then? “While I do not intend to hold brief for Prince Kashamu, I am constrained to ask how come you just suddenly realized that this was a notorious drug baron unworthy of being associated with? ********** GEJ AND SABOTEURS Yes indeed, Jonathan has his problems as a leader. He is too laid back and calm about taking down corrupt people, but he himself is not corrupt. I guess believe he doesnt want to over heat the already polity. if GEJ decides to take these corrupt people down, especially those in opposition, it would be labelled witch hunting. if he openly takes down those in his government, they will term his overall government as corrupt. Honestly, I don’t like the way Jonathan has handled Boko Haram. If he had done the needful things two years ago, Boko Haram wouldnt have had the guts and strength they have today. One of such mistakes was bowing to pressure to retain the Govs of the states where State of Emergency was declared. There are also reasons to believe that if the Jonathan regime was given the support needed, it would have recorded more successes than any other govt in our history, even though on the scale, Jonathan has performed better than any President in history, but he could have done better if not for saboteurs. The quest by regional hawks and evils to snatch power by all means, tied to the Boko Haram terror war and demonic jackal-like opposition, have taken a toll on all of us. No regime has been sabotaged by the same people it strives to save from their enemies the way some Northern leaders have undermined the Jonathan regime. People who destroyed Nigeria in their 40 years of total brigandage are ganging up as the “opposition” to return us to where they left us in 1999, and Obasanjo has become their fire-eating generalissimo. former Speaker, House of Representatives, Umar Ghali Na’Abbasaid: that if Obasanjo looks into the mirror he will see the trouble with Nigeria. The goat seller wants his goat back after pocketing his profit. Well, Nigeria is not Obasanjo’s goat. The earlier he gets the message the better for him – and us all. Obasanjo’s estranged daughter, Iyabo Obasanjo, in a letter in January this year in which she disowned her father, told us Obasanjo believes in his heart he “owns” Nigeria. President Jonathan, in his own rejoinder to a windy, scathing attack by Obasanjo, likened the Ota farmer to a goat seller who, after selling his goat and pocketing the money, still holds on to the goat’s tether rope. In other words, Obasanjo, after handpicking and installing people in power, seeks to control them. When they refuse to be at his beck and call, he starts to fight dirty in the public square because he has come to see the Nigerian seat of power as his personal booty. ELDERSTATESMAN? OBASANJO IS JUST AND ELDER------------------- HE IS NOT A STATESMAN (Inspired by Oceherome Nnanna)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:55:02 +0000

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