THE FATHER OF ALL CREATION… ††† “Have we not all one - TopicsExpress


THE FATHER OF ALL CREATION… ††† “Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?” Malachi 2:10. God is the Father of all creation but Satan is a father too-father of all lies. The Bible tells us in clear terms in the book of Revelations that all those who make a lie will not have a part in the eternal life agenda of God but rather they will have their part in hell- a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Who is your father? The question is very pertinent and there is no middle of the road answer to this all-important question. Your father is either God or Satan. You are either in the light or in darkness, saved or lost, dead in sin or alive in God, struggling or at rest in Him, delivered or deceived. You are a neutral tree whose produce depends on who is programming you by his/His word. You cannot remain neutral for long; the fence you are likely to sit upon has collapsed. This is the day of decision. Satan is the father of lies and deceit; that is, lies and deceit are the wares, which he constantly exhibits, and sells to the ignorant, simple and those willing to buy. The ignorant are those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death. They are bound in affliction and iron because they have made a purchase from the father and seller of deadly wares. What they purchase makes them rebel against the word of God and to despise the counsel of the Most High. The result is that God brings down their hearts with labour. They fall and find none to help in time of great affliction. The ignorant are gullible who swallow everything as presented without checking. They are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. They believe man more than God and His word because of a label ‘the man of God’. CONCLUSION!!! The question now is; who is your father? If you are a lover of this world and follow so deeply after the fashion of this world, you have just shown that your father is the devil. Jesus himself said that what he sees the Father Doeth is what he does also. Our God is love, if you don’t show love to your neighbour you just proved that you serve the devil and that he is your father. The time is short, is all those who truly have given their lives to Christ that can be called the joint heir with Christ and Children of God; trust me this comes with loads of benefits. Choose this day WHO you will serve, is it going to be God or the devil? The choice is yours. Repent and keep the faith!!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:45:54 +0000

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