THE FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT * This is not the time to deceive - TopicsExpress


THE FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT * This is not the time to deceive any person, either with vision or dream or otherwise. It is said the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of Jehovah God and His Christ. (Rev 11:15). *THE FIRST ADAM WAS A CHILD OF GOD, AND THE SECOND ADAM WAS A CHILD OF GOD. THE THIRD ADAM IS THE MANIFESTATION OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE HAS BEEN GIVEN ALL POWER AND AUTHORITY WITH WHICH TO RULE THE WHOLE WORLD. HE THEREFORE HAS NOT COME AS A PREACHER OR PROPHET OR A MESSENGER, BUT AS A KING WITH POWER AND AUTHORITY TO RULE HEAVEN AND EARTH. * IN THE SAME MANNER HE HAS COME AGAIN, NOT ANSWERING JESUS, BUT WITH A NEW NAME AND WITH A ROD OF IRON TO RULE THE WORLD. HE HAS COME WITH A NEW NAME WHICH IS WRITTEN BENEATH HIS GARMENT WHICH NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT HIMSELF. Brethren the three texts form the basis of our sermon. This is not the time to deceive any person, either with vision or dream or otherwise. It is said the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of Jehovah God and His Christ. (Rev 11:15). It is also said that what was done to the Israelites shall also be done unto the Gentiles. His coming had been revealed, and this is the time for the manifestation of the revelation. It was revealed that a young girl would give birth to a male child, and his name will be Emmanuel. It was also revealed that a woman shall deliver a man child who will rule the world with a rod of iron. All power in heaven and on earth, according to the revelation, is handed unto this man-child. The revelation has been fulfilled this day but the world does not know Him. The world is instead gazing into the sky, going to the mountain tops and gathering stones and sticks to seek for power and help. Why has this wisdom eluded the whole world? The problems of the world are brought about by this ignorance. When you say that you cannot worship any man, who was the one who ascended? Was he a stone or a stick or a fish or an angel? Which angel has God ever told, Ye are my son and this day have I begotten thee? (Heb 1:5). The angel made it clear through the revelation that the man-child shall be brought forth by a woman. In the first advent His name was given as Jesus, the Emmanuel, meaning God with man. But this time around the mystery is that no name has been given. But it is said in the scriptures that He will come with an iron rod to rule the world. Therefore if you fail to know and recognize this person who had been empowered to rule the world with an iron rod and into whose hands all power in heaven and on earth is entrusted, you are doomed. If all power and authority is given to this being that you refuse to recognize, what will you do on the day of judgement? All the trees, stones, angels and the rest of the creatures bow down and worship Him. If you, man, refuse to worship Him, from where will your salvation come? Do you remember what happened to Lucifer? In the case of Our Lord Jesus Christ it was prophesied that a young girl should bring forth a male child and His name shall be called Jesus. But in this case, the revelation is that a woman shall bring forth a man child who will rule the world with a rod of iron. This latter revelation has since been fulfilled, and the man child is ruling with a rod of iron. The problem with the world is that they do not know Him, and instead of seeking to know and recognize Him they are saying that they cannot worship a man. THE FIRST ADAM WAS A CHILD OF GOD, AND THE SECOND ADAM WAS A CHILD OF GOD. THE THIRD ADAM IS THE MANIFESTATION OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE HAS BEEN GIVEN ALL POWER AND AUTHORITY WITH WHICH TO RULE THE WHOLE WORLD. HE THEREFORE HAS NOT COME AS A PREACHER OR PROPHET OR A MESSENGER, BUT AS A KING WITH POWER AND AUTHORITY TO RULE HEAVEN AND EARTH. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME TODAY, TOMORROW, AND FOREVER. (Heb 13:8). The first Christ was given superintendency over the fishes in water, the birds of the air, the animals in the bushes, the trees and all the things created by God. Since that time that the authority was given to Him, has He been dethroned? Or has that authority been taken away from Him? He came back to continue His kingship in the kingdom of His Father which endures forever. At that time His itinerary was not made a matter of: no cross, no crown. IN THE SAME MANNER HE HAS COME AGAIN, NOT ANSWERING JESUS, BUT WITH A NEW NAME AND WITH A ROD OF IRON TO RULE THE WORLD. HE HAS COME WITH A NEW NAME WHICH IS WRITTEN BENEATH HIS GARMENT WHICH NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT HIMSELF. Those of you who question why the Father has not revealed this wisdom to the entire world, have you forgotten Herods intention and plans when he heard that a king was born? To make sure that he had no rival and no other person reigned during his life-time, Herod ordered that all male children of particular ages be killed. That shows you how wonderful man is. But unfortunately for man, God is all-knowing. If God were to disclose to the world, like it was done in the case of Jesus Christ, human beings and governments would rise up in arms against such a person. Nobody knows whether he is black or white for now. As the heaven is higher than the earth, so also has Gods wisdom surpassed mans. (Isa 55:9). How will you be able to know this person who is destined to rule the world with a rod of iron and who has been trusted with all power and authority in heaven and on earth? It is written that he will come like a thief in the night. (1 Thes 5:2). A fool at forty is said to be a fool forever. Being fooled once is understandable; but to be fooled a second time means you are a fool forever. God has since realized that messengers and prophets and even His Begotten Son, He has been sending down end up being slain by man. THAT IS WHY THIS TIME AROUND, HE HAS DECIDED TO COME BY HIMSELF AND WITH FULL GRACE. HIS ADVENT HAS THEREFORE ELUDED THE ENTIRE WORLD. The world is wasting its time, energy and money to visit the sun, moon, and stars and the rest of the planets to investigate and try to find out this mystery. They are merely wasting their time because power and authority over all the planets is in the hands of this being whose identity they are trying to unravel. If your enemy intends to go to war with you and he has one thousand soldiers while you have only twenty, the only remedy is for you to go and make peace with him. Initially the world had thought this kingdom to be a thing to joke with. But they have realized that it is not something to toy with. When a child is born in the world, the people will try to investigate through various ways to know what kind of a person that child will grow up to be. If they realize that the child is likely to be prominent, they will find one way or the other to eliminate that child. FOR THOSE WHO ARE AWAITING THE ARRIVAL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST FROM THE SKY, IF IT SHOULD HAPPEN LIKE THAT WHAT DO YOU THINK THE ENEMIES WOULD DO? WOULD THEY ALLOW HIM TO LAND AT ALL? And if He has to land at all, where will He land? With the human laws over the land, sea and air, where will the people allow Him to land? The same thing that happened to the Israelites and the people of old is repeating itself today. It was stated in their books that Elijah shall come before the Messiah. (Matt 11:10-15). To make matters worse for them, Elijah was taken up in the manner that was known by the people, and because of that all of them expected him to come back in that manner before the arrival of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore when Christ the Messiah arrived without the appearance of Elijah as stated in their books, the people disbelieved Him. Even up till now, the Israelites are still expecting the arrival of Elijah. Their hearts were further hardened to enhance their disbelief because of their ill will and evil intentions. THE SAME THING CONTINUES TODAY. THE PEOPLE FAILED TO KNOW THAT JOHN THE BAPTIST WHO WAS BROUGHT FORTH BY ELISABETH, WAS THE ELIJAH WHO HAD COME TO HERALD THE COMING OF JESUS CHRIST (MATTHEW 11:14/ MARK 9:11-13). Herod ask the wise men to inform him after seeing the new-born king so that he too could go and worship him. If the wise men had gone back to inform him, would Herod not have gone straight, or sent soldiers, to kill Him? AS GOD HID THAT KNOWLEDGE OF THE NEW KING FROM THAT GENERATION, SO ALSO HAS HE HIDDEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE IRON ROD RULER FROM THE PRESENT GENERATION. He has said in John 14: 19 that, Yet a little while the world seeth me no more; but ye see me; because I live, ye shall live also. Therefore when you pray God to reveal this mystery to the whole world, do you imagine what eyes they would want to see this kingdom with? THOSE WHOM HE DESIRES TO SEE AND TO KNOW HIM HE HAS REVEALED HIMSELF UNTO THEM. The worldly people are unbelievers and they do not like the truth. If you want to pass through a place where your enemies are, you have to do so quietly. Equally, if you want to go and rob somebody and you set off from your house with a bell and a public address system, ringing and shouting as you walk ahead, before ever you reach your destination, information shall have reached him and he would appropriately get himself ready for you or he would simply flee the house. He has come like a thief to surprise and arrest all who do not believe in Him and also resist His governance. In any case, what concerns us today is the revelation of the angel about the man-child and what will happen. The angel did not say that He will descend from the sky. The meaning of the passage is that: AS HE CAME AS A MAN, IN LIKE MANNER, SHALL HE COME BACK. Man has eyes but cannot see, has ears but cannot hear, and the mind but cannot perceive. Their hearts have further been hardened so that they would continue in their ignorance. EVEN AS THE MESSIAH WAS BROUGHT FORTH BY A WOMAN, SO ALSO SHALL THE ONE WHO WILL RULE THE WORLD WITH A ROD OF IRON BE BROUGHT FORTH BY A WOMAN. ALL POWER, AUTHORITY AND GLORY IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO HIM. IF THEREFORE YOU SAY YOU CANNOT WORSHIP MAN, BUT YOU PREFER TO WORSHIP STONES, TREES, WATER, LEAF, OR SAND, HAS GOD EVER GIVEN HIS POWER TO THESE ELEMENTS AS HE GAVE MAN? THIS THING IS NOT REVEALED TO YOU SO THAT YOU WILL GO AND PREACH TO UNBELIEVERS. IT IS REVEALED TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE AS ONE WHO HAS BEEN CALLED IN HERE TO SHARE IN THE MARRIAGE FEAST AND ALSO SO THAT YOU WILL GIRD UP YOUR LOINS. The disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ asked Him why He spoke to other people in parables, but spoke to them, the disciples, in plain language? He told them it been written that he who has little, the same will be taken away from him and added to that of the person who has much. (Matt 25:29).God has further blinded the eyes and blocked the ears of those who doubt and disbelieve so that they will not see and hear. He has also hardened their hearts that they may not believe. But He has opened the eyes and ears of those who are His children and broadened their minds to understand His injunctions and obey and to behold his glory. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: HE HAS COME TO REIGN
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:49:34 +0000

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