THE FIBBA(K) CONSTITUTION ROUGH DRAFT THE CONSTITUTION. NAME: FITNESS INSTRUCTORS, BODYBUILDERS AND BOUNCERS ASSOCIATION. OBJECTIVES: The association is neither a political, tribal, racial nor a religious organization and its main objectives shall be: 1. To promote unity amongst the member of the society/ societies. 2. To assist in offsetting burial expenses of its members and their families. Assistance includes partial or in full depending on the total amount.( Where the family here refers to the Member’s wife/husband and children not exceeding two). 3. To educate, promote and motivate the community on the benefits of regular exercise and physical activities. 4. Promote and organize bodybuilding and fitness events. 5. To help in communal activities i.e. cleaning, blood donation and other awareness activities. 6. Act as a link between its members (Bodybuilders, Fitness instructors and Bouncers) and the willing employers/employers (Gym/Health club owners, Disco clubs and others). 7. Act as goodwill ambassadors for their respective counties/Country. MEMBERSHIP: 1. Must be a residence of that county. 2. Have attained a minimum age of 13yrs. 3. Open to non citizens as long as one is a residence as at 1. 4. Must pay a non refundable membership fee of 200ksh. 5. Should pay a monthly contribution of 50ksh. 6. An extra 200 shall be paid by a member at their convenience time for identification card processing. NB: The membership card should be returned on membership dismissal, cancellation or resignation. POSITIONS AND FUNCTIONS: It shall consist of the following posts: 1. Chairperson and the vice chairperson. 2. Secretary and the vice secretary. 3. Treasurer. 4. Organizing secretary and the assistance organizing secretary. 5. Public relation officer. 6. Three committee members. 7. Two disciplinary committee members. 8. The patron. THE CHAIRPERSON: i. Should be elected by members and a permanent residence of the county. ii. Chairs all the meetings. iii. Call meetings and prepares agenda with the secretary. iv. Signatory to bank accounts and all other financial transaction. v. Keep photocopies of all bank transactions. vi. Has mandate or authority to suspend for the sitting in progress any committee member who utters statements or does activities which may cause breach of conduct in the society. The member shall be given chance to apologize, withdraw his/her statement or both if he/she fails then suspension will definitely be effected… The committee shall ratify the suspension. NB: Assistant chairperson carries out chairperson’s responsibility in the latter’s absence. SECRETARY: i. Should be an elected member and a permanent residence of the county. ii. Takes minutes of all meetings. iii. Signatory to bank account. iv. Deal with all correspondence of the society. NB: Assistant secretary carries out all the secretary’s responsibilities in latter’s absence. TREASURER: i. Should be an elected member and a permanent residence of the county. ii. Will be custodian of all funds generated by the society. iii. Will produce all banking statements or slips on request during meetings. iv. Signatory to bank accounts. v. Will give financial position of the society during meetings on request by members. vi. Should have a minimum of form 4 level of education. vii. Must be known as a man/woman of a level of integrity beyond reproach. PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER: i. Should be an elected member. ii. Will be immediate supervisor of all proposed projects or activities to ensure their success. iii. Should be a sociable person. iv. Will help in establishing and/or maintaining good relationship between the society and the public. v. Will solicit for information’s on how best to establish or run certain activities or projects and submit report to the committee. vi. Relays messages from the committee to the public and vise versa. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: i. Should be an elected member and must be: - Active and ready to volunteer in his/her services. - He/she is a watchdog to the executive committee. - Can call for special meetings by notifying the chairman in writing 7 days before the date of the meeting. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE. i. Enforce discipline in the society to safeguard the interest of its members as per the society act. ii. Resolve conflicts/ disputes arising in the society. iii. Shall work in harmony with P. R. O office who will convey information from the society managing committee to the disciplinary committee and vise versa where P. R. O is not subject. PATRON: i. He is the permanent member of the society. ii. Fully participate in the running of the society. iii. Help in financing the clubs activities PRINCIPLES IN ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE CODE OF CONDUCT IN THE SOCIETY. 1. Officials not attending scheduled meeting without notice should be fined not less than 500/- 2. Incase tragedy befalls a member i.e. death the society shall take partial or full responsibility after thorough investigation. 3. If a member is bereaved, the society shall take responsibility as in 2. But in the event where their is legal conflict no action will be taken until the issue has been resolved. 4. Any member of the society causing animosity among members or does activities that lead to breach of peace in the society shall be liable for a fine not less than 500/-or face dismissal. 5. Dignity of the society office must be respected, Any member found guilty of the offence after the ruling by the disciplinary committee shall be liable of either a fine of 500/- or dismissal. 6. All matter regarding the club should be channeled through the executive office of the society. 7. In the event of death as defined in the constitution, the executive office shall be required to form a subcommittee of three members to co- ordinate religiously with the P. R. O. office on burial arrangements. 8. Members must be notifies earlier to start contributing for the funeral arrangements. 9. Any member who fails to attend a meeting without apology shall pay a fine of 100/- 10. Members should not miss three consecutive meetings as this will lead to dismissal. 11. ELECTIONS: a) TYPES:- General election, to be held after every two years from the date of previous election. -By elections, To be held when an office falls vacant either due to dismissal, resignation Or death of the officer in the respective office. MEETINGS: i. General meeting, to be held once every months. ii. Special meetings, can be called anytime need arises. iii. Annual general meeting shall be held after every 12 calendar months after the previous AGM. - Chairman shall read his report. - Treasurer report be read. - Any constitutional amendment shall be discussed. - Agenda of the meeting shall be sent to all members in writing 21 days before the meeting date with annual account statements. - New office bearers to be elected(after every two years). - Appointment of auditors and auditor reports. PROCEDURE OF THE MEETINGS: i. In all society meetings the chairperson or in his/her absence vice- chairperson or in the absence of both of them a member selected by the meeting shall take the chair. ii. Chairman may at his own discretion limit the number of persons permitted to speak in favor of or against any motion. iii. Resolution shall be decided by simple voting by shows of hands in case of equality of votes the chairman shall have a second casting votes. iv. Quorum for general meeting shall be not less than 1/4 of the registered the society members. FINANCE: i. Registration fees. ii. Monthly contribution. iii. Well wishers. iv. Fundraising. v. Projects e.g. Events steward, bodybuilding contests, commission on Fitness instructors. vi. Borrowing from other societies or organizations vii. Credit and loan facilities from other institutions. RULES AND REGULATIONS: i. A member who fails to give his/her monthly contribution for two consecutive months will be reminded in writing to explain to the committee there after she or he will automatically cease to be a member of the society after three months. ii. Any member who terminates his/her membership with the society or dismissed shall not be reimbursed any of the contribution made by him/her over the membership period. iii. A member who wants to be re instated must pay a fine of 500/- and pay all his/her outstanding contributions in arrears from the date she left the society. His old membership will thus be reactivated. iv. Members will be required to fill confidential forms(NOMINATION FORM)stating clearly your name, Id no., your spouse(ONLY ONE) and children(only two). Proof for the children and the wife must be produced. v. A member will be required to fill NOTIFICATION FORM if a tragedy befalls him/her. The society will act on the strength on the form not by what you say or we hear. vi. Incase where spouses are all members the society will treat them as separate entity. vii. To be eligible for an office post one should have stayed as a member for at least one year. viii. Incase a member sues the society he/she automatically loose membership and benefits. AMMENDMENTS: These rules may be amended in accordance with the societies act and rule, but no amendment shall become effective until approved and registered by the responsible ministry. DISSOLUTIONS: 1. The society may be dissolved in accordance with the procedures set forth in this constitution and the clubs act. 2. An emergency general meeting should be convened to pass resolutions in an event where the society has to be dissolved. The quorum for such meeting should be three quarters of the registered members. 3. If there is a vote of no confidence in the office the resolution should be passed by three quarter of the registered members. BENEFITS: 1. In an event of a members death or his/her spouse the society will give 10,000/- while each member will contribute 200/- to facilitate in burial. 3-5 members will be funded by the society for the burial. 2. In the event of members child death from a day to 2yrs, members will contribute 100/- each. 3. Where the child is unmarried and more than 18years each member will contribute 50/-. 4. For children from 2-18 years the society will give 10,000/- each member to contribute 200/-, where the death happens at ancestral home members will contribute 50/- each. 5. In case a member is involved in a serious accident the society shall call a meeting and find a way of assisting the member.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 11:44:52 +0000

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