THE FIFA SUSPENSION, RULE OF LAW AND SOVEREIGNTY: Amidst the euphoria of the World Cup, the soccer governing body, FIFA banned Nigeria from participating in all Football events. A punitive ban that will derail our participation in any soccer event both at Local and International Level. FIFA cited the reason of the ban to being the ouster oif the Maigari led exco by a Plateau State High Court and the concomittant appointment of a sole administrator pending the hearing oif the suit. The background of this development culminated from a law suit filed(I have tried to ascertain the cause of action, but to no avail) in the high court, the Plaintiff sought some interlocutory orders, which the court granted pendind the determination of the suit. The interlocutory relief lead to the temporary ouster of the Maigari led excos. Temporary because the court is yet to determine on the merits the substantive suit that would have the effect of permanently or oitherwise sacking Maigari and his excos. It was@ this impasse that the FIFA hammer fail! I am not unmindful of the fact that FIFA statutes frowns against non elected officials, elected pursuant to NFF statutes administering the countrys soccer. But my worry is, how do we place this ban in the light of our laws. The court order is simply interloctory not final. The Congress of the NFA apparently to herald a new exco comes up in August. The question is how does the scenerio painted above suggest an interference by Government. The Acting FA were appointed pursuant to the Courts order, to hold forte pending the determination of the suit. They are not permanent excos since the FA would soon have a congress. Is FIFA indirectly saying that they have no regards for Court of Laws, so when the Court acting pursuant to its powers makes an order, it is noiw construed an interference? Is FIFA, a voluntary association trying to scuttle our municipal laws potency? Does FIFA Ordinance override our laws cum constituted authorities?..... What does this ban portend for our country? What really is interference? What is the real reason for the ban? Gentlemen let us brainstorm....Good morning!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:09:57 +0000

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