THE FILIAL PIETY CREDO OF THE FILIPINO-CITIZEN-SOLDIER (MILITIA*) Lemme rename it for mah FB-readership as: FILIPINO-MILITIAs* CREDO OF FILIAL PIETY Bro. Mar, ah concur with you on Creed of Filial Piety - except unto whom you want us to dedicate to...which to you, are: God, Country & (Filipino)-People. Tis with the last two objects-of-Our-Filial-Piety is where ah disagree with you, Mar. And probably, youre very wrong as you read this post in your suspicions about what you presumed is mah evil drift in this particular regard. Hehehe!!! Well, lemme elaborate, thus... COUNTRY, your obvious 2nd priority-object of Our Filial Piety Credo, consists of the entire territorial lands, waters (interisland seas and intercontinental sea-shelves), atmospherics and all the natural resources thereof... of a distinct geopolítical place on the face of Planet Earth that is globally-designated and well-known as the Republic of the Philippines. Since from the economic point-of-view, the living natural resources of any particular geopolítical unit includes its fauna, flora and people, so the Filipino People is a constituent and inseparable part-parcel-and-portion of the COUNTRY youve pinpointed as, ah presume, the second-to-Almighty-God most important object of Our Filial Piety Creed. Which ah find objectionable because PEOPLE makes, from the geopolítical standpoint, whatever is known as a Country - so much so that the absence of People in a geopolítical unit makes no Country outta such geopolítical unit - and lemme cite Antarctica, Greenland and the permafrost Arctica - as distinct examples. Now, PEOPLE - WE the Filipino People, specifically - are far more than the economic resource of the Country Philippines, as ahve described hereinabove. Since We--The People of the Country Philippines are: a- what makes the Philippines a globally-recognized Country; and, b- We--The People of the Philippines so constituted our Country-and-Peoples self-governance system as a Constitutional Repúblic along the definition of what ah call (for lack of better términology for it at this juncture, as...) the Briggs-modified Lincolnian Democracy... i.e.: a Republic thats self-governed BY her sovereign citizenry, FOR her sovereign citizenry, and OF her sovereign citizenry...; and, c- as this Philippines Republics self-designated collective-sovereigns hereof, We--The People of this so constituted Republic of the Philippines are the certain and distinct one and only sole-group of masters-and-landlords-of-these geopolítical unit that is the Republic of the Philippines; and, d- since We--The People of the Republic of the Philippines have bound ourselves as CITIZENS who are subjects-to (and NOT above-board masters of) our own Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines which We--The People proclaimed as our fundamental code of our self-governance system; ...therefore We--The Sovereign Citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are over-and-above the mere-physical-geopolítical unit called Country of the Philippines! Notwithstanding OUR objectively-determined comparable topmost-importance relative to that of our Country, We--The Sovereign Citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are interdependent-to - and are useless-economic-resource-of the Country of the Philippines if there exists no Country of the Philippines unto which WE sojourn on - aforecited Country of the Philippines with which We--The Sovereign Citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are inseparable parts-parcel-and-portions thereof, so we bunched ourselves with our Country into one distinct sociophysicopolitical unit called Nation. Which in our particular case, is specifically called the Filipino Nation, or by its synonymous terms... Nation of the Philippines, and Nation of Filipinos. Now. . .BACK TO THE OBJECTS OF YOUR FILIAL PIETY CREED posting, Bro. Mar, ah therefore propose that WE--The FILIPINO-MILITIA* DEDICATE OUR FILIAL PIETY TO GOD, TO THE FILIPINO NATION, & TO OUR GLOBAL-NEIGHBORS WHO ARE OF LIKE-MIND, LIKE-FAITH, LIKE CREED. Ah hope this short tomé sits well with you... :) *MILITIA = Sovereign-Citizen-soldiers; armed sovereign citizens of a Nation dedicated for the last defense of said Nation, its governmental system, its culture and chosen way of Life, its resources and assets, territories, legacies and its future morality-based viability-infaith, -in-health, -in-happiness and -in-prosperity. _______________________________________
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 20:53:13 +0000

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