║║║══════║╣ THE FINAL REDEMPTION IN ISRAEL - TopicsExpress


║║║══════║╣ THE FINAL REDEMPTION IN ISRAEL ╠║══════║║║ This article is all about the desirable destruction of ALL Jewish enemies and bringing final peace in this world! There is NO other way according to the holy rabbis who constantly study G-ds message in the Torah. We Jews have to work as per the convictions explained herein. Lets start with this. We should have a great passion for the building of the Third & Final Temple in our lifetimes. Some Jews really have this passion, G-d bless them! This third Temple will never be destroyed. Like in the past, there will be endless miracles when we have our Holy Temple. There is a classic difference of opinions between our Rabbis regarding the construction of the Third Beis HaMikdash (Temple). ═══> Rambam states that the Beis HaMikdash will be built by man, more specifically by Mashiach. Indeed, its construction will be one of the signs of Mashiach’s coming. ═══> Rashi, by contrast, explains that the Beis HaMikdash has al¬ready been constructed by G d and exists in the heavenly realms, waiting for the time when it will descend to the earth. For the Third Beis HaMikdash will be “the Sanctuary of G d, established by Your hands.” When the setting within the world is appropriate, this heavenly structure will descend and become an actual reality within our material world. Lets not invite and deliberate upon imaginary & fanciful circumstances for the building of the third Temple. In the Torah we have specific prophecies regarding this matter and we ONLY need to focus on them. ═══> I dont know your level of Torah dedication but what I have learned is that the building of the Third Temple will be one of the signs of the Final Redemption of the Jewish people. There were previous redemptions like the Freedom from Slavery in Egypt, King Solomons rule, etc. but they were ALL temporary redemptions for the Jews and exiles had followed. This time the redemption is going to be final & permanent. One of the reasons why Prophet Moshe was stopped from entering the Holy Land was because of his tremendous holiness which would have immediately brought us the final redemption we are waiting for. But the time was NOT proper! Our concentration should be on two fronts: PRAYER & TORAH-OBSERVATION. If we are likewise dedicated, G-d will bring in the Messiah for sure and we will have our Third & Final Indestructible Temple. ═══> Therefore, the Jewish generation has to sufficiently deserve for receiving the final salvation. Senior Rabbis like the Lubavicher Rebbe said that Messiach is very close - that he stands at our doorstep. Let us not hide or avoid the performance of the divine mitzvahs from the Torah - that is the sure guarantee for salvation, Jewish world domination, resurrection of the dead, etc. Remember that the Torah is unlimited & immeasurable. Please note the following FACTS: - (1) The whole universe has been created by G-d using the wisdom from the Torah. (2) When one dies what does he see in heaven? He sees the beauty of Torah wisdom & learning only! (3) For what purpose will the Messiah finally come? He will come to make lifes circumstances congenial for Torah study for the Jews! (4) What is the main purpose of the Woorld too Come? Torah study for the Jews! ═══> Do you think that ONLY we need the Third Temple? G-d needs it as much as we do or even MORE than we do because he knows its benefit for all humans. The Gaon Me Vilna [Rav Shlomo Zalman of Vilna] who lived about 200 years back, had said that he CANNOT imagine the high level of holiness & spirituality of the generations of the Holy Temple -- this Rabbi who studied the Torah for 22 hours each day – this Rabbi who knew the whole Torah by heart forwards & backwards [here Torah includes, Tanakh = Torah + Prophets + Other Writings; Gamarrah, Zohar, etc.], a Rabbi who was almost an Angel – even he could NOT imagine the high level of spirituality of that time! ═══> So, lets not be under other false illusions and mislead ourselves. G-d needs action, not words -- in true Torah following -- and are we not far from that, generally? G-d has said so many times in His Holy Torah that He will take care of our enemies for us - only if we follow the gift he has given to us – His Torah... I only say what the Torah-learned Rabbis teach us regarding geula, namely: ═══> Whatever be the mind-set, merits or demerits of the Israelis and Jews, G-d will wait for nobody in executing His Divine Plan when the crucial & destined hour arrives. ═══> This hour is very close and nobody knows how close it really is. The conditions of war-like situations world-wide are enough evidence of the end of our times. ═══> It will depend on each individual to what extend he or she will take advantage of the time when the Messiah comes – the choice will be between : - (1) An everlasting happiness in the World to Come with kind angels attending to ones each need & comfort and we already know this from the story of Adam & Eve; and (2) An unending or prolonged pain & suffering in hell in the company of mercilessly tormenting demons. ═══> The choice cannot be clearer than this! ═══> Again, 80% simply perished in Egypt and 20% got out with Moshe Rabbeinu who was the Messiah of his generation! So a large part went up in smoke – just like that! ═══> People are happy with the knowledge that they are with the majority! But do numbers or majority matter, for G-d? For G-d, quality matters. The prophets say that at the time of the final redemption, only 10 to 20% will survive to deserve it!! ═══> Introspection is must for the Jew in these special days of repentance before Rosh Hashana [New Year]. Should we still not learn something, real fast? Lets ALL pray with ALL our might to Merciful G-d this New Year Day falling on the coming Thursday, to make us sufficiently deserving & meritorious through: - (1) Torah Study & (2) Torah Observance … for the Final Salvation when G-d will send Elliyahu Hannavi & Messiah as promised through His holy prophets! AMEN! *******************************************************************************************
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 20:31:45 +0000

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