THE FIRE ANOINTING Stella Dhinakaran How God anointed Jesus of - TopicsExpress


THE FIRE ANOINTING Stella Dhinakaran How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. (Acts 10:38) The Dhinakarans Dearly beloved, Lord Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). According to the above Bible verse, you need to be filled with the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit and also pray for everyone in your family, mentioning each one’s name, for them to be filled with the same anointing. Once, a sister shared her testimony in the Esther Prayer Group thus: She always had a great burden to conduct the Esther Prayer Group regularly, once in a month. Once, because of heavy rain, it seemed as if she could not conduct the prayer on the scheduled day. Yet she kept on praying that she should conduct it as scheduled. There was a heavy downpour on the day of prayer. Yet, undaunted, she rented out a van at her own expense, went to each member’s house, brought them to her place and conducted the prayer. The rain was lashing out; inside, the sisters were praying filled with the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit. Many saw visions! Miracles happened! What a glorious experience! A sister from Sri Lanka started an Esther Prayer Group. And now, now so many groups have begun through her. One sister in her group was struggling for life because of heavy blood loss during her delivery. This leader gathered all the members of her Esther Prayer Group in the hospital and started praying with tears right there in a corner. The Lord answered the prayer. Before the prayer was over, that sister delivered a healthy baby. Our God is a miracle-working God! Accordingly, He wants to fill you with the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit. Through this, the Father’s name will be glorified. You need to ask the Lord for such a life. Look at the life of Lord Jesus! The Bible says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him” (Acts 10:38). As you get filled with the Spirit more and more, your life shall be a testimony in Christ (Ephesians 4:11-15). The Bible says, “Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ” (Ephesians 4:15). Growing in Christ is the real Christian life! Only when we grow in Him, the Father will be glorified in us. Dearly beloved, plead with the Lord for the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the power of the Holy Spirit abides in you, mighty miracles shall happen in your life and you will be a living witness for Christ. *Prayer:* Loving Lord Jesus, You are the miracle-working God. I praise You and glorify You. Fill me with the fire anointing of the Holy Spirit and empower me to lead a victorious life. Perform mighty miracles for me so that your name be glorified through my life. In Your matchless name I pray. *Amen.* ----
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:05:01 +0000

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