THE “FIRST SOVEREIGN AND SECULAR NATION” OF SOUTH ASIA OF MONARCH RANJIT SINGH, 1799 TO 14th March, 1849, WITH REFERENCE TO CALGARY MAGNATE LANDS HISTORIC SWORD Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon* Jake Edmiston of the National Post A8, without knowing the history of the Sikhs, made a blunder on the 7th April, 2014, writing about the sword that landed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The history of Sikhs of the First Sovereign and Secular nation, Punjab or Sikh Raj, or the Motherland Punjab. This is merely because of the fact that journalists of Western democracies and their administrations, along with their international colleagues, do not know the history of the First Sovereign and Secular nation of South Asia. The author has no option but to tell them to go back to schools of higher learning or to schools of journalism and refresh their knowledge on how to do justice with their profession, to do informative work for their readership of the newspapers or news media they are associated with. Where they are writing on the historic sword of the monarch Ranjit Singh to inform their readership, they do not know how much injustice they have been doing with the citizens of the Sikh nation alias the “robbed” Punjab, the Sikhs Holy and Historic Homeland –The Motherland Punjab, which is under the “occupation” of the progressive and largest democracy or ‘demo[n]cracy’ since 15th August, 1947, so to speak. Journalists like Edmiston and their peers simply know the democratic nation in South Asian region as India only, since 15th August, 1947, when the British agent of the British India Empire handed over political reign (power) to the Brahmins-Hindus; the people who practice our world’s worst apartheid, the caste evil in the country called India. Will these journalists and international academics ever learn or correct themselves with the History of the First Sovereign and Secular nation of South Asia, which had never been part of more than 500 kingdoms of Hindu and Muslim rulers? Historically, the historic sword does not matter who has had it. What matters is who had been the owner of this historic sword and who used it to keep his kingdom, Sikh Raj or Punjab as sovereign and secular nation until the last few years of his life. He could have kept the sovereignty of his nation intact until his death had some of his cabinet ministers, belonging to the Hindu religion or the Dogras had not betrayed him. These traitors of Monarch Ranjit Singh had been the Brahmins and Dogras sects, who simply been converted Sikhs, changing their names to carry the Sikh identity, as blessed by the last Sikh Guru, the 10th Master, Guru Gobind Singh ji. The last Guru revealed the ‘Khalsa (means Sovereign) Brotherhood or the Guru Khalsa Panth’, the Sovereign nation, on 30th March, 1699. Journalists and people of the news media are used to covering the events of the “Revelation Day of the Guru Khalsa Panth” in the form of ‘nagar Keertan(s)’ in every country, where the Sikhs of the First Sovereign and Secular nation have spread. There is apparently no developing country of the world where Sikhs do not live. For example, the United Kingdom, North America, South America, the Far East, Africa, etc., have a fairly large numbers of Sikhs. These Sikhs could be identified by their identity, which is their turban or the Sikhs’ Dastaar. Jake Edmiston, rightfully said that the Sikh history is not in the hands of Sikhs. The author is glad that he has understood that much and said about the Sikh history. It has been distorted by the British news media and the western news media, for their ‘ulterior’ motives, although many prominent writers of the Sikh history had been British and those who distorted it have had been the journalists with the shallow knowledge about the Sikhs and their history, along with the Brahmins-Hindus administrations since 15th August, 1947, who followed suit. The western administrations have been continuing the practice of distortion. So much so, the Brahmins-Hindus administrations and the followers of Aryasamajists of Daya Nand cult have been continuing their distortion of the Sikhs’ history, in pre- and post-15th August, 1947. Unfortunately, these Brahmins-Hindus of 15th August, 1947, could not understand the strength of the Sikhs of their Holy and Historic Homeland, Punjab, the “robbed” Punjab. For which, they had to hatch a plan to “rob” the Sikh Nation, Punjab of 15th August, 1947, to accomplish their plan’s success. The British Empire did not play a fair game either. In the conformity of the Sikh History from the Sikh point of view, the author is sure that Edmiston, his fellow journalists and international administrations of North America and the British deliberately tried to put the Sikh Empire’s citizens in the clutches of the Brahmins-Hindus-Turbaned Brahmins of the Congress Party of the British India Empire. They had been all out to destroy the Sikhs, especially in the 20th century, after “robbing” Punjab of 15th August, 1947. Indeed, the day of 15th August, 1947, is the Blackest day of the Sikh history. Since the Sikhs elected representatives to the Indian parliament or Lok Sabha alias the lower House of parliament “rejected” the Indian Constitution in its draft and final forms in 1948, 26th November, 1949, 1950 and 6th September, 1966, the Sikhs have not accepted/endorsed/signed the Constitution, to this date of writing in 2014. The Indian Constitution, which makes the predominantly Brahmins-Hindus’ India a republic, has no bearing on the Sikhs of “robbed” Punjab of 15th August, 1947. Reason, the Sikh Nation, Punjab, was “robbed” on 15th August, 1947. Seven weeks later their independence of India, so to speak, this ‘robbery’ of Punjab had to be done to ‘swallow’ the Sikhs or the Brahmins-Hindus foe. Following this robbery, there had been the declaration of a state circular by a trio, JL Nehru-VB Patel-Chandu Lal Trivedi, which described the Sikhs as “a lawless people and dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus.” The question arises, since when have the Brahmins-Hindus become law-abiding people, Mr Edmiston? The student of the Sikh history will never forget that the Indian administration of Indira Gandhi waged an ‘undeclared’ war on the Motherland Punjab, the “robbed” Punjab of 15th August, 1947, in the form of a brutal military “Operation Bluestar” of June, 1984. What for? It was to make an undemocratic process a democratic one and to wipe out the Sikhs in an ‘undeclared’ war. Both goals have not been accomplished since 15th August, 1947. The goals the Brahmins-Hindus very much wanted and were looking forward to creating their supremacy over South Asia, if not on the world. Edmiston has to think about whether any democracy in the world, with India’s exception, waged war and brutally killed her own citizens? Did this happen? The writer is sure in his perception that had it happened in any democratic administration, the administration would have been unseated, or the political power would have been uprooted in the administration. The author, therefore, thinks that no nation which kills its citizens is to be called democratic. Using this criterion of waging war on its own citizens, India does not qualify to be called a democracy; irrespective, how many elections are carried out under gunpoint, bribes, etc. Although Edmiston cites the last independent sovereign leader Ranjit Singh of India and Professor Lou Fenech of the University of Northern Iowa, a historian who holds a special place in Sikh hearts, he has been quite tactful to protect his shallow knowledge of the Sikh history, using Professor Lou Fenech’s support or his shadow. In fact, both Edmiston and Professor Fenech appear to be the admirers of the Brahmins-Hindus of India. It is highly unlikely that they are not even aware with the word ‘India’, and when it was invented? Secondly, how could a monarch of the First Sovereign and Independent of Punjab be associated with India, a conglomerate of more than 500 Hindus and Muslims states brought under control under the gun point and political pressure to create the ‘union of nations’ or an artificial entity by deliberated force? Edmiston failed very badly to understand and tell to his readers the history of Sikhs and their relations with the Brahmins-Hindus’ alleged Indian democracy. For your information and to correct you on the history of the First Sovereign and independent Sikh nation of South Asia, the author has already written above and Edmiston has accepted so that the Sikhs had been the First sovereign nation of South Asia; but the Sikhs’ nation had nothing to do with the over 500 princely states as they were not the part of the First Sovereign and independent nation of the Sikhs. None of the Brahmins-Hindus princely states had been a sovereign and secular states/nation. The author would like to correct Edmiston that the Sikhs ruled the Punjab until the 14th March, 1849. Briefly, the Punjab, the First Sovereign and Secular nation of South Asia, also called the Sikh Raj alias the Holy and Historic homeland of Sikhs had been a nation from 1799 to the 14th March, 1849. The Sikhs lost their sovereignty, unfortunately, on 14th March, 1849, because of the betrayals of the Dogras. The Sikhs’ “Struggle for Sovereignty has been going on since this day of 14th March, 1849 and will continue until the Sikhs’ Holy and Historic Homeland, PUNJAB of 15th August, 1947, is Sovereign again, under the Guidance of Guru Granth Sahib and The Sikh Traditions”. According to Lord Dalhousie, the Vice regal conveyed to his most confident person, his son, that all confidential documents pertaining to the Sovereignty and secular Punjab be destroyed as their (British) defeat is imminent. Indeed, it could have happened so, because the Dogras of the monarch Ranjit Singh’s cabinet said that “there was no ammunition to fight.” The victory of the Sikhs, therefore, turned into a defeat and surrender of the Sikhs’ sovereign and secular nation to the British Empire, within 2-h. This had been the game played by the Dogras who sided with the British forces and against Monarch Ranjit Singh. It is to be noted that Lord Dalhousie made an announcement from the Radio Rawalpindi, the twin city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan now, that the Sikhs’ Punjab, a newly conquered territory by the British Empire is “annexed” to the British Empire on 29th March, 1849, for the administration purposes only. Until the announcement of 29th March, 1849, there had been no word when the term ‘India’ was invented and appeared in the dictionaries, encyclopedia, world atlas or on the world map. However, Sikhs’ Punjab had been on the world map and dictionaries. It is believed, according to the author, the word ‘India’ had been invented by the British Empire sometime around 29th March, 1849, after Lord Dalhousie made his radio announcement from Rawalpindi. Edmiston did not do justice to his writing to check The Times of London of 29th December, 1929, when the front page news carried a photograph of Baba Kharak Singh, sitting on an elephant, followed by more than 500,000 supporters behind him and the headlines that had been “such a peaceful demonstration for the “sovereignty of the Sikhs’ Holy and historic homeland of Sikhs never seen in the history of mankind.” It should be noted that such a huge number of followers of the “annexed” Sikh nation were not only of Sikhs, but of people from all walks of life. Further, the Sikhs of the First Sovereign and Secular nation of South Asia remained “annexed” to the British Empire as it had been since 29th March, 1849. The Sikhs had never been the part of the British India Empire, the British East India Company, or its predecessor of the East India Company that entered the princely states of what it is now called, India. Who created all these confusions in the history of the Sikhs and distorted the history of South Asia? The answer is no one, but the Brahmins-Hindus-Baniyas. Ever since they forced Baba Guru Nanak to say, as inscribed in his teachings in the Sikhs Holy scripture: “Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kahaii Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasaii.” The simple meaning of the founder of Sikhism’s teachings is “the Brahmins-Hindus are the Butchers of Mankind.” Edmiston, his colleagues of western countries and their administrations do not realize that the progressive and largest democracy, an artificial entity called India, is the biggest enemy of mankind, it is their mistake. If there is large hue and cry by their nationals, what they would do is “we are sorry and we apologize to our Sikh citizens.” How long will these journalists and administrations keep on making their mistakes and continue to follow the administration of the country that came into being only on 15th August, 1947, despite hollow promises of the Brahmins-Baniya leadership of the Indian National Congress, many of its sister organizations and betrayals to the non-Brahmins-Hindus minorities? It is for them to decide how long they will continue to make their Sikh citizens scapegoats based on the advice received from the so-called largest democracy or demo[n]cracy of the world. To bring many points and questions to resolution, passed in the Security Council of the United Nations in 1948, the largest democracy, where more than 80% citizens go to sleep hungry, has to be told bluntly by the peace-loving nations, to stop the Brahmins-Baniyas-Turbaned Brahmins to play an unacceptable game in the politics of the international arena. Otherwise, let it not be forgotten that lies have snowball effects and they multiply by a factor of at least 10. To hide one lie, there has to be ten more lies to be told, for their cover up. *Denotes that the author is the Editor in Chief, International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435. He is an Associate Professor (Retired) of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases Canada. Literature Suggested 1. Dilgeer HS Sekhon AS (ed) AT Kerr 1992 Sikhs Struggle for Sovereignty An Historical Perspective ISBN 0-9695964-1-3 2. Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS (ed) AT Kerr 2006 A White Paper on Khalistan (A True Story) ISBN 0-9695964-8-0 3. Sekhon AS 2005 The Sikh Nation & Khalistan (A Historical Perspective) in Authentic Voices of South Asia (ed) U Khalid, pp 136-149, ISBN 0-9548929-0-9 4. Sekhon AS 2009 Operation ‘Bluestar’ of June 1984 in 25 Years After 1984 Assault on Durbar Sahib Laying the Foundation of Khalistan (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, A publication of LISA ISBN 0-9548929-4-1 5. Sekhon AS 2014 The Sikhs’ situation in the “robbed” Punjab of 15th August, 1947, Sikhs Holy & Historic Homeland under “occupation”. Int J Sikh Affairs 24:19-20. ISBN 1481-5435 6. Dal Khalsa Alliance 2014 Memorandum to the 26th Session of the United Nations: Human Rights Council, Geneva, Switzerland, 10th to 27th June. on the “Human rights violations and genocide in particular of Sikhs in their Holy and Historic Homeland, Punjab, and the non-Hindu minorities in general in predominantly Hindu India. Int J Sikh Affairs 24: 20-24, ISSN 1481-5435 7. Sekhon AS The Sikhs: Sovereignty To Slavery 2010. A publication of The Sikh Educational Trust, EDMONTON, AB T5T 5L4 ISBN 978-0-9811360-8-0 8. Sekhon AS Dilgeer HS India Kills the Sikhs, 3rd edition ISBN0-9695964-9-9 *****
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:17:11 +0000

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