THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS FROM STEPS TO JESUS (Translated into modern English in 1982 from - STEPS TO CHRIST which is sold in the millions in over 200 languages! – The language in Steps to Jesus is a more modern English specially designed for those who have English as there 2nd or 3rd language. Read it for free on the internet. Unless otherwise noted the Bible texts are from – “The Good News Translation, formerly called the Good News Bible or Today’s English Version. This was first published as a full Bible in 1976 by the American Bible Society as a ‘common language’ Bible. It is a clear and simple modern translation that is faithful to the original Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic texts. The Good News Translation is a highly trusted version.” (ONE CHAPTER FROM STEPS TO CHRIST) - "Talking With God" Read STEPS TO JESUS online at the hyperlink below. Feel Free to share this with others!§ion=all or just scroll down and read the first two chapters! - I have added paragraph headings over a number of paragraphs (all in capital letters) to help emphasize important things to look for in that paragraph. (3) -- Notice number three is here in brackets (3) -- Whenever you see numbers in brackets know that they are page numbers for STEPS TO JESUS. – STEPS TO JESUS contains 125 pages, whereas STEPS TO CHRIST contains 126 pages. (THERE ARE AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENT PAGE NUMBER VARIATIONS FOR “STEPS TO JESUS” SO DO NOT BE ALARMED IF THESE PAGE NUMBERS DO NOT MATCH ONES YOU HAVE.) You may compare the 13 chapters – they are all word for word the same, just a variation in page numbers.§ion=all&pagenumber=3 (3) CHAPTER 1 STJ —GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN GOD PROVIDES FOR THE NEEDS AND HAPPINESS OF ALL LIVING CREATURES Nature and the Bible both tell us of God’s love. Our Father in heaven gives us life, wisdom, and joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of the many ways they provide for the needs and happiness of all living creatures. The sunshine and rain tell of our Creator’s love. The hills, seas, and plains speak of Him. He supplies the daily needs of every creature. In the beautiful Psalms David wrote of God: “All living things look hopefully to you, and you give them food when they need it. You give them enough and satisfy the needs of all.” Psalm 145:15, 16. God made Adam and Eve perfectly holy and happy. The earth was beautiful as it came from the Creator’s hand. Nothing was spoiled or dying. But (4) Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s law—His law of love. Disobedience brought sadness and death. Yet God showed His love even when sin was causing suffering. GOD CURSED THE GROUND FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANS TRIALS AND TROUBLES HELP LIFT MEN AND WOMEN OUT OF THE RUIN AND SHAME The bible says that God cursed the ground for the good of human beings Genesis 3:17. He permitted thorns and weeds to grow. He allowed trials and troubles to fill people’s lives with work and care. These troubles were to help lift men and women out of the ruin and shame caused by sin. But this sinful world is not all sorrow and pain. Nature itself gives us messages of hope and comfort. Flowers grow on the weeds, and roses cover the thorns. GOD IS ALWAYS PATIENT, ALWAYS KIND, SHOWING US HIS CONSTANT LOVE The Bible shows us God’s character. God himself has told us of His everlasting love and pity. When Moses prayed, “show me thy glory,” the Lord answered, “I will make all My goodness pass before thee.” Exodus 33:18, 19, kjv. God’s goodness is His glory. GOD IS ALWAYS PATIENT AND KIND, REVEALING HIS CONSTANT LOVE (5) The Lord passed before Moses and said, “I, the Lord, am a God who is full of compassion and pity, who is not easily angered and who shows great love and faithfulness. I keep My promise for thousands of generations and forgive evil and sin.” Exodus 34:6, 7. God is “always patient, always kind,” showing us his constant love Jonah 4:2; Micah 7:18 GOD CREATED SINGING BIRDS, BRIGHT FLOWERS AND TALL GREEN TREES TO MAKE HIS CHILDREN HAPPY. The fact that “God is love” is shown by every opening flower and blade of grass. Lovely birds singing their happy songs tell us of god’s tender care. The bright flowers that sweeten the air and the tall green trees of the forest remind us that he wants to make his children happy. God has drawn our hearts to Him through various means. Through nature and the deepest and tenderest love that human hearts can know, He has tried to tell us about Himself. Yet these do not perfectly show His love. SATAN BLINDED THE PEOPLE OF EARTH SO THEY WOULD NOT SEE GOD’S LOVE BUT INSTEAD HATE GOD. JESUS CAME TO SHOW US THAT GOD LOVES EACH OF US INFINITELY Even though God has given us all these evidences, Satan, the enemy of good, has blinded people’s minds, so that they look upon God with fear, and they think of him as hard and unforgiving. Satan tries to make people think of God as a severe judge without pity. He says that the Creator is always watching for people to make mistakes so He can punish them. To show them that this is not true, Jesus came to live in this world. He wanted people to see God’s infinite love. The Son of God came from heaven to give people a clear picture of the Father. “No one has ever seen God. The only Son, who is the same as God and is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.” John 1:18. “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Matthew 11:27. When one of Jesus’ disciples said, “Show us the Father,” Jesus answered, “For a long time I - (6) have been with you all; yet you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Why, then, do you say, ‘Show us the Father?’” John 14:8, 9. CHRIST OFFERS US “FREEDOM” FROM SIN AND DEATH – HE OFFERS US “THE ABILITY TO SEE, UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT TRUTH. Jesus talked about his work on this earth. He said the Lord “has chosen Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed.” Luke 4:18. This was His work. He went about doing good and healing all who were made sick by Satan. There were whole villages where there was not one cry of pain, for He had gone through and healed all the sick. JESUS HAS A TENDER LOVE FOR YOU IN YOUR WEAKNESS The work of Jesus showed that he was sent from heaven. Love, mercy, and pity were shown in every act of his life. His heart was touched with tender love for people. God’s son became a human being so that he could help people. The poorest and humblest were not afraid to come to him. Even little children wanted to be near him. They loved to climb up on his knees and look into his thoughtful, loving face. Jesus did not keep back one word of truth, but he always spoke with love. He was gentle, kind, and thoughtful to others. He was never rude and never spoke more severely than necessary. He never hurt anyone. He did not scold people for their weaknesses. He told the truth, but always in love. JESUS CRIES FOR THE SORROW OF THOSE WHO REFUSE TO RECEIVE HIS HELP (7) He spoke against insincerity, unbelief, and sin, but sadness was in his voice when He had to speak sharply. Jesus cried over the city he loved, because it would not receive him as the way, the truth, and the life. The people had turned against their Saviour, but He looked on them with tender pity. YOU ARE PRECIOUS TO JESUS - EVERY PERSON IS PRECIOUS TO JESUS Jesus did not live to please himself, but he had thoughtful care for others. Every person was precious in his sight. He looked with tender love on every member of God’s family. He saw all human beings as people who needed to be saved. TENDER, PITING JESUS IS GOD “IN HUMAN FORM” The life Jesus lived shows us His character. His life also shows us God’s character. Rivers of heavenly love flow out from the heart of God to us through His Son. Jesus, the tender, pitying Saviour, was God, who “appeared in human form.” 1 Timothy 3:16. WE ARE HEALED BY GOD’S SUFFERINGS ON THE CRUEL CROSS Jesus lived and suffered and died to save us. He became a “Man of sorrows” so that we could share in everlasting joy. God let His dear Son leave the glory of heaven and come to a world spoiled by sin. He let Him come to a world dark with the shadow of death. He let His precious Son leave His presence and the worship of the angels. He let Him suffer shame, hate, and death. But “We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.” Isaiah 53:5. (8) See Jesus in the desert, in Gethsemane, and upon the cross! The perfect Son of God took upon Himself the weight of sin. He had been one with God, but on the cross He felt the awful separation sin makes between God and man. It forced from His lips the cry of pain, “My God, my God, why did you abandon me?” Matthew 27:46. It was the weight of sin, its terrible power to separate a sinner from God, that broke His heart. GOD SUFFERED WITH HIS SON. IN THE PAIN AND THE DEATH OF CHRIST UPON THE CROSS -- GOD PAID THE PRICE TO SAVE US. But the Son of God did not give his life to make his Father love us. He did not die to make God willing to save. No, no! “God loved the world so much that he gave his only son.” John 3:16. The father loves us not because Christ died for us; he gave His Son to die because He loved us. Through Christ god poured out his infinite love upon a sinful world. “God was making all human beings his friends through Christ.” 2 corinthians 5:19. God suffered with his son. In the pain of Gethsemane and the death on the cross, God paid the price to save us. Jesus said, “The Father loves me because I am willing to give up my life, in order that I may receive it back again.” John 10:17. That is, “My Father has loved you so much that He loves Me even more for giving My life to redeem you. I died in your place, taking your sins. Because I did this, I am closer to My Father than before, for now God can be just and still save sinners who believe in Me.” NOTHING BUT CHRIST’S GREAT SACRIFICE FOR US COULD REVEAL HOW MUCH THE FATHER LOVES SINNERS LIKE YOU AND ME (9) Only the Son of God could save us. Only He who was one with God the Father could tell us about Him. Only He who knew how high and how deep God’s love was could show it. Nothing but Christ’s great sacrifice for us could make known how much the Father loves sinners. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.” John 3:16. He gave Christ to live among men, to take their liabilities and their sins, and to die for them. God gave His Son to this world. By becoming a man, Christ would know how human beings felt and what they needed. He was one with God, but He will always be joined to the human race. “Jesus is not ashamed to call them his family.” Hebrews 2:11. IN HIS HUMAN FORM HE WILL FOREVER BE ONE WITH THE HUMAN RACE Jesus is our Sacrifice, our Advocate, our Brother, standing in human form before His Father’s throne. In his human form He will forever be one with the race He has saved. He is the Son of man. And He did all this to lift us from the ruin of sin, so that we might reflect the love of God and share the joy of godly living. In giving His Son to die for us, our heavenly Father made a great sacrifice and paid a high price to redeem us. Such a great price should help us understand what God hopes we may become through Christ. THROUGH CONNECTION WITH THE SON OF GOD, THE SONS OF MAN MAY BECOME THE SONS (& DAUGHTERS) OF GOD. The apostle John saw how high, deep, and broad is God’s love. John wanted to tell about it, (10) but he could not find the right words to describe it, so he said, “See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God’s children.” 1 John 3:1. What a high value this places upon us! By sinning, human beings became subjects of Satan. But through faith in Christ and His death, they may become God’s children. By taking human nature, Christ places sinners where, through connection with Him, they may become worthy of the name “children of God.” GOD’S INFINITE LOVE AND TENDER PITY IS FAR GREATER THAN THAT OF A MOTHER FOR HER CHILD There is no other love like His. Children of the heavenly King! Precious promise! How wonderful to think about the great love of God for a world that did not love Him! Thinking of God’s love makes us feel very humble. This thought, as shown by Jesus’ death, should bring our minds close to God. The more we study the character of God and keep looking at the cross, the more we see God’s mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness. We also see how fair He is and how just. We see His infinite love and a tender pity that is far greater than the sympathy of a mother for her disobedient child. (11) CHAPTER STJ 2—THE SINNER’S NEED OF CHRIST ADAM AND EVE CHOSE TO DISOBEY GOD - THEY BECAME SATAN’S SLAVES – JESUS CAME TO SET THEM AND YOU AND I FREE BY DYING THE DEATH OUR SINS DESERVED THAT WE MIGHT SHARE THE THRONE THAT HE DESERVES (REVELATION3:21) Adam and Eve were created with perfect minds and noble powers. Their thoughts were pure and their aims were holy. But when they chose to disobey God, their thoughts were changed. Love for self took the place of love for God. Sin made them so weak that they could not by themselves resist the power of evil. They were SATAN’S SLAVES and would have been slaves forever if God had not given them help. BEFORE ADAM AND EVE DISOBEYED GOD THEY ENJOYED TALKING WITH THE SON OF GOD -- AFTER CHOOSING SIN THEY TRIED TO HIDE FROM GOD Satan wanted to spoil the plan God had when He created men and women. He wanted to fill the world with trouble and death. Then he would point to all this evil and say that God was to blame because He had created human beings. BEFORE Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they enjoyed talking with him. They were happy to be with him, for “he is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of ... Wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:3. But after they sinned, they did (12) not find happiness in being holy, and they tried to hide from God. SINNERS TODAY DO THE SAME. THEY HIDE FROM GOD - THEY DO NOT ENJOY BEING WITH HIM OR TALKING TO HIM IN PRAYER.- IF GOD LET THEM ENTER HEAVEN, THEY WOULD NOT BE HAPPY THERE. Sinners today do the same. Because they do not love the things God loves, they do not enjoy being with Him or talking to him in prayer. If God let them enter heaven, they would not be happy there. They would not enjoy being with God or spending time with the holy angels. Unselfish love rules in heaven. Everyone there will love god because he loves them. But God’s love would find no response in a sinner’s heart. The sinner’s thoughts and ways would be very different from those of the sinless people who will live in heaven, and he would be unhappy. He would want to hide from jesus, the light and center of heaven’s joy. SINNERS WHO HAVE NOT CHOSEN TO GIVE THEIR HEARTS TO JESUS WOULD RATHER DIE THAN HAVE TO SEE THE FACE OF JESUS. – THEY SHUT THEMSELVES OUT OF HEAVEN BY THEIR UNFITNESS TO LIVE THERE Sinners are not kept out of heaven by a divine order. They are shut out by their own unfitness to live there. The glory of god would be to them a burning fire. They would want to die so that they would not have to see the face of Jesus, who died to save them. It is not possible for us, of ourselves, to escape from the power of sin. Our hearts are sinful, and we cannot change them. “Nothing clean can ever come from anything as unclean as human beings.” Job 14:4. “People become enemies of God when they are controlled by their human nature; for they do not obey God’s law, and in fact (13) they cannot obey it.” Romans 8:7. Education, good manners, and willpower all have their place in helping us to do right things. But they cannot change our hearts and make our lives pure. Only a new life from above, a power working inside us, can change us from being sinful to being holy. That power is Christ. His grace alone can give life to our dead souls and draw us to God and holiness. THE PERSON WHO IS “BORN AGAIN,” CRIES OUT FOR GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT JUST AS A HUNGRY NEW BORN BABY CRIES OUT FOR MOTHER’S MILK. The Saviour said, “I am telling you the truth: no one can see the kingdom of God without being born again” (John 3:3)—unless one receives a new heart from God, with new wants and aims. Some believe that they need only to develop the good that is already in them. But this idea is wrong and will lead to eternal death. “whoever does not have the Spirit cannot receive the gifts that come from God’s Spirit. Such a person really does not understand them, and they seem to be nonsense, because their value can be judged only on a spiritual basis.” 1 corinthians 2:14. Said jesus, “do not be surprised because i tell you that you must all be born again.” John 3:7. It is written of Christ, “The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people.” John 1:4. “In all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us.” Acts 4:12. PAUL FELT HOPELESS AND BITTER, AND HE SAID, “I AM A MORTAL, SOLD AS A SLAVE TO SIN.” We see the loving-kindness of God and His (14) fatherly pity. We see that His law is wise, fair, and right. It is a law of love. But it is not enough for us to see and know all this. The apostle Paul knew this when he said, “I agree that the Law is right.”; “The Law itself is holy, and the commandment is holy, right, and good.” Romans 7:16, 12. But even though Paul knew this, he felt hopeless and bitter, and he said, “i am a mortal, sold as a slave to sin.” (verse 14). PAUL WANTED TO BE PURITY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS -- HE CRIED OUT, “WHO WILL RESCUE ME FROM THIS BODY THAT IS TAKING ME TO DEATH?” THERE IS BUT ONE ANSWER “BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, WHICH TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.” JOHN 1:29, KJV. Paul wanted to be pure and to be right with God. But knowing he did not have the power to change himself, he cried out, “what an unhappy man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is taking me to death?” (verse 24). This sad cry has gone up from troubled hearts in all countries and in all times. There is but one answer for everyone: “behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” JOHN 1:29, KJV. JACOB FELT SO SINFUL AND SO SAD AS HE LAY DOWN – GOD GAVE HIM A DREAM THAT NIGHT – HE SAW A TALL LADDER THAT SEEMED TO REACH UP FROM WHERE HE LAY TO THE GATES OF HEAVEN. ANGELS TRAVELED UP AND DOWN THE LADDER – JESUS, IN JOHN 1:47-51, TELLS US THAT HE (JESUS) IS JACOB’S LADDER – HE DIED THE DEATH OUR SINS DESERVE THAT WE MIGHT HAVE THE LIFE HE DESERVES! HE CONNECTS HEAVEN AND EARTH, SENDING ANGELS TO OUR RESCUE God has tried in various ways to make this truth clear to all who want to be free from sin. After Jacob deceived his father and stole the blessing that belonged to his brother Esau, he had to leave home. He was alone and a long way from his family, but one thought troubled him more than all others—he was afraid that his sin had cut him off from God. In sadness Jacob lay down on the bare earth to rest. Lonely hills were around him. The bright, starry heavens were above. While he slept he (15) dreamed that he saw a bright light shining around him. A tall ladder seemed to reach up from where he lay to the very gates of heaven. Angels were going up and down the ladder, and from the glory above, Jacob heard a voice speak a message of comfort and hope. This message from heaven met the need of his heart. He was shown that through his Saviour, he, a sinner, could again be friends with God. He was happy and thankful. The ladder in Jacob’s dream represented Jesus, who alone is able to bring God and people together. Christ was speaking of Jacob’s dream when He said to Nathanael, “You will see heaven open and God’s angels going up and coming down on the Son of Man.” John 1:51. When Adam and Eve sinned, they turned away from God’s love and friendship. They separated themselves from Him. They could no longer speak with Him. But through Christ earth is again joined with heaven. Jesus made a bridge between earth and heaven so that the angels can help and comfort people. He took sinful, weak, helpless people and put them in touch with the Source of infinite power. We need God’s help in everything we try to do. Everything we do to help people live better lives will come to nothing without help from heaven. God is the only hope for sinners. “Every (16) good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven.” James 1:17. Without God we cannot have a truly good character. And the only way to God is Christ. He says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one goes to the Father except by me.” John 14:6. God has a deep interest in His earthly children. His love for us is stronger than any other power. In giving up His Son, God has poured out to us all heaven in one gift. Jesus lived and died and is now our powerful High Priest. Heavenly angels are working to save us. A loving Father and the Holy Spirit are working together for our salvation. Let us spend time thinking about the great sacrifice the Saviour made for us! Let us give thanks for all the work that Heaven is doing to save the lost. God is doing all He can to bring us back to His house. CHRIST WANTS TO MOVE YOU AND ME TO ACTION THROUGH A KNOWLEDGE OF HIS “EXCEEDINGLY GREAT AND PRECIOUS” REWARDS! Hebrews 11:6. To move us to do right, Christ offers great rewards. He promises happiness in heaven, where forever and ever we will develop in mind, soul, and body. We will enjoy the company of the angels and share the love of God and His Son. Surely these rewards are enough to make us want to give our hearts to our Creator and Redeemer. On the other hand, God’s Word warns us against serving Satan. It tells us that sin destroys character and brings eternal death. At the end of the world God will destroy all sin. (17) Let us remember the mercy of God. What more could God do? Let us place ourselves in the right relation to Him who loved us so much. Let us accept God’s love and the way we can be changed to be like Him. Then we shall be friends with the heavenly angels and feel at home with the Father and the Son.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 04:16:58 +0000

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