THE FISH POND (6.8.13) Dearest Friends, a few days ago, Master - TopicsExpress


THE FISH POND (6.8.13) Dearest Friends, a few days ago, Master Antigonus (Dominic) led me in meditation through a beautiful garden, and down a few steps to a small fish pond. He pulled out some pond weed and draped it over my forearm. Then he fished out a dark slug-like creature and placed it in my hand, followed by a frog. He said to me, “This fish pond is dark, murky, slimy, cold, polluted, and overcrowded. Do you wish to live here, or would you rather live in this garden, all beauty, sunshine, colour, and harmony?” No contest! Of course I prefer the garden to the fish pond! Well, this is the choice we are being given now, to continue living as humans in the fish pond world, or to come out of that world and become spirit beings living in The Garden. This is what The Shift has been all about in the past few months. We are slowly being transformed into a new species of human being. Some of us have been experiencing The Shift this year and are now well on our way to becoming spirit consciousnesses living in human bodies. It is the most blessed experience, I can assure you, and as the New Dimension is being revealed to us, we can understand what the Masters have been telling us all these years, about how our world will be the most wonderful and joyful place to live in, once The Shift is finally completed. This is the true meaning of bringing Heaven to Earth. One of the ways we can facilitate this Shift to the New Dimension is to clear the tunnels, corridors, and dark valleys of our heart, of all old thinking and emotional patterns, fears and phantoms, and stuff we feel we cannot let go of. The heart is the centre of our consciousness. Try to imagine your heart as a Command Centre with many dark tunnels leading off it in all directions. These need to be cleaned of all blockages and baggage if we are to succeed in taking on our spirit body, our Light Body. These tunnels of darkness are like the fish pond environment. Have the courage to explore these tunnels and clear away debris, knock down illusionary walls, and fight off any monsters you may encounter. Realise that your consciousness can never die or be harmed, so in meditation you can be a fearless warrior, and spring back to life again no matter what befalls you. (I was torn to shreds by fierce, monstrous wolves in my tunnel recently, and all that was left of me was a few bones and spatterings of blood, but I became an observer of this, and without emotion let the wolves devour the old me while I carried on down the tunnel, a rebirthed, lighter version of myself.) In another instance, my tunnel dived down into deep dark waters of an ocean, and while my consciousness was swimming through these, a Great White Shark confronted me, huge jaws wide open to snap me in half. I just laughed at it and told it that it no longer frightened me. It said sullenly, “You’re no fun anymore”, and it swam away. Once I had finished cleansing as much of my tunnel network as I could manage, placing flaming torches to keep up the light there, I decided that I wished for my heart to see the sky and not be closed in by a tunnel and that I would festoon the place with flowers too. So I began to demolish the roof of my tunnels and then even the walls until I realised I had just pathways there instead, and flowerbeds on all sides, and that the sun was shining down making everything sparkle and come alive. Suddenly it dawned on me — I was now in The Garden, the place that Master Antigonus had offered as an alternative to the fish pond. My heart was The Garden. The Garden was Heaven. Heaven was now in my heart. There is no more glorious feeling than having Heaven in your heart, and for you to know that you live in Heaven. This is where we are coming to settle as we let go of the old human parts of our consciousness and allow the spirit part of our consciousness to take the reins and direct and guide us. Then life begins to flow, with miraculous synchronicities and serendipity in abundance. All is touched by love, and love transforms all we touch. With the New Moon in Leo tomorrow, the sign of love, laughter, and leadership, and ruled by the Sun, let us all open our hearts and have the courage to transcend our fish pond world and enter a new beginning in the world of spirit. We will still have arms and legs, still need to “chop wood and carry water” but there will be such love in our hearts, a song on our lips, and a dance in our steps. And all the world shall embrace our radiance. We shall be like suns ourselves. I wish you all the sunniest and most brilliant of months until I write again, but know that we are connected and we can meet together in The Garden at any time. Love, Grace, and Blessings, Sophia-Ovidne +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Master HELIOS (THE SUN) - The Star in Your Eyes I am de-lighted to be here with you today. Let me shine my radiance upon you all. Let me fill your hearts with good cheer and let us run with the sunbeams at the speed of light. Let us get to the nub of the matter, to the source, the source that lies within you. From this source you have emerged, like a flower from a seed, and to this source you will return one day, and you will re-emerge at a different time as a different flower or a different tree. Make the most of this sojourn as the flower that you are right now. Open your petals. Feel my rays upon you. Turn your face towards me and enable me to grow you, to nourish you, to give you my warmth and energies. Without me your world could not exist. And yet it would not be worth my existing if it were not for you, for we nurture each other in turn. And my reward is to see you grow and for yourselves to become a star like me one day. You are little starlets right now. I was once at the place that you are now. So give it a few millennia and you shall be sitting up here displaying your radiance and brilliance and holding together your own solar system. At present, you are in charge of your mini world, your mini solar system. And it is for you to keep things magnetised so that your world does not fall out of orbit. It is for you to keep shining on, on dull days as well as clear days. And even though you may be hidden behind clouds for a while, we would hope that you will rise again and again to bring your light into the world. It is not in my nature to have a day off and not to rise on this day or that. You can depend on me to always be there, shining in the background whether you see me or not. I implore you to be your own sun. When it is dark, fire yourself up. Let you show the way through the night. I am very medicinal for you. My rays contain many vitamins and proteins that will help to sustain you. Drink me in like golden nectar. Do not push me away or cast me out of your world. I am a heavenly object, being a star, but for all that I do have consciousness. And we can converse together whenever you have the desire to do this. I have been around for a while. I know the goings on in this universe. I can teach you a thing or two. Give a nod to me in the sky from time to time. Acknowledge my presence and you will see what I can do for you from my optimal position in the heavens. I see all things and I can give you answers. So do not think I am just a mass of helium and flares for there is so much more going on inside this body, as there is for you too. There is a source to this source. And all our sources are connected. Stay tuned to my heart in the sun and you will soon find yourself resonating with me and we shall travel in the same light. Welcome me at dawn and bid me good day at twilight, and then I shall know you are on the same wavelengths as me. I am the guardian of this solar system. There is much I can do for you if you will allow me into your heart where we can join in communion and celebrate the source of our oneness. I am here overlighting you at all times. I am Master Helios, the star in your eyes. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Master Helios channelled by Sophia-Ovidne, 6 August 2013 Published by Ovidne, P.O.Box 800, Cooroy, QLD 4563, Australia. ovidne sophia@ovidne
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 21:37:19 +0000

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