THE FLIP SIDE OF PAY-2-PLAY Robert Burton - TopicsExpress


THE FLIP SIDE OF PAY-2-PLAY Robert Burton rburtonvs@gmail 12:44 PM (0 minutes ago) to district1, district2, district3, district4, district5, Hamiltonclerk, Hamilton, RB, I am going to attend the Hamco eco development meeting tonight... I want the Authority members and staff to address Pay-2-Play politics.. or Cronyism. But I want them to explain how against all odds the poorest carpenter in the county can bring in over 100 jobs using only money taken from his meager grocery fund, when several very experienced and very well funded and well to do people can not bring in one single solitary job with a lobbyist which I believe to be receiving 60k a year and two high priced lawyers , an office with a budget and expenses and a full time staff complete with utilities etc paid for by the residents of Hamilton County... I do not accept that the Luvs truck stop is brought in by Hamco EDA. They do their own market studies etc.. They were coming to Hamilton anyway. The Hamco EDA simply took from the residents of Hamilton 750K to move the power lines. The only thing the residents of Hamilton received was a big fat bill taken from the dollars that are there to benefit them, not some Pay-2-Play corporation. I am not insinuating that Luvs paid to play... But all companies who are welcomed into the Development Authorities not just inn Hamilton but across the state should be investigated for funding Campaigns etc through Trade organization , directly, or under the table as flat out bribery, even to local officials. . Our BOCC chair as well has brought in 50-60 jobs in spite of the Hamco EDA and without the benefit of the Phosphate Severance tax and other resources the Hamco EDA has at its disposal. . I have yet another venture that will bring 50-60 jobs to Hamilton. My efforts are from my own meager dollars. Behind that if these companies dont get the door slammed in their face, I will bring in yet more good companies that will bring many private sector jobs to Hamilton. I am hearing political threats not just to myself but to others for our efforts. I will leave it to those others to reveal those threats to the HamCo EDA. Had the Hamco EDA not chased off other very great opportunities for Hamilton, I would have facilitated several other good companies establishing operations in Hamilton. We would have already offset the layoffs at PCS. The EDA aplication itself is evidence of the ill will of someone at the EDA. It insinuates contempt for the Hamilton County BOCC. I have had remarks from interested parties asking what is the problem here? It is my belief that Pay-2-Play is not effective unless virtuous methods of doing business are thwarted. Thus Lobbyist and others with a bribery etc past are guarding the gate to prevent those of us who by virtue refuse to resort to bribery from establishing operation here in Hamilton. The companies I and others bring to town, I believe are intentionally rejected for that purpose and that purpose only. . I am only able to work on this between gluing cycles . I have provided a lead on R Dale Patchett on only one of his scandals... There are more. It is the fiduciary duty of Hamco EDA to background check their lobbyist .. They should foot the bill.. It should not come from a very poor resident that spends his own dollars. Further the HamCo EDA needs to explain what the purpose of any Lobbyist would be and why this particular Lobbyist. They need to explain to the people of Hamilton what benefit he has brought for the money he has been given. HamCo EDA needs to tell the residents of Hamilton how long Patchett has been on the Payroll and explain what Hamilton has received in return for that expense... I would like eto see a total on how much money has been given to Patchett. . Further there are current political threats that I believe elevate to felony Extortion. They as always are presented in the form of Sticks and Carrots of course the game being that we never mention the sticks , but the target understands the sticks are there. In this case however. I believe they have breached that threshold. I want to speak with the targets and ask their permission before we proceed into this conversation. There are other issues that even though I am within Supreem Court First Amendment case history I want to address the issues face to face with the consent of the individuals that would be implicated because as you know, the access underhanded players have to our state agencies has caused me great harm in the past. Which those guilty of Color of law abuses and fraud upon the court then folded their hand and ran for cover when I refused to yield. Sorry for the mixno... I have to get back to my humble work. Blame spell Check ?? Looking Forward Bob Burton 386 938 4918 The commission, however, voted 4-3 to reject the proposal by Commissioner Hamilton Upchurch, a former legislator, to withdraw the ethics accusations against Messersmith, Gardner and former House Republican Leader Dale Patchett of Vero Beach. articles.sun-sentinel/1992-12-04/news/9203040497_1_ethics-trips-and-gifts-winston-bud-gardner
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:46:59 +0000

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