THE FLYNNER FILES - EDITORIAL. During the week, I wrote about - TopicsExpress


THE FLYNNER FILES - EDITORIAL. During the week, I wrote about the infamous bailout letters, and how these letters, and the very nature of them, should be approached. The EC, and through them, the ECB, are to blame for the Eurozone crisis, for, back in 1992, implementing a concept in the first place that should have taken another decade to implement. The Euro should not have been implemented until 2012, so as to give systems a chance to adjust. Sadly, back in the mid-1990s, the world was being overcome by an (US-led) unprecedented economic boom, and both peoples and nations were getting over-eager about enjoying the new style party that humanity had to experience. It can be said that the EU began to sell-out their principles of why the concept was invented back then, aahh sure you have to feel for these people, it is hard to fight the urges of desire, lust and greed. And certain politicians, let us say, Bertie Ahern, Charlie McCreevy, and their banker/developer/bondholder buddies like Seanie Fitzpatrick, Denis OBrien and Co, knowing that nothing can be forever, decided to, upon Berties successful election in 1997, encourage the Irish people to spend like there is no tomorrow, harnessing them into a pyramid scheme and sending McCreevy over to Europe to sign the deeds of the care of the nation over to the EU/ECB (2004), which would come into effect as soon as that boom had run its course, then these two doing a runner when the signs began to show... with all its consequences. Back in 1995, in DLS College Macroom (secondary school), I remember being with my year when Lucienda Creghton (then with Fine Gael, aka led by then banker backer John Bruton), along with the heads of Irish Homes and the Central Bank, telling us all why it is important that our first emphasis is to buy a house; ostienably, Lucienda continued, to have your own place and independence, but also to keep the boom going, because things have never been so good, and it is up to you and your children to ensure these times will last. Yes, being geared up as fodder for the bondholders(the best part anyway) when we were only in transition year. I recall that last happened in Europe in 1914, when so many young men were sent out to the trenches to make the capitalists in the empires richer?..... This has been a harsh lesson for us all, because for a nation who has made ourselves a potentially successful one, this is what happened when you let powers to be have your confidence; as demonstrated as a nation with a big sporting appetite, our biggest failing in regards to others is that we want other nations to like us - sure we are great craic,we can sing Da Fields over a few...... Bertie Ahern and Charlie McCreevy copped to this and learned how to exploit this to tragic effect, emphasised by these letters. These letters must be used by us for payback against Europe, but any payback we get must serve as a lesson for us all to never bring Ireland down these paths again, AND to be careful about choosing not only our leaders, but also our friends, in the future. Nazi Armaments minister Albert Speer bitterly muttered when captured in 1945 - History always emphasises terminal events. Yet he refused to acknowledge that it is the way we start things or let things start that sow the seeds of its end.....
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 10:50:08 +0000

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