THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE IS TO PAY RESPECTS TO THE LOSS OF ROBIN WILLIAMS AND ALSO TO MAKE REFERENCE COINCIDING WITH “TARGETED INDIVIDUALS” AND DEPRESSIONS IN GENERAL PER THESE FB PAGES, TIMELINES AND/OR FORUMS. … This is simply a reminder from a different ‘spectrum disorder’ that is also very important to understand the critical suffering. It is also my sincere purpose to bring attentions to and assist people and situations in general. In paying my respects to the tragic loss of Robin Williams, his family, loved ones, his fans and the great loss in general throughout the world, I am also reminded via my psychology studies and experiences with stages of depressions instigated from the initiation of my “Targeted Individual” crime disaster. This would mainly involve bouts within the first quarter of my (25) ‘plus’ years as a victim of this atrocious crime. This is not to make reference that Robin Williams was a TI at all, however, the bouts of depression are directly equivalent to most authentic Satellite or (in general), “Remote Monitoring” Targeted Individuals regardless if implant victims or ‘direct’ satellite radio wave victim designs. There have also been suicides among TIs throughout the decades and this is simply a reminder from this different ‘spectrum disorder’ and also very important to understand the critical suffering from depression in general, especially those as serious as Robin Williams (typical of other cases such as crime). Possibly, a great majority of people do not understand the aloneness and desperation of depressions from injuries, crimes as well other reasons and circumstances. The typical attitudes and wishes to be rid of these torturous illness situations and yet to remain in solitude versus seeking the attentions to this disease is critical to understand in general AS IT IS within covert crimes that are inflicted upon us as well such as Targeted Individuals. In the cases of abusive radio wave designs with TIs, the average victim is (typically in many cases) literally hosted with Audible and Visual aspects in comparison to other cases. Robin Williams could have possibly suffered from hearing voices and/or audible aspects. QUOTE from Robin: “What they feel is often constant and agonizing, so they seek out something, anything, to make them feel better. To fill the gaping hole at their center that only knows suffering and to maybe quiet the unrelenting voice in their head — the one that sounds trustworthy and almost comforting telling them that nothing will ever be okay even when things seem perfectly okay” End Quote. This is even though Mr. Williams may have been referring to his own voice. HOWEVER, the voices and also audible input that most Targeted Individuals suffer from is ADDITIONALLY coming from an “Abusive Remote Radio Wave Monitoring Technology” that literally hosts them similar to radio waves would operate a Television for instance, I.e. the Targeted Individual can think of themselves as a live walking camcorder in essence. I remember how God blessed me with a new business offer in Las Vegas, Nevada in the beginning which probably saved my life. In other words, it is imperative for depression victims desperate for help to find relief whether it be a comedian such as Robin (certainly one of the world’s top) or a lively gambling and show town such as Las Vegas. Again, it is also my sincere purpose to bring attentions to and assist people in these situations in general. Please refer further to my site report rob-files in addition to the many Facebook TimeLines and references on this subject and please WE ARE HERE TO ASSIST.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:08:48 +0000

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