THE FOOD, ITS KILLING US!!!!! When we look at the black - TopicsExpress


THE FOOD, ITS KILLING US!!!!! When we look at the black community and the health issues we face and are dying from, its sad and simple. Sad because of the death and loss of life, simple because all one must do is stop and change. The Foods we are eating are killing us, this Food is mental and physical and neither is healthy!! Satan or the devil prepares our food and prescribes us junk, then we become sick or diseased. Diseased is simply a Dis-Ease, we are not at ease or peace because we dont have the prescribed foods of God in our heads or the stomach. We like the devil because the devil gives us nothing? Why do we like the devil? You may ask, Because the devil put fear in us as children. Well why do we fear, now, since we are big? You may ask, Because the devil taught us to eat the wrong FOOD. Within the Church and American society we a dynamic duo of hypocrisy. The spiritual Food of church should be life giving as well as the physical Food. The black church is plagued with White supremacy, which psychologically destroys the Black children that learn under such psychosis. The other culprit is the physical Food, such as Church Dinners these types of Foods Kill. The health issue of humanity is derived directly from the food you consume. Obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart issues, and mental issues are all stimuli determined conditions, meaning you have to be doing something to get them. Hereditary or genetics is almost non-existent in this case, although Drs and scientists note this as a factor, that is incorrect. If the gene is a factor where did the original gene come from? God, so wheres the Flaw or Disease in that? These conditions are environment driven and can be fixed in that same way. The fact that we call Slave food Soul Food is Foolish. These were the scraps, the junk, the leftovers of what they fed their animals and we now take it as delicacy. Your collard greens, your chitterlings, your fried this and fried that, your cornbreads, white sugars, sweet potato pies and sodas, this, this is what is killing you, this gives you diabetes, heart disease, low & high blood pressure, fatigue, cancer and obesity. These are not divine foods, God did not prescribe these, satan did and thats why we die from them. Im not saying STOP anything, Im simply saying make better choices, if you wish to live!!! Theres a book called How To Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad, get it study it read it and try it, watch documentaries, Dr. Oz has SOME good information at times as well. learn all you can about Health and nutrition, there is so much you dont know!!!! Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:33:19 +0000

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