THE FOOL’S PARADISE IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS Just last night I read - TopicsExpress


THE FOOL’S PARADISE IRIAEVHO PRECIOUS Just last night I read somewhere that bill gate racks in more wealth even while asleep. It sounded too good to be true, never knew I could make a fortune while sleeping. To this end I decided to allocate more time to sleeping… I was actually going to sleep myself to riches. I was asleep when my ancient alarm rented the air with that melancholic tune that I have grown accustomed to overtime, but this time I was not to be intimidated and disturbed. With one swift movement of my arm, I heard it shatter against the wall making one last tune that sounded more like an appeal to an executioner before sinking down to the great beyond or wherever it is that broken and destroyed alarm clocks go to. Next was the sun ray seeping in through the opening in my window and as I stood up to shut the window, some two birds from nowhere came chirping, it sounded more like good morning to me, but I was not cut out for that today, shutting the window close and drawing the curtain, I thought I heard myself mutter, “what is good about the morning?” I turned around and my bed was awaiting me like a space ship and I the captain and pilot wasted no time in boarding to an unknown destination. I must have been riding to long because all of a sudden, my environment came alive….. “Welcome sir, to WEALTH NATION” the hostess announced “here is your credit card, gold bag and shoe, diamond studded wristwatch” she gestured “Thank you” I said so surprised As I turned to walk away, she called out “You are forgetting something sir” “What?” I asked “Here is the pilot to your private jet” pointing to a young man in white uniform. “My private jet?” I enthused “if this is a dream, I will never wake up” “Don’t worry” I said “I am scared of heights, a vehicle will be preferable, in short where can I get one now?” I was shown to the car depot and then to an exclusive garage with all sort of cars. All great with glittering enamel body, I was still lost in my reverie when the attendant poked me. “Make a choice sir” he said “there is Porsche, Ferrari, Bugatti, BMW, Benz all in varying colours and model and even shapes” he added I was so stunned, the words that came out next from my mouth were a bomb, and by the way there is the money. “I want all of them” I bragged “in short how much for the entire garage, I want it too!” “Also you are hired, drive me to the biggest hotel in this country” We arrived at the reception and it was nothing of earth, everywhere dazzled so much, like the sun sets there, I had to put on my sunglasses, the liveliness was so great, even an old man will become a teenager here. “Here is your room key sir” the receptionist said, handing the key to me “I do not want a room, I want the entire top floor” I answered. She looked at me and said emphatically “Sir, we have customers booked in already and it will cost you a fortune to get it too” “Send them out and I will pay them all, and I want all to my self-including you too, and also call all the most beautiful girls and models around to come” As I took the elevator upstairs, I was feeling like a demi-god, wealth is good. I crashed on the water bed and took a sip of the wine the butler brought for me, taking a bite of all the dishes on the king sized dining table, I knew I was here to stay. Then a knock on the door, “Open” I called out Then the most beautiful of the female species I have ever seen walked in, with catlike steps. She was so clean and edible that I became hungry again. It was like she was cut out from a beauty magazine or an angel that has lost her feathers. When she came closer, her smell was so nice I could not breath anymore, and when she touched me, my skin went white and my brain did a double turn over and when she looked into my eyes, I went blind for it was sparkling. The next word I heard made me shudder “Just don’t move, I will take care of you” was all she said but it kept echoing in my head Then she pushed me slowly onto the king size water bed…… I started feeling the vibration in my legs and through my whole body, it was so much, but alas! It was my ancient NOKIA torchlight phone ringing annoyingly, how did I forgot to turn it off. I picked up. “Guy, how far,that test was so complicated, I did not finish mine, stopped at number two” a voice said from the other end “What test? Who are you?” I barked, still stunned by reality. “Who am i? Were you not in class this morning, we just had a test after submitting our assignment” the voice answered I looked at the phone screen “WHAT, TONY WHERE ARE YOU NOW? I AM FINISHED” I screamed, then the line went dead. SO I HAD BEEN DREAMING ALL THIS WHILE, WHILE REALITY WAS ON. AND I BENT DOWN TO PICK THE PIECES OF MY BROKEN ALARM CLOCK, MY VERY GOOD OLD FRIEND, AND STRETCHING MY HAND TO OPEN MY WINDOW, BUT THE BIRDS WERE THERE NO MORE AND EVEN THE SUN RAY REFUSED TO SHINE IN. I WAS SO ALONE AND LOST. MY BED WAS SOAKED WITH PERSPIRATION. BUT I WAS SOAKED IN PAIN, REGRETS AT THE HIEGHT OF MY FOOLISHNESS I KNEW BETTER, THERE WAS NO WEALTH NATION, I WAS JUST A FOOL WHO THOUGHT HE WAS IN PARADISE! MORAL: I JUST WANT US ALL TO FIGURE IT OUT FOR OURSELVES. THE MESSAGE IS BROAD. I HOPE I AFFECTS YOU IN A LITTLE WAY. theyouinitiative
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 12:55:34 +0000

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