THE FORCE OF PATIENCE!! (PART 1) I will be running a series on - TopicsExpress


THE FORCE OF PATIENCE!! (PART 1) I will be running a series on the topic above this week and I pray that this piece will bring out the best in our Christian life as God wants us to be. The way I am going to handle this topic may seem to be controversial. However, that is not my intention. It is my responsibility to share this because I have been tasked by the Holy Spirit for some couple of days now to do so. Now I will humbly ask every audience here to please put on his or her spiritual glasses as we start this first part. While many christians have given up on their prayer lives, others too are on the verge of quitting their christian faith because of this special ingredient, PATIENCE. As Sons and Daughters of God, we have to contend earnestly for the faith so that we will not loose this precious and glorious life just for the cheap lies of Satan. It is the duty of the devil to throw his deceptive darts against us to the point that we may be taken at his own will. The problem with many believers today is their inability to rightly divide the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 reads, And the servant of the Lord must not strive ; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, PATIENT, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance TO ACKNOWLEDGING THE TRUTH; and that they may RECOVER THEMSELVES OUT OF THE SNARE OF THE DEVIL, who are taken captive by him at HIS WILL If you followed the scripture very well, you will notice that the only way to recover oneself out of the snare of the devil is by being gentle and patience to acting on Gods word. In as much as faith is one of the finest keys to living the Christian life, patience is very vital in keeping ones faith...Glory to God!! The inability of many believers to understand how important this is can create a chance for the devil to operate in their ignorant. Many people think that because they acting in faith and faith is in the now, patience is non-applicable in this phase. Now, it is advisable that any student of the bible should learn not to propound a doctrine with just one scripture. We must learn to interpret the Word of God in the light of the rest of the bible. Dont just take one scripture and say that that is all there is to it...No! that will criminalize your faith. WHEN THE STRONG FORCE OF PATIENCE IS EXECERCISED APPROPRIATELY IN OUR WALK WITH GOD, NOTHING CAN STOP US FROM GROWING FROM FAITH TO FAITH. Many have asked God for something for a long time and theyve not seen it so they concluded that it didnt work. Brothers and sisters the number one man that was testified by God himself as the father of faith waited patiently on the promise till it came to pass. WAITING PATIENTLY ON GODS PROMISES IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAK FAITH. It is a sign of a relentless faith. Beloved, it is not your long prayers that Changes God. If there is one thing that God cannot do...HE CANNOT CHANGE!!! This is a sure certainty!!!! How one is able to patiently wait and confess the word of God, no matter how long it will be manifested in the natural proves ones maturity and not carnality....(TO BE CONTINUED...)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:21:05 +0000

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