THE FORGIVING FATHER Prodigal is a word we don’t use much in - TopicsExpress


THE FORGIVING FATHER Prodigal is a word we don’t use much in ordinary conversation, but it is firmly attached in our minds to Jesus’ story about a father and his two sons. Jewish law in Jesus’ time allowed a first-born son to inherit two-thirds of his father’s property. Any younger son or sons got the remaining third. Normally, this division took place after the father’s death, but in today’s Gospel the younger son cannot wait, demands his portion and leaves, with no promise ever to return. After a short spell of reckless extravagance, the money is gone and the son is reduced to the lowest of the low—herding pigs. He plucks up his courage and decides to return home, fully expecting a cool reception. He plans to confess his guilt and ask his father to accept him back as a servant, because he is unworthy to be called a son. We all know how the story turns out—the father running down the road to meet the young man, clothing him in finery and ordering a huge feast. The older son greets this turn of events with hostility, even though he is guaranteed a place in his father’s heart and a fine inheritance for the future. Apparently he harbors resentment not only toward his wayward brother, but also toward his father. The father knows how to forgive and, sadly, the older son does not. And the father not only forgives, he forgets. Whatever the younger son did matters not at all compared to who he is—the beloved child. Every time we revisit this story we have the opportunity to reflect and ask ourselves whether we ever act like the younger son or the older son, or if we strive to act the way that God does toward us, as the forgiving father. Living Stewardship Now Make a list of everyone you have not completely forgiven. If you cannot make peace with them in person, pray for them once a day until you know you can forgive and forget. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 14:50:55 +0000

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