THE FORGOTTEN TIPS FOR FAT LOSS TIP 1 MORNING CARDIO ON AN EMPTY STOMACH How Long Are Your Cardio Sessions? Specifically, 45 minutes of moderate intensity cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach three or four times per week. As with most other training goals the fat loss craze has reached epic proportions to where special diets - the more bizarre sounding the more popular they seem - and insane cardio regimes are the norm. With cardio we today see the devoted masses scheduling in one hour - or more- sessions each day of the week and wondering why they are not losing body fat (with all the muscle often lost through such an enterprise it is really no surprise). Further, there are those with even greater discipline who train as if they are preparing for inclusion in an elite military unit, with hour upon hour of endurance work heaped upon exhaustive weight training sessions and supported by starvation diets. They are more likely to find themselves in a hospital bed than one of the tanning variety. A sensible cardio approach that has benefitted millions - and yes we could also argue that High Intensity Interval Training aerobics is also effective, which it is, but not for everyone - is the good old 45 minutes of moderate intensity output (around 70 percent of maximal heart rate) three or four times per week. Tackling such training first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is also a great idea - despite what some people say - as this, provided training intensity does not extended beyond moderate and session length is kept as prescribed, will directly target body fat, since glycogen stores will typically be low at this time leaving fat as a major fuel source; if we wait until after breakfast then a percentage of the energy burned will come from the carbohydrates consumed earlier, despite the fact that aerobics, in its purest form, uses oxygen - which activates the usage of fat stores - for energy. Most forms of sustained lower intensity exercise will suffice here: stationary cycling, fast walking and the stepper machine being the best forms. Running is too tough on the joints and typically will burn a greater degree more muscle than will the lower impact forms of cardio, as mentioned here. So, if you can get out of bed before 7.00am and complete 45 minutes of moderate intensity cardio three times per week you will almost certainly be on the path to permanent weight loss. Probably the best reason for adopting such an approach is the fact it is relatively easy to maintain; once waking earlier becomes routine, morning cardio will not only burn fat, guaranteed - no need for any money back promises here - but will awaken your mind and set you up perfectly for the day ahead.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:57:23 +0000

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