THE FORWARD TRUTH: I know this will sound harsh to my comrades - TopicsExpress


THE FORWARD TRUTH: I know this will sound harsh to my comrades in the opposition UPND party, but lets face the reality. Flight HH2015 is not landing at airport state house come January 2015. Dont accuse me of being a tribalist or anything closer to that but thats just the truth you have to get used to before you die of BP. Talk about it, Zambian politics are not like British or Americans were citizens tend to analyse politicians in their individual capacity we still judge politicians from the party level. You our educated elites, lose yourselves in discussing about the Inflation, GDP, Constitution amendement, Debt and name it the fact remains the majority of our citizens who casts a vote of deciding who should enter state house cares less about that, I mean the bus drivers,the street vendors and the general workers. Just yesterday I overheard a vendor shouting to her friend that Bushe akesa tusunga pa musebo ngatwa musala? Meaning is he going to allow us continue trading on the streets when we elect him. I bet thats the all deal with them, an assurance of not riping their office is the all deal and PF has shown that. Still try to relate and bridge the gap between the debt which Zambia has incurred through the PF goverment at the expense of infrastructure development and the cost of living, that will not make sense to my grand mother in Mutwe wa Nsofu who just had her roads tarred and this rain season she will not have to walk in the mudy compound to reach her destination. What sort of an upheaval will HH use to convince my Uncles and Aunties about minimum wage. Just in case but this vote will be split the civil servants who had their salaries increased by 300 percent.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:14:45 +0000

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