THE FREEDOM PROJECT Once again I am delighted to feature an - TopicsExpress


THE FREEDOM PROJECT Once again I am delighted to feature an entry in the Freedom Project. Today’s entry is by Jesse Keyes and is entitled “The Time Machine”. Jesse uses Sl as rehabilitation and therapy following a stroke. Her artwork is a time machine. Don’t we all wish we had a time machine that could take us back to a time before we were injured or sick? Read Jesse story below. uwainsl.blogspot/ *Jesse Keyes **Dawsonville Ga Name of Art or Machinima Entry: The TIME MACHINE Link to Machinima (where appropriate): Artists Statement : From wishing that time could be traveled. **My Story: As I took hold of the handle of the door I heard an exclamation, oddly truncated at the end, and a click and a thud. A gust of air whirled round me as I opened the door, and from within came the sound of broken glass falling on the floor. The Time Traveller was not there. I seemed to see a ghostly, indistinct figure sitting in a whirling mass of black and brass for a moment—a figure so transparent that the bench behind with its sheets of drawings was absolutely distinct; but this phantasm vanished as I rubbed my eyes. The Time Machine had gone. Save for a subsiding stir of dust, the further end of the laboratory was empty. A pane of the skylight had, apparently, just been blown in. SL gives me the freedom to dream and do stories.. Thanks Jayjay Zifanwe for the venue to show them off over the years. Jesse Keyes. *** My Disability was from a head injury from a fall that caused a mechanical stroke. Which means that more than one part of the brain was damaged. For me it meant my vestibular (balance) was damaged so i balance not being able to walk a straight line. And even sitting the world was spinning. Short term memory...err what was we talking about?.....I don’t remember..... Remember when we took the kids to...(insert name)......We did? People that know me in RL saw things had changed...for me a real life changer.. One of the things in therapy was to do things to stimulate and learn...helps to form new paths or ways of thinking. To me the real world can be very scary In Second Life i have control on the world as i want to see it. meeting friends... and getting advice from others that have disability a graphic online support group that is willing to listen to you and help. Ive taken building classes and jewelry making classes and the amount of concentration and focus has help me gain back some of what i have lost. by using typing chats helps me to get my thoughts in order and more to the point help me link back up thought trains that used to wind down when i could not find the right word. in sl i can take the time to get (find?) the word. I truly love SL for what it has allowed me to do. I work for a land sales office in sl so i do customer service now. and while waiting for customers i started listening to You Tube videos and from that took back up playing guitar. Ive not got to the point of doing live music in SL yet but that may come one day. My you tube clips are under the name of jessekeyes40. ** Ah the time machine build... When Jay Jay sent me the notice on the display request iI read through. My father passed about 6 months ago now and I had been doing hospice with him for 5 months before. In that time Sl was a very big escape and help for me to keep up with friends but not time to do any building. One of the YouTube movies that I watched and affected me a lot was one called cyborg girl, its Japanese with sub titles. The main plot is about time travel and the part that affect me the most is when they travel back to see his village and to see but not talk to the people there and was for only one day. You Tube link From there the time machine was created.... The most iconic is the George Pal movie The Time Machine from 1960. And from that starting point the build was started. And yes i did see it as a hope both to travel back to what once was but also travel into the future to what one can become. And a start for healing. jesse keyes 11/16/2013 Visit the work in Second Life here: maps.secondlife/secondlife/UWA/32/49/248 *****
Posted on: Thu, 02 Jan 2014 23:46:26 +0000

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