THE FULLNESS OF TIME COMES WITH THE FULL STATURE OF CHRIST THE KING OF GLORY..FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH..WHO HAS A LAMB NATURE AND ALSO A LION NATURE..AS THE LORD SHALL APPEAR AND MANIFEST FULLY...AND AS WE EMBRACE HIM FULLY WE EMBRACE WHO HE IS..AS HE IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH..IN ORDER TO MANIFEST FULLNESS ONE HAS EMBRACED HIM FULLY AND THE FULL NATURE OF GOD IN CHRIST. HALF TRUTHS AVAIL US NOTHING AND MISS THE MARK AND THE PRIZE OF THE HIGH CALLING IN CHRIST OF BEING TRANSFORMED TO HIS EXACT FULL NATURE EVEN AS IN THE WORLD CULTS AND NEW AGE TEACHINGS WILL CONTAIN SOME TRUTH OR PARTS OF HIS TRUTH YET JUST LIKE TELLING HALF A STORY IS NOT THE FULL STORY AND VOID OF THE WHOLE TRUTH AND THE TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH.AND HALF TRUTHS DO NOT MAKE A READY BRIDE. AS THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD WASHES THE BRIDE WITH HIS WORD HIS WORD IS TRUTH AND SANCTIFYS HER BY HIS TRUTH AND FILLS WITH HIS WORD FOR HER TO BE FULL AND GO FORTH IN HIS TRUTH TO THE NATIONS MAKING DISCIPLES. NEW AGE TEACHINGS AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS SPEAK ON LOVE AND GRACE OF GOD BUT DENY HIS JUDGEMENTS AND DENY AND or SPEAK ON HIS WRATH AGAINST REBELLION UNBELIEF AND EVIL AND EVEN BELIEVE THERE IS NO ETERNAL JUDGEMENT AND PUNISHMENT OR HELL FOR THE WICKED..AS THEY DONT BELIEVE A LOVING GOD WOULD COME TO SLAY THE WICKED! NEW AGE TAKES ONE ASPECT OF GOD AND SEEKS TO BUILD A DOCTRINE UPON IT IN AN UNBALANCED HYPER GRACE LOVE FEAST VOID OF THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH.YET EVEN GODS JUDGEMENTS COME FROM A MOTIVE OF LOVE AND HAVE AN ETERNAL REDEMPTIVE PURPOSE AS HIS CLEANSING IN THE LAST DAYS COMES BY FIRE AS IT IS WRITTEN. EVEN AS A HUSBAND MIGHT SPEAK ON HIS WIFE BEING A WIFE BUT DENY AND NOT TELL HOW SHE IS ALSO THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN,,THEREFORE THE TRUTH OF WHO HE SPEAKS LACKS FULLNESS AND COMPLETENESS..AND IS NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH OR PICTURE. .In todays generation in the time we live, where rebellion Runs rampant, and many are in an apostate state, seems Prophetic as Jesus has spoken, many will come in my name do not believe them, so now many are confused in what to believe, And who to listen to.jesus warned us of a great falling Away that many would deny him and revel in carnality And sin. Where as 1Tim speaks to the last days The word says in latter times some will depart from The faith, by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits And teachings of demons, through insincerity of liars, Whose conscience are seared. The word says we test what man speaks, with the Word of God. If it doesnt line up, we discard it. The focus of the church is surrendering in humility To the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and his word spoken by His Spirit of truth. If we put our giftings, callings, dreams, visions, or our Spiritual experiences above his word and obedience To his Word resulting from love and faith, than one Can miss the mark and fall into Idolatry and deception and strong delusion. GOD DISCIPLINES (REBUKES CORRECTS EXHORTS) THOSE HE LOVES. ALOT OF REBELS IN THEIR MANIPULATION LIKE BABYS ARE SAYING THATS NOT GOD THATS NOT LOVING YOUR MEAN DADDY BC THEY ARE REBELLIOUS TO THE LORD THEY SEEK TO CREATE AN IMAGE OF DADDY GOD THE FATHER OF THEIR OWN MAKING A FATHER WHO WINKS AT REBELLION AND UNBELIEF AND ROCKS THEM TO SLEEP IN THEIR SPIRITUAL COMPLACENCY ALWAYS HEARING NEVER LEARNING OR GROWING BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO BE SANCTIFIED BY THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH THE REBELLIOUS DWELL IN A DRY LAND GOD FEED WHAT HE WANTS TO GROW AND SENDS ANGELS TO WEED WACK AND SEPARATES WHEAT FROM TARES AND MIGHT EVEN CURSE A TREE THAT BEARS NO FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. MERCY AND GRACE IS GIVEN TO THOSE WHO AFTER HEARING THE TRUTH REPENT CONFESS SIN AND SURRENDER TO THE CHRIST NOT JUST AS SAVIOR AND FRIEND BUT KING AND LORD OF THEIR LIFE! True unity comes from abiding in Christ, repentance, And transformation of our hearts and minds, transformed renewed By his Word. Transformation of our heart one with his sole desire. Unfortunately many have wandered from this, Becoming as the Lacedoinans, luke warm, complacent, Spiritually indifferent, wont commit to faith truth. A church that lacks repentance and conviction, A church that opens to the flattery of Anti Christ Spirit, only feel good tickle your ears, coddle you And rock you to sleep boasting In their own ideals, and relative truths, but dismiss The Word of God as an ultimate plumb line foundation. The Lord is shaking structures and foundations Of men, with their man made rules and traditions Of men, and false prophets. His Judgment comes to his house first. His Word Will Decimate the reprobates Who have chosen to believe a lie, after Being confronted with the truth. churches want revival, but its foundations Will not be built on false schemes, greed, Selfish carnality of men. Many are blind to what a true genuine move of The Holy Spirit looks like. The Holy Spirit will always glorify Jesus Christ, Over mere men. And swift judgment on apostasy, all false hood. That man made religion that conforms to The wisdom if the world and its system. As this shaking is going on, there is exposure of Darkness as his truth, his Word, his light goes forth. The Lord will confront the rulers of this age And the powers of darkness. All who are opposed to the work of the Holy Spirit Now are in danger of interference of the Lords work. And in danger like Anninas and Saphira when confronted By Peter about Lying to the Holy Ghost died. Listen, do not judge by your carnal man. You will mis judge and could be in danger Of Blaspheming the Holy Ghost. Dont mis judge the instruments he uses If you have, repent, apologize quickly. When one judges by the spirit, his word confirms by 2 or 3 Witnesses, and you will have peace in his presence When your perception is of God. The Lord is clearly watching over his Word, And clearly watches and protects it and Those he chooses to use as a mouthpiece. Its time for the Wisdom and Knowledge of God Not the wisdom and knowledge of self. ITS TIME FOR THE WHOLE STORY TO BE TOLD AND THE UNVEILING OF THE FULL REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST WHO COMES AS THE KING AND RISEN LORD AND A JUDGE AND SPEAKS THE FULL COUNCIL OF THE LORD IN HIS COURTS IN JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SLAYS WICKEDNESS WITH THE BREATHE OF HIS MOUTH (SWORD OF THE SPIRIT) And I speak in the love of Jesus Christ All he has given me to share here today. Amen. __________________ NEW JERUSALEM
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:09:04 +0000

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