THE FURLOUGH AWAKENING - TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS The term Trickle-Down Economics became famous during the Reagan years (although the term evolved around the Great Depression). 30 years after Reagan, we can see a different kind of Trickle-Down happening economically. With the recent government furlough, we actually had a chance to see immediate Trickle-Down Economics but not in the way we have been sold. Because of the political madness from all sides of the political spectrum, there were millions of people that were affected that wont receive retro pay. They cant get those missed hours back because their jobs were dependent upon the federal workers support. Restaurants suffered... Delivery services were impacted which caused people to miss time-sensitive, financially relevant packages and mail. Retail outlets suffered. Contractors suffered. Taxis suffered. Public transit suffered. The food trucks that sell the suspect food that is supposed to taste good suffered. Lol. Cosmetologists and Barbers suffered. Well, except for the ones that had the real vain clientele that would go into the negative (in the bank), allow their kids to go without or hustle their food stamps to ensure they still had a fresh do. Couriers suffered and the list goes on and on. All of this is a result of the Trickle-Down effect from the furlough. These industries simply lost that money. This is the danger in being solely dependent upon a check from a dysfunctional and broke system that runs exclusively based upon consumer confidence. Its a daily game of manipulating peoples emotions to ensure that the stock markets grow and investors dont go into a panic and withdraw their money. That is what happens when you have a currency that has no actual value. In 1992, I learned the importance of not having only one stream of income. I was working at a delivery restaurant in Atlanta called Steak Out. The manager was special and started mess with my money via cutting hours. It was a strange feeling because I could tell this guy got a kick out of playing with my livelihood. This is when I started looking at having other income outside of the primary income. This was an incredible lesson that taught me how to develop an entrepreneurs mindset for my household and personal finances. From that moment, I always viewed my primary income source as a tool to create other income streams. I really put this into practice when I worked in radio because that is probably the MOST unstable occupation anyone can have. Every 90 days (even less with PPM in full effect) your job is on the line. If your ratings drop, you can be fired immediately and the jokers will escort you out of the building with a security escort. Thank God that never happened to me but Ive seen it happen many times. Once that became clear to me, I used that season to make investments and start businesses. I didnt sit around trying to be a radio star because that is simply hype. I didnt run out and go into a bunch of debt so I could appear paid in an effort to impress people that could care less. Dont get me wrong, I am forever grateful for the radio season but here is the truth. The minute you come off the air, people forget you and they certainly are not trying to pay your bills. Thats why when I see people catch the radio, tv or any other kind of performance ego, I just shake my head because I know that day is coming. BACK TO THE TRICKLE-DOWN In our culture, we are trained to trust exclusively in man-made systems (government and corporations) and not Gods wisdom and warnings. This leaves us vulnerable to the games people play. Yes, God is in control but He also warns and offers wisdom for those who desire it. He certainly does not want us to sit around with a passive, nonchalant attitude about life. If that were the case, we might as well discard the ENTIRE books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. What really hit home for me was last year when I was sharing Debt Free College Degree The Seminar in Fayetteville, North Carolina. A lady (approx 65 years of age) was in attendance. She seemed to very attentive and at the end she shared her story about her reality. She worked 40 years in the school system, retired and is now working for the school system again. Her reality was that her pension from the school system and social security check is not enough to live off of. She had to return to work to survive. She also shared how her group of friends ALL had to do the same thing. Her sadness was evident because all she was taught to follow was the system set and she would be alright. That was a lie she was sold! The good news is that she has new information and has started making some changes in her life. My point for this post is very simple. The Furlough was a test to see a variety of financial responses to cuts and pressure. Congress miraculously got their act together when the markets started acting funny and they saw how close it was getting to Red Friday. Its officially known as Black Friday but that name is only accurate for retail market. Many people that get caught up in the psychological hype of a manufactured season, go into the RED and stay there. We have to become wise about the times we are in and not get caught in the extremes. One extreme says everything is GREAT and dismisses the realities. The other extreme says doom and gloom and send people into another form of manufactured panic. There are countless stories of preparation without mass hysteria and panic in the Bible. We simply have to realize the illusion of what we are living in and it is time to wake up. If nothing ever happens, we are still prepared. Proverbs 22:3, 27:12, 1:22, 14:16
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:23:48 +0000

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