THE FURTHER WE MOVE AWAY FROM NATURE, THE FATTER WE BECOME. Excess fat on tummy region reflects excess levels of stress hormone cortisol. Yes stress is actually making you FAT!! It can have a massive impact on your fat loss. Try these ten tips that may help: 1. YOU Try to have 30 mins of YOU time per day (even a hot soak in the bath, no phone, just chill out and relax, will do you wonders). 2. TURN NEGATIVE INTO POSITIVE Don’t let negative people bring you down, use their negativity in a positive way, if they need to put someone down, they obviously have issues, concentrate on being a better you, putting YOURSELF and YOUR health first for a chance. Control your mental attitude in all circumstances. 3. RELAX Drink Tulsi tea on an evening to aid relaxation its an Indian Holy Basil and actually tastes nice… BONUS! Supplement with magnesium, again awesome for relaxation on an evening and helps with muscular recovery. 4. INTOLERANCE You may have an intolerance to certain food consumption i.e. the main culprits are: wheat, dairy, nuts, yeast so try to keep a food diary so you can keep track if you feel ‘bloated’ after certain foods. By reducing the exposure to these foods you reduce stress on the gastrointestinal and immune system which will lower cortisol. 5. VITAMIN C Supplementing with Vitamin C will help with stress, it is used by the adrenal glands to make stress hormones, toxicity also depletes our stores in Vit C. Did you know a pepper actually contains more Vit C than an orange FACT!! 6. LOVE Don’t be a prisoner of your own thoughts. Every thought you have sends signals though your body which can actually affect your genes. Be in a loving relationship, if its not working then life’s too short!! Surround yourself with people of a similar mindset, love promotes growth, stress suppresses it! 7. BREAKFAST Get breakfast right and it will set you up for the day. Having a quality breakfast will set your brain chemistry and hormonal response for that day e.g. smoked salmon, asparagus and a handful of blueberries will give you optimum brain nourishment as opposed to ‘cereal and milk’ like most children have in the UK, the gluten and casein can actually have a morphine like affect on the brain and no nutritional value causing physical and mental health problems. 8. ENVIRONMENT Create your environment: The more toxins entering our body the more congested our blood, the less oxygen to our cells only leads to health problems and disease. A lack of oxygen is CANCER. We are actually causing our own illnesses. Get rid of your toxins: – Perspiration – Respiration – Urination – Defecation The further we move away from the nature the fatter we become’ – Phil Richards 9. LAUGH Laughter reduces stress hormones in the body and boosts the immune system. I love a good belly laugh ;) ‘LAUGHTER is the best revenge for ANGER’ – Dalai Lama 10. WATER Monitor your water consumption, is so important, if you aren’t drinking enough your body will hold onto the water as it thinks you are dehydrating, so once you start upping your intake then you will start expelling it. 70% of every cell in our body is made up of water so if you don’t drink enough you literally won’t function properly. I always up my water intake on training days or if having sauna etc as you will sweat more. Our blood is 92% water/plasma, our cells bath in this so if we’re not getting enough the blood will become congested, and people wonder why they have health problems. Your brain is 80% water!! Don’t underestimate the power of WATER!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:12:42 +0000

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