THE FUTURE BELONGS TO LOVE AND LIFE! DEAR FRIENDS- We were all born into this world completely ready to flourish, to fulfill ourselves, to love and be loved. We carried no stain of Original Sin, no karmic debt or problems from past lives and no inbuilt ego that predisposes us to suffering. The truth about who we are is far more beautiful than that! In reality each and every newborn babe comes to this Sacred Earth as a perfect flower- needing only the warm sun of love, the rich soil of nurturing and the gentle rain of understanding to blossom into his/her radiant and unique self. Everyone on Earth arrived ready for happiness- but the world we entered was sorely wounded. An enormous burden of emotional trauma and damage has been passed down through the centuries and generations. Because of this very few- if any!- of us were met with the completely validating and fully open-hearted response to our Authentic Selves that we needed to flourish emotionally and spiritually. The generational cycle of pain that I describe in many of my writings is very real. And its tragic and destructive impact is the real cause of both our individual suffering and humanitys collective problems and struggles. The core human nature we all share is essentially loving, cooperative and creative/pleasure-oriented. Why, then, can we find no peace in our hearts- or in the world around us which is burning with conflict? In my writings I have traced the origins of interpersonal violence, war, prejudice of all kinds and the inability to eradicate problems such as poverty and injustice to the fact that the masses- virtually everyone, in reality- are carrying a load of buried fear, rage and sadness from the mishandling of their natural emotional needs during childhood. We are unconsciously driven- individually and as the entire human race- to act out on each other the abuse, neglect, misunderstanding, betrayal, violence etc. that we experienced to one degree or another as children. Because I have walked through the fire- releasing the pain and negative conditioning from my own childhood and learning to totally love and accept myself - I have reclaimed my birthright of inner freedom, daily happiness and the joy of being alive. The miracle of my own salvation has given me the unshakeable faith that each of you can break the chains the past, free your bodies, open your hearts and come completely alive. This is what everyone was born for- and this is what you deserve! And I have no doubt that when enough of us have faced and released our inner pain, and a slow but steady cultural change occurs in how we love and understand our children- and ourselves- the Natural Love in human nature will rise like the sun after a long and bitter night. And as it does the ancient shadows of war, injustice and poverty will dissolve in the Light- forever. Our destiny is the world we have longed for through the ages. Where all that is beautiful and sacred in the human body and spirit, heart and soul is free to flourish and thrive. This Promised Land is waiting for you. So set yourself free and keep the faith that someday we will all stand there- together. The future belongs to love and life! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:32:23 +0000

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