THE GARDEN OF EDEN - Astrological insights and an important - TopicsExpress


THE GARDEN OF EDEN - Astrological insights and an important prophecy- There are many prophecies, from many different seers, prophets, spiritual masters, oracles, regions, cultures and times which all specifically pertain to this era. They are all strikingly similar. The accuracy of these prophecies is becoming more apparent every day. It is only a matter of time before these prophecies are fulfilled. They offer crucially important insights for all humanity at this time... ‘Then the LORD God, took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it’ – Genesis I regard the story of The Garden of Eden to be one of the most important lessons in the sacred Holy Bible; as it accurately describes what paradise and paradise consciousness is. The last true global and planetary Paradise that we know of; when humanities general consciousness was still our natural uncorrupted paradise consciousness is historically referred to as The Garden of Eden. The historical story of The Garden of Eden is not unique to The Book of Genesis. This same historical story is repeated all around the world by all indigenous cultures. Obviously there is much truth in it and many important lessons to be gained from it. These historical records all tell of an age when humanity, all animals and all plants had much higher levels of consciousness, and all life was attuned to and communed with each other. They provide profoundly important lessons for humanity; recorded to guide us into the future in the hope of maintaining rather than destroying Paradise. The historical accounts of the Garden of Eden regarding all animals being vegetarians (or carrion eating scavengers) and lions lying down peacefully in harmony beside lambs, and of all humans having Paradise consciousness and living to 300 years of age are highly probable. These divine teachings have long been ignored and Paradise has been almost destroyed. The last remnants of what was once a global and planetary paradise are severely threatened. The story of the Garden of Eden contains all of the insights and the solutions to all of planet Earth and humanities problems, guiding us to re-manifest Paradise, if we so desire. Scholars disagree when some of the collective stories compiled in the Old Testament were first written down and how old these stories are. The stories of The Garden of Eden were taught and preserved orally, long before they were recorded in any written form. Most western scientists claim that the human species has only existed for 40,000 -50,000 years, which coincides with a previous cosmological/astrological period known as The Golden Age, Age of Enlightenment, Age of Aquarius, or Satya Yuga; the Age of Truth which occurred 48,000 years ago. If true, these scientific dates accurately support some of the historical data recorded in the Book of Genesis and the many ancient stories from all around the world that record the long past Age of planetary paradise and the original Garden of Eden that man was placed in, to tend, keep, and live happily, easily and sustainably in, ever after, with long lives, excellent health and endless abundance. All of the advanced civilizations throughout history developed advanced astronomical and astrological sciences and they all validate each others knowledge and historical records. The highly advanced astronomical and astrological records of these ancient civilizations provide the most accurate insights into the ancient and modern human consciousness. The astrological age that we are now being consciously affected by is called by occidental astrology, The Age of Pisces. It is known in vedic astrology as the transition point between the end of Kali yuga (the age of darkness and ignorance) and the beginning of Dwapara Yuga (the age of reawakening). At this time human consciousness is now slowly reawakening from its lowest possible level of consciousness, which is typified by our complete lack of Paradise consciousness. According to all of the various ancient astronomical and astrological sciences, the beginning of the next Golden Age, also known as the Age of Aquarius, Age of the Gods, Age of Enlightenment or Satya Yuga (Age of Truth) is not far away, beginning in approximately 475 years from now, around the year 2490 AD and will last 3600 to 4000 years. The study of the powerful astronomical (cosmic) influences on all life, which we call astrology has revealed unequivocally that the great astrological (cosmic) influences affect all life vibrationally, both physically and consciously. All humans, animals, plants and minerals are affected. When human consciousness is unenlightened so is the consciousness of all animals. When human consciousness is enlightened to our fullest potential so are all animals consciousness enlightened to their fullest potential. All creation is affected by the same powerful cosmological influences. It is probable that the last global Paradise existed during the previous Golden Age, ending approximately 11,300 years ago. Although humanities general consciousness is now awakening and steadily expanding, our current way of living upon Mother Earth is rapidly consuming this planet. At the current rate of destruction, which is still increasing rather than decreasing, Mother earth will be destroyed and desolate well before the next Age of Enlightenment. With our gradual reawakening comes the awareness of increased personal responsibilities; the need for much higher cultural standards and personal action. This astrological era is now. This time is now. We must not ignore it and we must not avoid our responsibilities. It is we who are directly supporting the rapid destruction of Mother Earth. It is we who are also responsible for healing Mother Earth. There is much work to be done. We must start now. An extract from Manifesting Paradise- a manual for personal, global and planetary healing friend requests welcome- facebook/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 22:58:29 +0000

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