THE GHOST OF ANNABELLE: EPISODE THREE “Hello.” I answered - TopicsExpress


THE GHOST OF ANNABELLE: EPISODE THREE “Hello.” I answered the call. “Hey sweetie, I’ve been waiting for you. Have you forgotten about our going to the movies?” “Ooh, no, how can I? I’m actually on my way.” I said. “Are you leaving me all here?” Mabel fumed and Angela heard the sound of her voice. “Who the hell are you with?” Angela shouted over the phone and before I could give her a response, she ended the call. “Mabel, I have to go.” I said hoarsely. “Go to where? We’ve just started naa.” “Noo, this is business; I can’t miss it.” I said as I came down from the bed and quickly dressed up. “Hey!” Mabel called as I opened the door. “Remember to call on me tomorrow; I’ll be missing you until then.” She said so sweetly. As I was rushing to Angela’s place, I was caught on traffic. “Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “What is this?” I asked myself. My heart was sinking and I thought about Angela. I only hoped her hearing a female voice over the phone did not irritated her. She had seen me with a lady once in my apartment but I told her it was strictly business and nothing more. She believed me even while I lied and was everyday clinging to me like a bee clinging to its honey. When I got to her apartment, she heartily welcomed me as if she didn’t hear any voice over the phone. I led her to the car, opened its door and gestured her to the seat. “So what were you doing with her?” She asked curtly. She sat down and I knew she was thinking about the voice she heard over the phone as I pondered what lie to tell her. “Stop!” She said and I saw the car screeching to a stop. I wondered if I was the driver maneuvering the steering wheel. “Who was that? Tell me or take me back home.” She said harshly. “Angie, the voice you heard was that of my research assistant.” “Research assistant?” She responded emphatically. She felt a little rattled. It wasn’t unusual for her to feel that there was more to it than I told her. “I’ve lost interest in the movies; take me back home.” She said unconfidently. I pleaded with her that the voice over the phone was enraged on professional matters and not the other way round. She refused and never thinking of losing such charming, intelligent and charismatic damsel, I persuasively begged her and she grinned. “See my baby ooh, let’s go joor…but never try this next time because you will end up jilted.” She said firmly. “That’s my love.” I said and she smiled at me and I smiled back, continuing to maneuver the steering wheel and hoping to get to “Bluebird Cinemas” before ten o’clock. When we reached “Bluebird Cinemas”, I ordered our entrees straightaway and we watched a Half of a Yellow Sun pleasantly. As we were watching the movie, we were gnawing “guruguru” and sipping from the bottles of the Malta Guiness we were holding with our left hands. I was genuinely interested in her and impressed by her feminine gorgeousness, the more she whispered to my ears, the more I never wanted to piss her off. After about an hour of watching the movie, she leaned back at me and smiled before she focused on the movie. “I’m so lucky to have you dear.” She said and that touched the bottomless part of the deepest part of my heart. Like the person I’ve always dreamt to meet, she was really the damsel of my passions and the materialization of my inventive genius. I wanted nothing to put us asunder. “I’m the happiest man in the world, having you as mine.” I responded wholeheartedly. I made an expansive gesture and she focused on my face. “You must be joking; who would come out openly and say such a thing? Even loving angels wouldn’t say so.” She said so thoughtfully and I searched my mind for the best vocabularies to coin a response. I couldn’t get any sweeter set of words when I said: “What an impeccable idea!” We continued chatting as we watched Half of a Yellow Sun, focusing on ourselves than the movie. I was a little bit nervous as she poured out the truth about her life and interests on me as if she wasn’t suspicious of my having an affair with another lady. At a point, she started humming a song, bobbing her head to the music. “Could you keep quiet lady? We are in the cinema.” The man sitting next to her said. “Ok, she will keep quiet.” I responded on her behalf and she smiled at me. I didn’t know what to do than to kiss her lips. When I was backing off, she held my lips and all eyes riveted at us. It was so romantically sweet and I wished I never cheated on her. I loved her but wouldn’t stop flirting with other girls like Mabel. After the movie, she agreed to spend the night with me since it was Friday and there wouldn’t be work the next day. I was elated but just as I joined her on the bed; she asked me a question that really baffled me: “What is your deepest, darkest secret?”
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:12:57 +0000

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