THE GIFT OF FAMILY (28) SEND YOUR CHILD OFF TO SCHOOL MORALLY LITERATE Its tough to raise kids of solid character in todays social environment--but it can be done. - Anonymous Isnt it amazing how that, these days we send our children to school, hoping for them to be taught morals at school? Questions like, didnt your teacher tell you thats wrong? are signs of a failed parent delegating his responsibility to another, unconsciously. You should send your child to school already morally grounded. Ground your child in your moral values day in and day out and continue to reinforce these values as long as you have an influence on your child. Values don’t stick if they are tacked onto the child at the last minute, like a holiday decoration, or changed like a piece of clothing, according to the fashion of the day. Once children enter middle childhood, they are on the receiving end of tremendous peer pressure. If the child does not have her own inner guidance system telling her which choice to make, she will more readily become a victim of peer pressure. Children are searching for principles. If a strong guidance system prevails at home and within children themselves, they are likely to conform to their parents’ and their own inner morals. Teaching your child right from wrong must be done with patience and care. Power or fear morality is not likely to stick because it does not become a willing part of the child’s self. If a parent says to his child: “If I catch you stealing again, I’ll beat you harder,” This child is more likely to spend his energy figuring out how to avoid getting caught than in moral reasoning about the rightness or wrongness of the act. His method isnt very right; hes employing the use of fear and force. One of the goals in raising moral children is to turn out moral citizens. The family is a mini society where a child learns how to live with others and to respect authority. Children who operate with inner controls and not out of fear of punishment make morality a part of themselves. Children are growing up in an ever more toxic environment. The nature of the new toxic environment, of course, is different from the toxic environments of times past. Once children were beaten, now they are neglected; once they went hungry, now they are materially spoiled. The most consequential change, particularly in recent decades, is a deterioration in the bond between parents and children. Beloved, making your child morally literate is learned primarily through interactions between parents and children. Interactions in which it is mandatory for parents to be physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually present and involved in the lives of their children. WISDOM NUGGET: Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. - NKJV Let us pray: Father help me not to fail in my responsibility as a teacher to my children in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 04:00:51 +0000

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