THE GIFTS OF GOD (by Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah) P.O.BOX DC 936 - TopicsExpress


THE GIFTS OF GOD (by Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah) P.O.BOX DC 936 Dansoman, Accra, Ghana TEL: +233244657468 All the gifts coming together help to the glory of God. Let’s take the body for example: No part is better than the other, the eyes can’t do the works of the ear, neither the arms that of the legs, going inside how can the liver perform the duty of the heart nor the kidneys for the lungs. All have their functions and without each the body is not whole. Charisma can’t be bought with money and gift is like charisma. ‘’ YOU CAN’T BUY IT’’ Your gift can prove a room for you. Your gift can either shoot you up or bring you down. Gifts are very much important so hold fast to them. Those who make difference in churches with their titles example deacons, pastors etc., Fear to succeed can’t make it ‘’coming to church alone to praise God is a gift’’ The best thing for you to do is to pray diligently so that your gift from God should come out, practice it and do it well (in all aspects), i.e. the way you talk, and your lifestyle etc. Perform your duties justly so that others will emulate. Value your gift for others to follow, help others with your gift and you will be more blessed. What is in you is what you should give out. (Acts 19:6) Opening prayer and praise Principles to note: • Disciples should always hold unto the word of God. • Should commit his life completely to Christ since Jesus came to save us with his blood, we should also save others because of it transfusion. • Commit your love to others i.e. sincere love, if you do that you will be blessed by God. Ask yourself if you are a real Christian, if yes, then help others and be sincere in what you do (John 13: 14). • We should be at peace with God to know our standard, more; you have to be positive so in all things give thanks to God. • We also need the Holy Spirit to strengthen us, if you want to follow God you must make firm decisions, you should also have to count your cost. Also, let the Holy Spirit guide you in all you do. • You must also teach people about Christ. • You must also try to win more souls. • You have to mature in fasting, praying, etc. PREACHING: If you don’t learn you will always be late The Amour of God Ephesians 6:10 (read) , ‘’Be strong in the Lord’’ God knows there is something on the way so He asked us to be STRONG and put on the amour of God so that you will be able to stand the evil days. The Amour of God; 1. Breast plate Righteousness 2. (feat) 3. (hand) 4. Helmet of salvation (head) 5. All set for the battle fully dressed but leaving you back because you have to move forward. God is behind you so fear not; you don’t look back when worshipping God so strive for your goal. PREACHING (Hebrew 9:7) James 5:16 (read) , ‘’confess your sin to one another and you will be free’’ No situation is permanent. You can pray to change a situation, prayer is the key to heaven, you can change situations through prayer. This is the time for believers to pray fervently, if you sin you will receive your punishment, confess your sins or faults before you pray so that it reaches God. God is ready to forgive and forget. Matt 6:1 , when you do good because your right hand don’t let your left hand know when doing something do it right from your heart and don’t broadcast it abroad. Romans 12:8 (read) ‘’ he that giveth let him do it with simplicity’’ Another day is today, Glory, Glory, Glory be unto the name of Jehovah We are in the action time, Noah wasn’t joking when they had their reward. Anytime you come to the house of God you have some impartation e.g. peter or John at the golden gate, action comes by faith and through the word of God e.g. Bartemeow the blind man. When it is action time we don’t waste time but rather, we waste time on God for our deliverance. In action time, there are some garments which we must take off and put on a new one and that happened on the day of Pentecost, ACTION. Action time means you have to get up and be doing don’t wait on any body; go to the right places at the right time. Paul and Silas: Use what you have been given and use it profitably, know that the devil is not stronger than you. We are in the action time so RISE UP. There is a breakthrough in fasting. ‘’Let the weak say I am strong’’ when fasting, be vigilant. ‘’ you are in the spirit, holy ghost, Jesus’ heart’’ what have you? We have to prepare our mind so that all will be well with us, when you decide to worship God, He will bless you abundantly, follow God’s direction and all will be well with thee, exchange what you have with God and He will bless you more. Psalm 1:28 ‘’let’s see God’s goodness and it shall be well with thee. Is this Naomi? Ani Naomi ne? Our God is a living God and He alone should be worshipped because He is on the throne. We are serving a straight God, so serve him well. We are serving a God of wonder, Ruth and Naomi: ‘’where thou goest Ruth I will go, thy people shall be my people and thy God my God’’ Ruth determined to go with Naomi and when they reached Bethlehem, the people gathered around them and asked ‘’Is that Naomi?’’ and she said ‘’don’t call me Naomi anymore, rather call me Maria for the Lord has dealt with me, I went full but I have come empty, why should you call me Naomi?’’ If things don’t go well with thee, be patience for God will change your situation. PREACHING Our God is alive forever is alive, Amen. Work hard on prayer for God to work in you. Righteousness: Right standing of God which is not easy, (The book of Ezra, read) ‘’ we walk by faith not by sight’’ PREACHING Jeremiah 1:10, PULLING DOWN STRONG HOLD IN YOUR LIFE EX 3; (RAED) God has put you somewhere to day even if through tears, tear down the strong hold. PREACHING We are here to serve but we are not here to be served, know the truth and it shall set you free. As a Christian the first thing to do is to serve, so talking about worship of feet is about humility. Service means to be humble, humble yourself before the Lord, ‘’ and I will raise you up, listen to me says the lord I can expose myself to you in all languages’’. The Spirit of the Lord will let you understand all through demonstration. Apostle was an eloquent man but for his eloquence he wasn’t humble, Paul told him to humble himself despite his eloquence for a time will come when he will come to humble himself. E.g. do this and you will do it i.e. you will follow command. If you serve your master, at the appointed you will also have someone to serve you. Teacher and student who serves? It is the teacher, after teaching him or her, you will be served in the long run, so you are not there to only serve but to lead. Gehazi is not a king’s good servant through greed because he couldn’t serve well, if you want to serve, serve well. If there is no humility in you ask God for it, Jesus said ‘’I came here not to be served but to serve’’ you have to serve before you will be served, Jesus served His disciples before he was served. Serve and you will be served when it gets to your time, first of all we need to serve, humility, obedience and love, kindness etc all come together to the service of God. Ministry is no money but service is. Whatever you wish for will come through service e.g. Mary and Magdalene served and they had their reward, so serve and you will be served not materially but also spiritually, says Paul. If you serve somebody today you will be served tomorrow, after serving you have to lead so if you are serving serve well. Elisha even commanded the sun to stand still which even Moses didn’t and it was done because he served and served well to God. PREACHING: by Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah Never worry about the troubles you are encountering for God is with you to might. Believe in Him and He will do it, God is enlarging your coast so believe in Him. If you want to succeed, read your bible and all will come live ‘’God is going to enlarge my coast Amen’’, there is something ahead of you and God will make sure that you get it if only you change your character so as to enlarge your coast, remember to be here always for there is no place you will find to be this peaceful like here is. BLESS THOSE WHO ARE TO BE BLESSED FOR GOD WILL GRANT YOUR REQUEST, AMEN. Enlarging your coast: Enlarge the church of God, enlarge your boundaries, expand your territories, enlarge the church through prayer and God will support, it is through Peter that the church expanded. Enlarge yourself through preaching, we should expand so that God will help us to expand more. Don’t relax but do something for God is on your side, there was a testimony at the medical house, may God’s name be praised. All that you are hoping for will come live this week is a revival week and all of a sudden it will come to pass, God will work his purpose out so rest assured. Reference to Nahum, why today? Because you have to enlarge your coast, it is not by you but by God. Nahum did not succeed at first but Jabez followed up. John Wesley did all his best and he succeeded and it is all through the power of God. Don’t worry because you weren’t born in the way you expected, you are not rejected for yours is greater. There is something you should do this week to enlighten your coast, so go ahead and don’t be discouraged, don’t listen to family gossips for there is a God. 1st chronicles 4:8-10 ‘’you will surprise your people’’ may God bless it all. You were born in bitterness but the sweetness is at the end, ‘’God will make you what you should be’’ There will be a great change in your life next year by the grace of God. Depend on God and you will see His wondrous ways. God will make you a new person, may His name be praised. TEACHING The story of Jabet, what God has done for him can also be done unto you. God blessings make us rich and add no sorrow unto it. It is Jabet’s mother who gave him his name because he was neglected and rejected in the family. The names born in sorrow, some names have cheaper meanings than we think of. Jabet had no serious background but he came light in the end, there are certain situations we should not joke with for they are real. To accept Jesus as your savior you have to take a decision to strengthen you, ‘’keep on trusting God and do good’’ trust in the lord forever, ‘’we are going to enter into the righteous gate’’ psalm85:1(read) ‘’may he lead us through’’ PREACHING There will be a good tomorrow, thanks be to Him. ‘’pastor prayed for uncle papa Nii’’, there is a purpose for this church to save us. He is working His purpose out, don’t let yourself dwell on earthly things but trust in God, He is all in all, find time to worship God and He will see you through. God has got everything for everybody, don’t dwell on human for there is no hope except through the mercy of God, nothing that we have can survive us but for God all doors will open for us. Let God do everything for us and guide our ways in all things. PREACHING (by Apostle Paul Jonhson Asamoah) Anointing for breakthrough, there is something that God has deposited in you which no body knows, it’s only God who knows and it’s in the middle of your head. God wants you to trust yourself before you will be trusted; He has got something to do in your life. The down fall of a man is not the end of his life, how do people see you in your life? Breakthrough in your life and don’t go about begging. ANOINTING FOR BREAKTHROUGH You don’t need any strength or power to do anything; you need Anointing to go forward you get everything from Anointing. In everything that you do you need Anointing, you need Anointing to change your life, your destiny etc. God is with all those who are anointed, you can’t breakthrough without Anointing, you have to welcome Anointing every morning to breakthrough. Anointing can send you to the top, top Anointing from God to breakthrough. If you have Anointing, you have everything; Jesus means Saviour and Christ means Anointing. Juju will bring you down but Anointing will take you to the top. If you are not desirous you will not get Anointing. The birthright that Jacob took from Esau is the Anointing. The Anointing will let you perform wonders, greediness can let you down but Anointing is the right spirit. Anointing is fire and therefore has no limitations, the Anointing is not sold in the market, it’s right inside you. If the Anointing is in you then nobody can disturb you, ‘’the love of God upon my life is too strong’’.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 10:55:54 +0000

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