THE GIRLS YOU HOOK UP WITH VS. THE WOMEN YOU MARRY This generation is full of women with myriad personalities and characteristics. Each individual woman has her own story, which truly makes her unique. As a man, you will come across countless women in your dating career. Some of them will waste your time (and maybe even your money) while others will help you see things you never saw in yourself before. After a while of dating, making up, breaking up and just plain old screwing around, there comes a point when a man decides it’s the right time for him to settle down and start a family. The problem isn’t with settling down, the problem is with finding a woman he wants to settle down with. Nowadays, though, it is getting even harder and harder to find the right partner. Probably the largest problem men have is distinguishing between the girls that they fool around with and the type of woman they want to marry. Since this is a pressing issue within our generation, we have decided to take the time and help you distinguish between the two. Here is your guide that will help you determine the type of girl you only hook up with versus the type of woman you marry: The girl you only hook up with hates kids and never wants to be around them. This shows that this woman isn’t looking beyond herself or at her future. A woman who does not want to have kids is a still all about herself and isn’t ready for serious things. The woman you marry is great with kids and eventually plans on having them. Any girl who is good with kids that are not her own will make great marriage material. If she demonstrates a certain affection towards children, it shows that she will be a great mother, but more than that, it shows that she is selfless and is not always worried about having the attention on herself. The girl you only hook up with has never cooked a meal in her life and she expects to eat out every day. Girls like this come with a sense of entitlement, take out is their only source of food. I’m not say a woman has to cook specifically — all people should — it’s just economical. In the long run, this can become quite expensive and prove to be a huge burden on your pocket. The woman you marry doesn’t have to cook like a professional chef, but she is comfortable in the kitchen and CHOOSES to cook. Any woman that knows how to cook and does so out of the kindness of her own heart is truly marriage material. There is nothing better than coming home from a long day’s work and having a wife who appreciates you by cooking a tasty meal. Also a woman who cooks will save you a bunch of money in the long run, as you wouldn’t constantly have to spend money paying for meals. The girl you hook up with is high maintenance and is not one bit domesticated. Some girls are entitled and they expect you to coddle and to take care of them just like their parents did. These type of girls are a high maintenance and they make for horrible wives in the long run. No one wants to deal with someone who only asks for stuff, but never gives anything in return. The woman you marry is domesticated enough and understands that marriage is all about teamwork. What is a marriage if you constantly have to take care of your partner? A woman who has no problem pulling her own weight is wifey material. This will make the experience worth your while. Now this doesn’t mean you go around making your wife clean up after you, but if she wants to live in a tidy home, you both need to be able to do your part. The girl you only hook up with is an attention-hungry social climber. Girls like this make horrible wives, as they will only marry people for status and once they find someone of a higher status, they are out the door. Women of this nature have a high divorce rate, but we can’t knock their hustle on the alimony front. Many women like this end up on the Bravo network casting for “The Real Housewives” show. The woman you marry couldn’t care less who she’s with as long as she’s comfortable and not disrespected. If you find a woman who is comfortable in any social setting and isn’t only about climbing the social ladder, then you have found a gem. A woman like this will stick by your side no matter what, just so long as she is comfortable and doesn’t feel disrespected. This is a woman that you need by your side as she is here to stay for the long run. Who wants to deal with a social climber that requires constant maintenance and the stress of her leaving you if you don’t meet her social demands? The girl you only hook up with has no intention of ever getting a job. No healthy marriage can be fostered by a girl who doesn’t pull her own weight. If she has had more boyfriends than jobs, then you are in trouble. A good marriage is about mutual contribution, while this girl might be content with hanging out by the pool all day, drinking mimosas and popping Xanax while you are working hard. The woman you marry wants to have a career she enjoys. If your wife is enthusiastic about working, then you have struck gold. This shows that she understands responsibility and that you guys are a team. She will never leave you to fend for yourself. Although no one is forcing her to get a job, she does it with her own free will, which is truly a testament to the kind of woman she is.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:37:33 +0000

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