THE GLOBAL MIND in Christ by Apostle paul jOhnson asamoah The - TopicsExpress


THE GLOBAL MIND in Christ by Apostle paul jOhnson asamoah The global mind is all about the ability of one to think globally, that is to think across the world. A person with a global mind is able to solve global problems. Having a global mind always comes with a huge responsibility. We have small-minded people and broad-minded (global minded) people. No one is able to think like God, that is, no one’s mind can be equaled to that of God’s; God’s mind is beyond global thinking. Being successful doesn’t always have to do with your money or possessions. Being successful doesn’t necessarily mean you are rich, success is all about achievements; the way you think and work on issues can make you a successful person. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill For one to think globally, one has to consider all the parts of a problem or situation together not just some parts of it. As a Christian when reading the bible, don’t just read the parts that you prefer or the parts that sounds sweet, appealing, and easy to obey but read everything written in it. By so doing you will have that global mind to solve and think across the world, you will not only take care of spiritual issues but physical too, not only care about yourself but the wellbeing of others. Ephesians 3:9 ‘‘within God all things were being hidden…’’ as beings from God, we are a product of God and therefore must be able to have a global mindset as Him. ‘’…in Him all things were made…’’, you realize that God is the source of all things and in leadership a leader must always be one step ahead of his followers. God’s mind can never be compared to that of anyone’s mind for He is ‘’global’’. Gen 1:27 ‘’God created man in His own image and likeness…’’ let me ask you, how do you see yourself? Is it as the image of God? Knowing your true identity in Christ will let you know who you really are in Christ and the need for a global mindset. I’m not talking about a worldly mindset but a mind that is set on the things of God; things that God has entrusted into our hands as Christians. I’m talking about our mandate. Many People in the bible had global mindset, people like Joseph, Peter, Paul, and many others. May you have a global mind to be able to reach to everyone not only in your country but also all over the world. Nothing should stop you from reaching out to people, not even your sins for it is written in 2 cor 5:17 ‘’…therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away behold all things have been made new’’. The new here means to form something of more quality than in reference to time. Someone with a village mind never solves problems of the world because all he/she thinks about is within his village. With a global mind you will be on top because you have set your minds on things above you-most preachers cannot go far with their ministry simply because they have no vision of ministering across the world. I thank God I’m a global minded-person. The actual people who are fully blessed are global-minded, their information is everywhere; being it in his town, city, country, congregation, or work place. Learn from blessed people. Where can the information about Jesus be found? The bible! The bible is widely known- it is God’s global mind, you can only be concerned about the religious welfare of other people in other countries if only you understand the true meaning of salvation which can only be found in the scriptures. Know that anyone with a vision to reach to others all over the world has probably gone through this stage of realization of who he is in Christ and what his mandates are, thus you cannot have a Godly global mind without the word of God. It is in the bible that you will be able to know Christ’s mind and work towards it. From the book of 2Tim 3:16, 17, we understand that the bible is the only book that can check your life. You can only know your true identity in Christ through the reading of the bible- the identity of having the mind of Christ Jesus. Phil 2:5 ‘’let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’’. Therefore it is more like a mandate that has been given to us as Christians to follow the steps of Christ Jesus. In Matt 28: 18-20, Jesus came to them saying ‘’all authority has been given to me…’’ you can never have an authority from God and be scared to go out to preach the gospel of Christ. The bible made it clear to us that authority has been given to Him (Jesus) both in heaven and on earth and under earth. The earth cannot be divided into parts. USA, South Africa etc. are all a part of the earth, so you are not called to preach in your country, city, town, church or school only but you are to reach across the world. If you can’t your money will reach there, as the saying goes, ‘’you can’t go, your money can go’’ Souls are dying, without the global mindset nothing can be done. The more blessed you are the more people you reach. Global people have sleepless nights because their minds are always occupied with things not only around them but things of the entire world as compared to someone whose mind is only based on things around him. Children of God, you are to fulfill the great commission given to us as a command from God. ‘’go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father…’’. The key word is not ‘’nation’’ but ‘’nations’’, it is not about being at a particular place, it is a mandate, a command- we are to go! NEVER BE FOCUSED ON YOURSELF, BE FOCUSED ON LIFTING OTHERS AROUND YOU. - Sunday Adelaja – If Jesus were here, wouldn’t He be out everywhere preaching the gospel. There is a difference between going out to preach and evangelizing on the internet, we are to go there! We are to reach out to them! If you know you are unable to go out, support those who are ever ready to do so. There are many places in many countries that have not experienced the power of God/ heard the gospel of Christ. It is our responsibility to preach to these lost souls. With the right mindset we will be able to reach out to them as Christ did in His days, touching the hearts of men. ‘’…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded’’, this means to act not just sit there. The Lord will always be with global-minded people, people who are ready to preach His word both in and out of season. Col 3:2 ‘’set your mind on things above and not on things on earth’’, this simply means to have the mind of Christ not a carnal mind. Having a global mind without the mind of Christ makes you ineffective in the work of the gospel for God is not in search of people with carnal mind (with their global mind, they encourage and promote fornications, drunkenness, theft, and murder.etc). Many people have the global mind but lack the mindset of Christ and they do things anyhow, that is why you and I need to have the mindset of Christ Jesus and that we can acquire through the reading of His word. Be crazy in the kingdom of God’s work to reach out to the lost souls anywhere you may find yourself. In Acts 12, a woman named Rhoda (also the name of my lovely daughter) was praying and since she had the mindset of God (her mind only based on the kingdom of God), she was able to detect who was knocking at the door (which was peter) when she heard a knock at the door, although Peter hadn’t been released before she had started praying, she knew immediately that the knock on her door was actually coming from peter. If you don’t know what your problem is, you will never be able to solve it. That is why it is always good to keep in touch with the right people to change your engine (prayer life); you need a new engine to take you afar. If you are not a born again, repent now! Amend your ways for a new engine, a new behavior so that when Christ comes, you will be part of the blameless. The bible says ‘’open-rebuke is better than secret-love’’. Paul onetime rebuked Peter, they were all in a different mission work. Paul gentiles Peter Jews Paul global crusade Peter Jerusalem crusade Paul rebuked Peter but Peter did not complain because it put him on course. Jesus also rebuked Peter, but this doesn’t mean Peter wasn’t a great person, it only means that no matter how big you are, how tall, handsome or what position you hold you can be corrected and be put on the right track. I am telling you now that even if you are a bishop/ president or any other person and you call yourself a Christian and you do not preach the gospel to people that you are just wasting your time with whatever you are doing for the bible made it clear that tree that does not bear fruits be cut off. We are the tree; we are to bear fruits with the seed (the word of God) that is in us. Evangelism is part of a Christian. Join a ministry that will put you on course so you will be in heaven. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples had the same mindset, united in Christ Jesus, having the same spirit they were able to arrive at a goal and all of them were baptized by the Holy Ghost. If we have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, we will go far and nothing will be able to stop us from reaching our goal. Do not complain about how you are going to make this happen, if you really have a convict and you believe with Christ all things are possible you will surely get there. God is interested in the work we do for Him more than we are interested in what He does for us. There is no religion that can set you free apart from Jesus, John 14:6 ‘’I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me’’. Global mind in Christ is about all the information in the bible, the do’s and don’ts in the world through Christ. Phil 4:13 ‘’…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’’. So if Christ is strengthening us, what should stop us from doing all that we are to do as Christians? I thank God for using me to minister in victory bible church international in the year 1997, after ministration I realized they really enjoyed the sermon and most had a change of heart. Glory be to God! All thanks to God for using me to solve all kinds of problems that I find myself in or any of my church members bring to me. There is one testimony I’d love to share with you all, actually one of my favorite testimonies shared by others so far. In 2007, the Lord used me to prophesy on the life of a woman that she was going to be an Apostle of the Lord. Glory be to God, this year she has been ordained by her church as an Apostle of the Most High God, just as God had intended. This and many other testimonies I will be sharing with you soon. Look brethren, we are problem solvers. The Anointing to solve problems is with us not the worldly people. No worldly person solved the problems of Abraham, Moses, Isaac, and Joseph.etc. Who solved the problems of Nebuchadnezzar and pharaoh? If God is not using His people to solve problems there will be no solutions or answers. The one who has the key to our success is God. He has the whole world din His hands, where would you go to preach that the Lord wouldn’t be with you? The one with the whole world in His hands has the mind of the whole world; has a global mind. It is time for you to have a change of mind and heart to go out to spread the good news. GLOBAL MIND IN CHRIST CAN GIVE YOU; • Information concerning the world-spiritual info and physical info • the mind to operate in the world without being left out • Everything that God (master mind behind all things being made both in heaven and on earth and under earth) has purposed for you. If the creator of the universe, creator of heaven and earth, he who knows all, the God who can be at a thousand places at a time is with you why should you fear to go out to preach the gospel, why should anything stop you? Psalm 139 proves to us that God knows everything that goes on with us; there is nothing that we do in our lives that catches Him by surprise. He knows all of our problems. The bible says that whatever that concerns us He the Lord will perfect it. God of Abraham, Isaac, Sarah, Jacob will lead us through our mission on earth. Jer 1:5 ‘’during the time you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you’’, Psalm 139 explains further. This will help you realize your spiritual identity. Stop murdering children indirectly for you do not know what they might turn out to be in future. Allow them to grow. Jesus said ‘’allow them to come to me’’. The Lord says He is with us always, even to the end of the age. In Matt 12:32, 29:19, Romans 16:27, Eph 3:21, 1 Tim 6:17, and for Christ’ second coming, Luke 20:35, Mark 10:30. In conclusion, I’d like to take you through your identity in Christ which will boost your spirit and let nothing hinder you from fulfilling the promise of God and to help you know your stand. 24 identities in Christ to master them in life alongside your global mind set in Christ: • Romans 3:24 we are justified (declared not guilty of sin) • Romans 8:1 no condemnation awaits us • Romans 8:2 we are set free from the law of sin • 1 Cor 1:2 we are sanctified (made holy and acceptable in Jesus Christ) • 1 cor 1:30 we are righteous and holy in Christ. • 1 cor 15: 22 we will be made alive at the resurrection • 2 cor 5:17 we are a new creations • 2 cor 5:21 we receive God’s righteousness • Gal 3:28 we are one in Christ with all other believers • Ephesians 1:3 we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ • Ephesians 1:4 we are holy and blameless • Ephesians 1 :5-6 we are adopted as God’s children • Ephesians 1;7 our sins are taken away and we are forgiven • Ephesians 1:10-11 we will be brought under Christ authority • Ephesians 1 :13 we are identified as belonging to God by the Holy Spirit. • Ephesians 2:6 we have been raised up to sit with Christ in glory. • Ephesians 2:10 we are God’s work of art. • Ephesians 2 :13 we have been brought here to God • • Ephesians 3:6 we share in the promise of blessing through Christ. • Ephesians 3:12 we can come with freedom and confidence into God’s presence. • Ephesians 5: 29,30 we are members of Christ body , the church. • Colossians 2 :10 we are made complete in Christ. • Colossians 2:11 we are set free from our sinful nature. • 2 Tim 2: 10 we will have eternal glory These are the 24 true identity of a Christian in Christ. We are to make it work in us (control us) in our daily life and on daily basis. We must spend quality time with God, even if we are the busiest person on earth we should find at least one day for God, not half but a whole day to spend time with God to be able to create like God like in the bible. Practice the bible and allow your deeds to be controlled by the word of God. Be influenced by the scriptures not by what mankind says. You can’t go through the principles or the views and still be a drop out in the world, office. Etc. I once came up with a book entitled ‘’picture of Africa’’; it is a very broad topic. Let me ask you a question, are you having an African mentality? American mentality? Asian mentality, European mentality, or the mentality based on the word of God? We have few people like Benn Hinn who came to Africa for the gospel of Christ, using His own money to support Born King, Billy Graham and many others. Why so? The majority of people not having the global mindset in Christ are more than those without the global mindset in Christ. The bible says if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation, the old is no more. The African or American mind is no more but that of Christ. If the mind is of Christ, then it can definitely function everywhere. By the grace of God, I don’t see myself as someone with an African mind but someone with the global mind in Christ… When you have a global mind in Christ you reach afar, according to the book of Isaiah because when that happens you feel like a star. Everywhere you find yourself you shine. Solomon was looked for, people from all over came to him to tap some of his wisdom. When you have a global mind in Christ, it doesn’t matter your geographical location people will still come to you. Some leaders are having problems because they haven’t yet gone through the 24 identity in Christ; it is a process- a life scan stage. Their minds are therefore carnal compared to successful leaders. Soon my book on leadership will be out, it’s all based on Christian type of leadership. In leadership 6, 8, 10 principles can even change your life; these principles alone can transform the leader and no leader can have these principles and still be fooling around with his/her authority. The greediness and selfishness in some people is too much (village mind). Gehazi was having such spirit that is why he did not receive the triple portion. Most leaders all around the world are having this mindset. This same thing occurred in the book of Judges, they were having their own things not godly leadership. Global mind in Christ is all about godly mind. What is man’s mind? Man’s mind is to posses the things of this world, positions, to fight for this and that, things that won’t exist forever. Brethren, renew your mind as it is said in the book of Romans (the whole book is about renewing of one’s mind.) like the way God wants it to be in order for you to have a godly mind to take you through the angles of God. Acquiring your own desires is not the plan of God for your life. For some reasons I pray that no ministry or leader will be like Elisha, why? Because God the son (Jesus) , in the book of John 17 and the rest of the bible denotes that Jesus did not go with His powers and anointing but left it all to us. The bible says Jesus is still interceding for us; there will be no leadership that will surpass that of Jesus. *I want to be more like Jesus. It is my prayer that we be like Jesus 100%, yes I believe in the 100% service in everything. Brethren, let us create a mind to be like Him, to have this global mindset as Christ. Upon all the anointing, Elisha was not having this mindset although he walked with Elijah. Gehazi saw that his master Elisha was so blessed and didn’t bless others so he had to run for the greedy things from Nahman because if he was blessed he wouldn’t have gone after such things. Frankly speaking, if you have everything at your door step will you go in for things outside? But with my mind, I think Gehazi was having an evil spirit or bad spirit in him to have ignored the triple portion of Elijah’s anointing in Elisha. A good leader will always bless others, not that Elisha wasn’t a good leader but remember this man cursed Gehazi and leprosy fell on him. Elisha took triple portion without giving it to children but took straight into his grave. May you never take this Anointing, blessing, money into your grave but help others with it. Love to help others achieve their goals and aim in life. Phil 2:4 is one of my favorite scriptures; the secret of all my sources is Christ. I only apply Jesus’ formulae. Ph 2:4 ‘’let others be more to you than your own’’ this affected the lifestyle of Elisha, he was concerned about himself, he fell sick and died while he was able to pray for others. Instead of releasing that triple portion to others, he refused. I believe they could have laid hands on him and set him free. Elisha never trained people/ leaders; he did not have time, only selfish gains. He was concerned about his own welfare. Don’t be a minister who can only curse people. Here in Africa, some ministers take care of their family alone and refuse to help others forgetting that one day their kids might become leaders and some rules will affect him/her. This affected Elisha, he had leprosy and died, and he did not bless anyone but cursed and cursed. He had problems around, a leader without solving problems, are you one? May you not be a type of this leader, be a minister who can bless others around you? When I was young I was a bread seller, I used to sell alongside a boy (a Muslim) who was also a bread seller. The boy whom I was selling with lost something of his and accused me of stealing it, the one who actually took it kept on denying and later, the boy’s mother decided to curse. His family performed all kinds of rituals, I didn’t talk much though. All my confidence was based only on God. They did all they had to do and kept accusing me. Finally the rituals started working; everyone noticed it when the boy fell seriously ill and later died. By the grace of God I’m still alive; I never thought I was going to be a man of God. Glory and honour to God! God knew I had a purpose in life that is why I am still living. And I know anyone out there who is still breathing; God has a purpose for you. Somewhere in Ghana, there is a river. If your life is like that of Jabez, they will put you in and you’ll die because the river is known to hate people like Jabez. God was able to change that lifestyle of the people because He is God of global mindset Never have the mindset of Elisha, taking all his anointing to the grave. Ordinary person Elisha had nothing to do with, touched the grave of Elisha and became whole. Don’t do this, we have a lot of greedy people with anointing, that is not a solution. It is a solution when you follow God’s guidelines. With Him checking you. Without knowing your identity, sorry you will be like Elisha. We have some people whose anointing is not from God but Satan. It is not all anointing that comes from God. Is Michael Jackson’s anointing from God? It is not everyone who prays in tongues that is from God that is why I am here to help you come out alive. Exodus: 18 Who is your role model? If you don’t have a spiritual father get one today, I can help you. Someone like Moses, it was Jethro (his father in- law) who was his spiritual father. Learn from them and change if you have not changed. It doesn’t matter who you are, you need someone to coach you. Kenneth Hagan wrote a book entitled ‘’in Him’’, you can’t go through that book and still don’t have a global mind in Christ. He is forcing you to put Jesus in you to be the center image in Him. Engage yourself in Him if you’re not. You can’t a global mind without participating or enjoying the blessings of Abraham, Solomon and the like. I noticed in the bible that all blessings that stand forever are from God. TO BE CONTINUE NEXT DAY!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:08:38 +0000

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