THE GLOBAL MIND in Christ by Apostle paul jOhnson asamoah The - TopicsExpress


THE GLOBAL MIND in Christ by Apostle paul jOhnson asamoah The global mind is all about the ability of one to think globally, that is to think across the world. A person with a global mind is able to solve global problems. Having a global mind always comes with a huge responsibility. We have small-minded people and broad-minded (global minded) people. No one is able to think like God, that is, no one mind can be equaled to that of God’s; God’s mind is beyond global thinking. Being successful doesn’t always have to do with your money or possessions. Being successful doesn’t necessarily mean you are rich, success is all about achievements; the way you think and work on issues can make you a successful person. For one to think globally, one has to consider all the parts of a problem or situation together not just some parts of it. As a Christian when reading the bible, don’t just read the parts that you prefer or the parts that sounds sweet, appealing, and easy to obey but read everything written in it. By so doing you will have that global mind to solve and think across the world, you will not only take care of spiritual issues but physical too, not only care about yourself but the wellbeing of others. Ephesians 3:9 ‘‘within God all things were being hidden…’’ as beings from God, we are a product of God and therefore must be able to have a global mindset as Him. ‘’…in Him all things were made…’’, you realize that God is the source of all things and in leadership a leader must always be one step ahead of his followers. God’s mind can never be compared to that of anyone’s mind for He is ‘’global’’. Gen 1:27 ‘’God created man in His own image and likeness…’’ let me ask you, how do you see yourself? Is it as the image of God? Knowing your true identity in Christ will let you know who you really are in Christ and the need for a global mindset. I’m not talking about a worldly mindset but a mind that is set on the things of God; things that God has entrusted into our hands as Christians. I’m talking about our mandate. Many People in the bible had global mindset, people like Joseph, Peter, Paul, and many others. May you have a global mind to be able to reach to everyone not only in your country but also all over the world. Nothing should stop you from reaching out to people, not even your sins for it is written in 2 cor 5:17 ‘’…therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away behold all things have been made new’’. The new here means to form something of more quality than in reference to time. Someone with a village mind never solves problems of the world because all he/she thinks about is within his village. With a global mind you will be on top because you have set your minds on things above you-most preachers cannot go far with their ministry simply because they have no vision of ministering across the world. I thank God I’m a global minded-person. The actual people who are fully blessed are global-minded, their information is everywhere; being it in his town, city, country, congregation, or work place. Learn from blessed people. Where can the information about Jesus be found? The bible! The bible is widely known- it is God’s global mind, you can only be concerned about the religious welfare of other people in other countries if only you understand the true meaning of salvation which can only be found in the scriptures. Know that anyone with a vision to reach to others all over the world has probably gone through this stage of realization of who he is in Christ and what his mandates are, thus you cannot have a Godly global mind without the word of God. It is in the bible that you will be able to know Christ’s mind and work towards it. From the book of 2Tim 3:16, 17, we understand that the bible is the only book that can check your life. You can only know your true identity in Christ through the reading of the bible- the identity of having the mind of Christ Jesus. Phil 2:5 ‘’let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus’’. Therefore it is more like a mandate that has been given to us as Christians to follow the steps of Christ Jesus. In Matt 28: 18-20, Jesus came to them saying ‘’all authority has been given to me…’’ you can never have an authority from God and be scared to go out to preach the gospel of Christ. The bible made it clear to us that authority has been given to Him (Jesus) both in heaven and on earth and under earth. The earth cannot be divided into parts. USA, South Africa etc. are all a part of the earth, so you are not called to preach in your country, city, town, church or school only but you are to reach across the world. If you can’t your money will reach there, as the saying goes, ‘’you can’t go, your money can go’’ Souls are dying, without the global mindset nothing can be done. The more blessed you are the more people you reach. Global people have sleepless nights because their minds are always occupied with things not only around them but things of the entire world as compared to someone whose mind is only based on things around him. Children of God, you are to fulfill the great commission given to us as a command from God. ‘’go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father…’’. The key word is not ‘’nation’’ but ‘’nations’’, it is not about being at a particular place, it is a mandate, a command- we are to go! If Jesus were here, wouldn’t He be out everywhere preaching the gospel. There is a difference between going out to preach and evangelizing on the internet, we are to go there! We are to reach out to them! If you know you are unable to go out, support those who are ever ready to do so. There are many places in many countries that have not experienced the power of God/ heard the gospel of Christ. It is our responsibility to preach to these lost souls. With the right mindset we will be able to reach out to them as Christ did in His days, touching the hearts of men. ‘’…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded’’, this means to act not just sit there. The Lord will always be with global-minded people, people who are ready to preach His word both in and out of season. Col 3:2 ‘’set your mind on things above and not on things on earth’’, this simply means to have the mind of Christ not a carnal mind. Having a global mind without the mind of Christ makes you ineffective in the work of the gospel for God is not in search of people with carnal mind (with their global mind, they encourage and promote fornications, drunkenness, theft, and murder.etc). Many people have the global mind but lack the mindset of Christ and they do things anyhow, that is why you and I need to have the mindset of Christ Jesus and that we can acquire through the reading of His word. Be crazy in the kingdom of God’s work to reach out to the lost souls anywhere you may find yourself. In Acts 12, a woman named Rhoda (also the name of my lovely daughter) was praying and since she had the mindset of God- her mind only based on the kingdom of God, she was able to detect who was knocking at the door (which was peter) when she heard a knock at the door, although Peter hadn’t been released before she had started praying, she knew immediately that the knock on her door was actually coming from peter. If you don’t know what your problem is, you will never be able to solve it. That is why it is always good to keep in touch with the right people to change your engine (prayer life); you need a new engine to take you afar. If you are not a born again, repent now! Amend your ways for a new engine, a new behavior so that when Christ comes, you will be part of the blameless. The bible says ‘’open-rebuke is better than secret-love’’. Paul onetime rebuked Peter, they were all in a different mission work. Paul gentiles Peter Jews Paul global crusade Peter Jerusalem crusade Paul rebuked Peter but Peter did not complain because it put him on course. Jesus also rebuked Peter, but this doesn’t mean Peter wasn’t a great person, it only means that no matter how big you are, how tall, handsome or what position you hold you can be corrected and be put on the right track. I am telling you now that even if you are a bishop/ president or any other person and you call yourself a Christian and you do not preach the gospel to people that you are just wasting your time with whatever you are doing for the bible made it clear that tree that does not bear fruits be cut off. We are the tree; we are to bear fruits with the seed (the word of God) that is in us. Evangelism is part of a Christian. Join a ministry that will put you on course so you will be in heaven. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples had the same mindset, united in Christ Jesus, having the same spirit they were able to arrive at a goal and none of them was not baptized by the Holy Ghost. If we have the same mindset as Christ Jesus, we will go far and nothing will be able to stop us from reaching our goal. Do not complain about how you are going to make this happen, if you really have a convict and you believe with Christ all things are possible you will surely get there. God is interested in the work we do for Him more than we are interested in what He does for us. TO BE CONTINUE TOMORROW!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:11:31 +0000

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