THE GLOOM AND DOOM STRATEGIES FOR 2015 ELECTION. follow me @micheal_okon https://twitter/followers Politics with its intriques Is not a game for every Tom,Dick and Harry. Being purely a game of interest we should expect different waves of public mental lobbying or complete assault on our thinking processes. What do you make of the visit or message from The Brotherhood of the cross and star AKA OOO? What do you also make of the open letter by my good brother to HE GOA on the pathway of PDP to Golgotha? These are some of the numerious intimidating strategies of our good brothers contending for the plum Job. They pretend to be talking to Akpabio but they are actually targeting public minds with unfounded cork and bull,gloom and doom stories. They are abusing our Imagination without permission in pretense of seeking audience with Akpabio. Did Bishop Samuel Akpan have to send an Olumba prophet to the gate before Akpabio could know that the commander in Chief of the Universe Ambo branch wants to see him? Do my good brother(name withheld) have to make an Open letter to H.E about Golgatha before his message could get Akpabios Attention? These as I said earlier on are grave abuse of our freedom of thought,but it is allowable in our choice of game. Looking at the messenger from Hell; Beloved Ndito Akwa Abasi Ibom State,let your heart not fail you for no amount of spiritual intimidation will allow our faith to shift grounds for white garment spiritualist to have the rule over us. Such spiritualist becoming our leaders will have no limit to ritual sacrifices and we can not afford such. That OOO messenger attempt to cajole us into their superstitious mode of thinking can not be over emphasised but this is our state,not any spiritualist cocoon. If for any reason Akpabio had any dealings with them,as I have always said please sort it out yourelves,separate The State from your Spiritist and let us have the Future we have choosen and not what you attempt to Spiritually IMPOSE on us. God forbib. To such Messenger please back to sender and may the Almighty God protect our Governor from you. Amen. As for The Golgotha side of the cork and bull,gloom and doom analysis of paralysis to H.E by a respectable friend, herein lies the true picture; Its very normal for political Advisers to paint pictures to their Boss. In painting such pictures the servant becomes the King when the king moved by fear follows the direction already envisaged by the smarst servant tactician,but in this case you are telling The Lion Heart to flee from the birds and it is impossible. No doubt,there do exist political gladiators,veterans as well stipulated. No doubt this men have grown bigger than life so to say and no one should dare sholve the aside. No doubt Akpabio has made them Immotals in this game,thus Akpabio should tread carefully,no doubt about that aspect of your analysis. What the writer really does not understand about Golgotha is that Golgatha signifies THE DEAD OF THE OLD SO THE NEW MIGHT SURPASS THE OLD BOTH IN GLORY AND VIRTUE. We truelly welcome that walk to Golgotha for we long for change. We are tired of the same old Moses,we are tired of this wilderness experence. In those LGA;s and senatorial districts where these Old gladiators have always riegned as Lords,exist a new generation of young vibrant souls ready to replace any who will want to decamp to any other party. Threatening us with anti-party activity is proof of desperation. Your message is,if not A.B.C.D or E,you will join Udo Edehe to fight PDP(good redance),what a party loyalist. Even on grounds of internal democracy and UDOM wins,you will defect to another party and attempt to proof that UDOM is not FAYOSE. Shame on such thinking, The analysis by the writer on Golgatha is terribly faulty,the truth is that in every 10 Akwa Ibom voter for the 2015 election,9 will vote in UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL. Here is the breakdown; 70% already have been #Udominised 10% are strongly considering leaving other camps to #Udom and are seeking for the least opportunity. 10% are on the fence waiting for who gets the PDP ticket. The last 10% are for APC,there are not redeemable. Anyone seeking to decamp from PDP if his or her Boss fails the Primaries takes a walk away from Success. We follow you while you are in PDP, if you leave,you are on your own. To this end may I present to you once again, the man of the moment,the one that the God delights in,and the gods do smile on; UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL- THE SUPERIOR BRAND. I didnt Originally start out with this brand,just like in many other aspect of my life. I choose brands based on usage and conviction. Recently,I even changed my brand of paste from the usual Close-uLp to Oral B. Why? I consider Oral B a seperior brand,litterally speaking Ive been bought over by brand superiority( #Udomisright). For sometime now Ive been posting my convictions on my new brand and no doubt Ive seen people who believe in this brand and its fast becoming a household name. Ive also noticed people peddle their brand in a very detestable manner and they cant win public attention. Why? Their brand cant answer our questions,cant meet our needs and taste for quality. Maybe the marketer is not convinced of his product,so he cant sell what he lacks confidence in. At a point in my life Ive marketed Shares,hawked Lotions,micro-credit and forex tutorials,Ive noticed that you cant sell what you dont love and believe to be true. In marketing,you tell me WHY?,HOW?,WHERE? and WHEN?. Too may are attempting to sell an aspirant for the plum Job in Akwa Ibom State without a solid WHY it must be,they are not convinced about HOW the product will be of benefit to the state. They are totally in oblivion about WHERE the product could be bought from,they are in doubt about the Timing(WHEN) we are now as a state. I wish someone will present to me a reasonable brand to compare and constrast the efficacy of our superior brand( #Udom) yet non has facts,rather they choose to spite our brand out of frustration that the superiority of our brand has bought over their hitherto loyalist. Should Close-up curse Oral B for buying me over,or should they repackage,rebrand or coerce me to having a rethink? WHY IS UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL A SUPERIOR BRAND? I find it quite hard to fanthom why Akpabio would rather choose A Man I strongly believe is too good for this Job to replace him. On the other hand I clearly comprehend that Akpabio believes that whoever is to take the mantle of leadership must take Akwa Ibom State to envieable heights in the committee of state. Having spoken about Oral B Tooth-paste as my brand some will want to give it a try,but for Politics? Hmmm No! Many will love to give it a try but the fear of being tagged a betrayer robs them of life changing encounters. Many Aspirant are attempting to market themselves because no one believes in them strong enough to preach their gospel to the converting of souls,in preaching their sermon they digress to knowing how empty the state treasury is,in preaching their sermon they drag our Imaginations to how Akpabio used their Parlour for one campaign or the other,others will rather the AKHA disintegrates if their brand dosent touch our hearts. Still,others hope to use ethnicity as bench-mark. To Aspirants for the Plum Job,any of you could be governors but give us reasons why it must be you. Dont tell us you understand politics better please,we are all political animals. Dont Tell us Akpabio owes you,thats non of our business,sort it out yourselves. Dont tell us its your turn on grounds of Ethnicity,it dosent hold water here and now. Why do you want to be our Governor come 2015? Why? (1) Udom Gabriel Emmanuel is a Superior brand because of his 23 years EXPERIENCE in the financial sector and we need those experiences brought to the front burner for the benefit of our dear state. 23 years is not 2 days,not 2 and a half weeks,nor months. Its 23 years of experience,over 2 decades of learning how to transform economies.Is this not what we want? The continues Transfromation of our states Economy is Paramount in this very matter and we need the best hand. What do we really want as a state apart from this? HOW IS UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL A SUPERIOR BRAND? When Joseph Interpreted Pharoahs dream in the Bible about the 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine,the king asked him HOW?,in as much as he explianed the HOW the king could not hand over the HOW to another to execute but Joseph himself. Joseph was not a Politician in Egypt but Pharoah made Joseph king over Egypt. There is nothing new under the sun. Akpabio is not the first and will not be the last in such crucial decision making. So HOW?; (A) pulling in of International Industralist,thus establishing Jobs for our teeming unemployed youths through his wide range of contacts and already established goodwill. (B) creating an enabling environment for local bUsiness to strive and compete globally,through his understanding of the challenges of the average Nigerian Businessman from experience. (C) Human capacity development for self reliance through government intervention programmes for the less privilege in our society,knowing that poverty is a serious impediment to the growth and development of any society. (D) bridging ethnic gap through equitable sharing of positions and appointments with zero Nepotism. And lots more WHERE UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL HAILS FROM MAKES HIM A SUPERIOR BRAND. Apart from the fact that UGE is from ESD whose right of way it is to produce the next Governor of the state. He is also a product of not just any Bank but Zenith Bank Nigeria. I wonder how many of you have ever attempted doing business with Zenith,there is this touch of excellence and exception about that Bank. You should expect nothing less but quality from our brand. #Udom WHEN IS UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL THE SUPERIOR BRAND? HERE and NOW. Maybe if he was the first governor of Akwa Ibom,he would have been a failure for the lack of the necessary structure to give his best. You know that no matter how good a player is,without Team spirit,the whole team could still fail. At this phase in our developmental history Udom Gabriel Emmanuel will be leveraging on foundations laid with his experience and help of the global village concept.We no doubt do know that this is the RIGHT time for UDOM GABRIEL EMMANUEL to take the grand stand and give his all for our eternal liberation from a crawling economy to something,somewhere beyound our wildest dreams and Imaginations under God. I believe in this brand,I believe UGE is the man. I sell this brand beyound political flatteries. I believe that posterity will speak for me and many others, that we saw the light and welcomed it. I believe that should others succeed in deeming this light as they are seriously bent on doing so and tread the path of failure that one day they will confess that they should have believed. Some say Ive been bought over,and they are not far from the truth,though not with Naira nor Dollar but by a SUPERIOR BRAND,in as much as I wouldnt mind the former going hand in hand. I Love My brand. #UDOMISRIGHTproject #UDOMesticated. #Hurricaneright...putting things right for our future. I BELIEVE. Micheal Jospeh Okon(ACE) Writes from ITUK-MBANG ViLLAGE,in URUAN,AKWA IBOM STATE.07036688238(text only) follow me @micheal_okon https://twitter/followers
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 09:22:51 +0000

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