THE GLORY OF GOD IN ONES LIFE DEMANDS (EFFECTIVE WORK).....Few hours ago I was studying about Ruth in the bible,and I was motivated by the crazy steps she took that made her successful in life, to write this piece of words to you. I have noticed that if you want to take a lead in life,you must be knowledge driven,and knowledge demands study. 2timoty2:15. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(Knowledge is power and a good leader is a good reader)my write up may be too big,unpleasant or boring to people, but I no that it has life transforming gadget,that when you sincerely, diligently read and apply,the divine truth,refined knowledge of Gods word and the revelation in it will bring out the best in you(I dont just write, but i pray for divine inspiration before I write) Haggai2:7 And I will shake all nations,and the desires of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory,saith the lord of host,THIS IS GODS PLAN FOR OUR LIFE THIS SEASON!... If your not in the house working the glory will elude you, because the glory is coming back to the house and it is for people that are busy in the house of God. Are you that brother or sister that fixes training on sunday morning,do you no any brother/sister that goes for business on a sunday morning,tell the person that he or she is hurting his/her self. The bible says in matthew6:29-34. And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 ( For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: ) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. The scripture above made us to understand that the first demand for the glory of God is workhe said do not border for what you will eat drink or wear, that heavenly father knows your needs .The book matthew7:11 says If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? He wants to give you all,but he wants to see your commitment by you engaging in his work. The work we are talking about is (seeking the kingdom of God).Now You go to work because they paid you,we are not volunteers in Gods kingdom,but we were bought with a price and he also paid us with a price 1cor6:20.. someone has been in the hospital for the past six years,that he cant even pay his bills,but God paid you with your health,another person will say,but what of me that was raped? he paid you with peacesomeone else was raped and she committed suicide. Let me tell you,what happened to you and you were saved,some1s else has passed through it and never came back alive. He gave you life in abundance,not to become a problem in the kingdom of God, but to advance the kingdom of God with your skill,money and time etc. ,NOW WHAT IS WORK? -In hebrew language is called Asa which means to Advance,Make or Do. Afters reading this, someone will say this is not for me,because am doing the work of God,I also go to church,Yes its part of the work,but God wants you to advance. For example, In your area they no you to be the one that wakes them up from sleep with early morning cry preaching the word,its good,but is it all you can make happen there?am asking because we are in the end time, your love ones and even your enemies need to hear this,deeply believe in it and start being effective in the kingdom of God,when the trumpet blows,the only thing that follows you to eternity is the work you did in the kingdom,the rewards of the lives that you added value to and not your billions of assets or your beauty. now Some may be asking, which work is demanded of me to get this glory,(1)soul winning and soul development(2)Adding­ value to peoples life like what am doing now (3)Getting involve in every any kingdom advancement programs and not just getting involve,but being effective etc. Example, In your street there are people that finished secondary school that want to go to higher school,but they dont have sponsor,make something happen for that child,is part of the work,the bible says,he that gives to the poor lends to God,am not just a talker,but a doer of what am saying(ask the people that are closer to me). Another person will be complaining in one corner ,but I dont have kind of money,use the little u have,to make something happen for that child,you dont need to have all before you can start affecting lives,some will say, but I dont at all,do something so that you will have to do the work,as your working to have the money, start praying and advising the person to know how to take a bold steps and achieve his/her goal,because the bold rules this world of dominion. It is more valuable and lucrative to invest in human lives than to invest in stock or other business,imagine if your the God father of the richest man africa(Aliko Dangote or Bill Gate)you no what that means the person you are investing on today may be the next Bill gate or Dangote!! Many young people has died with there visions,because of lack of sponsorship while so many rich men has died with their visions,companies and assets because they lack the vision to raise successors when they were alive,some people invest in only there biological children and today,they cant give an account of there fathers asset,because they dont know what their fathers know,when you add your vision to your fathers own,you will do better than him,but when you dont no and you dont want no the secrete of your fathers wealth,you will place no value on his treasures and you will stand the chance of loosing it,when a purpose of a thing is not known,abuse is inevitable some of the rich men children have this mindset of,the money is excess,so we have to enjoy it now that we are young,thats the mindset that differentiate a hunter and a cultivator,a hunter always go into the bush to kill and enjoy without thinking that one day the animal might get finished or runaway one day, while a cultivator is busy cultivating and rearing for a rainy day..NOTE THIS!IN LIFE, THERE MUST BE A RAINY DAY AND THE ABILITY TO RISE AGAIN IS DETERMINED BY THE PEOPLE YOU RAISED(YOUR SUCCESSORS)one of my meetings with my Pst, pst Okwudili Agu,The senior pst of Dominion city Delta state, Nigeria.)he said you are not a successful man, until you have groups of successors surrounding you!A wise man doesnt channel all his money to his family,but he invest some on people,too many time the person you pick from the mud and wash,values your endeavour more than the one that has been with you receiving all your pampers,because it take someone that was born into poor home,to explain what it means to be poor in life,so develop people that are not opportune to live a standard life. when you look around in the world today,you will barely hear so many of those rich men childrens name,some are living on there fathers glory,some are drug addicts while few that learnt this are still doing well. in this 24 century, its the people from poor backgrand that rules the world and will keep ruling,check people that made impact in the bible and check their background. For me, I want to lay a legacy,that now that am alive and even when I have travel to meet God,that my name will be opening gates of nation to people,my phone calls will give people scholarships,my letter will sack a selfish leaders from there sits and my signature will give people quality appointment to people,its not pride but vision. Beloved the life your living now,Are you laying a good legacy? My pastor said that we are only remembered by two thing on the planet eartheither the good we did or by the evil we committed start small and grow big,for example u see a student going to school with a patched short or shirt,call him/her Hello whats your name?please if coming back from school next week monday will you have chance to come and collect a piece of uniform here? The truth is that the level you have conquered or achieved in life is where another person is praying to be and the level your praying to be is were another man is tired of staying,so when you make something happen for someone,God or yours superiors will make something happen for you. Everything is not handled in the place of prayer,their are things that obedience to divine principles and our sacrifices solves within a twinkle of an eye,I have discovered that for us to rise above this level of poverty or near to success syndrome,we must be crazy givers. If u really want to advance in life,advance in the knowledge of Gods word. You must be a good reader,because higher result demand higher work and knowledge,take a strong steps,because strong people do strong things. someone will say, but I preached yesterday and no one listened to me,preach again today. The book of Ecclesiates says, sow your seeds in the morning and dont fold your hands in the evening because you dont no the one that will bare fruit. stop complaining about yesterdays failures or frustrations, because today was given to you as a package called the present,unwrapped it,because their are treasures in it. Dont be that woman/man going around trying to make men/women to love you,build qualities and characters of a good wife/husband,become a husband/ a wife material,because to be a woman is by birth,but to be a wife is by choice,(like wise the men)John Smith said,your like a tea bag that doesnt worth much until your thrown in to hot water. pressures brings out the best in you, stop thinking of what others think,the new hair style, shoes,clothes or cars,develop a choice of building your self, so that when men like us:D here you talk,we will hear vision,sense and not nonsense,make your self qualitative,because when a vision oriented people sees this quality in someone,they will start thinking about marriage immediately without wasting time, because they have seen a woman that will build there homes or a man of timber and calibre.I END BY THIS!!!which step have u taken before that has brought you so much discouragement that makes you not want to step out again, you prayed that prayer and noting happened,pray again today or submitted a business proposal or an application and they didnt called me,rewrite and go back again,take a step,like mummy Ruth in the bible,pray for the glory of God,remember when u refuse to take a step,you put Gods agenda and the angels,that God assigned to you, to minister to you and for as a kingdom citizen,you put them on pulse,if never played my part, i stopped God for playing his part!Dont be the one that will stop God for playing his part in your life!Now I pray that you will not be a victim of the word you just red,but a victor and the glory of God will not elude you as you effectively involve your self in the kingdom work.(Read this at your leisure. Ruth chapter 1$2 and matthew6:23-34 for a better understanding)I LOVE YOU. IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THIS MASSAGE, PLEASE CONTACT US ON FACEBOOK WITH THIS USER NAME FOR MORE COUNSELING:NMAKWE DESTINY OR FAVE DESTINY BRAIN,YOUR CAN STILL JOIN US ON OUR FCBK GROUP,SMART EDGE MOTIVATIONS COMPANY. OR CALL AND EMAIL US THIS +2348063251803...des­tinynmakwe@yahoo­ REMAIN BLESSED I GO BY THE NAME FAVE DESTINY BRAIN..
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 06:45:36 +0000

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