THE GLORY WITHIN Good day beloved and welcome to the Scripture - TopicsExpress


THE GLORY WITHIN Good day beloved and welcome to the Scripture Review… It’s so important to understand the meaning of glory as an experience and to appreciate the place it occupies in a man’s life. No matter how brilliant our preaching may sound, if you don’t see and experience it, you will never understand it. Yet, if we don’t tell you about the beauty of His glory, the journey to enter into His rest will not begin. For the lawful captives, the implication is that, there would be introduction of wrong applications, and misdirection would be the order of the day. When you hear about glory, the first thing the first thing that comes into your mind is light. Then you think about something white, glowing and shining. Most importantly when you hear about glory, your inner eyes pop open and you see a radiant glowing from a particular source, you can call that point, ‘’the focal point.’’ Three things have been pointed out evidently as major characteristics of glory from the beginning of this study. First, it shines; second, it’s white; third, it derives its strength from a source. The evidence of His glory in a man’s life must be clean, holy, that is what white represents. It must shine even in darkness, when evil is prevailing the land your life with always stand out for an example. And your source must be the Almighty Himself. You must have a relationship with God. Open up your mind and come to presence of the Most High and experience an incomparable beauty of His glory. In the Old Testament it was the glory without, shinning upon Moses, which never lasted. It was an unfriendly glory that could not be seen with naked eyes except with a veil. The longevity of that glory was covered in pretense, to prevent the people from beholding the disappearing of its power. On the contrary, the promised glory of Jesus never frightens a man; it is friendly, loving, appealing, inviting, convincing, converting, everlasting and conforming to the image of God. The children of Israel could not behold the glowing glory on Moses except with a veil, but Peter, James, and John beheld the glory upon Jesus without a veil. Moses said, a Prophet will the Lord raise among you like unto me, Him shall ye believe. Note that word, ‘’among you,’’ and like unto me. That Prophet must be a Jew (the seed of Abraham, or a Christian), a must not fall down from heaven like Satan, you must know his source, and must have relationship with God. I wonder how many pastors and prophets spring up today without a single clue about their source. They are virtually strange children. Moses, said, and He will carry the kind of glory that I carried. The sign of Moses was a glow, so the Jews have been waiting endlessly from generation to generation to see the sign of Moses. Several prophets after prophets came, but they didn’t show the sign of Moses, because the sign of Moses was a glowing glory. Israel has been waiting for their Messiah with a known identity. So, when Jesus came, He did so many miracles but the Jews were not freaked by it, they said, ‘’show us a sign’’? No wonder Jesus rebuked them saying, ‘’o evil and perverse generation seeking for signs’’. For Moses, it was a public glory, but for Jesus, it was a secret glory. For Moses, it was a glory shinning from without; but for Jesus, it was a glory shinning from within. Isaiah says, his name shall be called, Emmanuel, which is interpreted, ‘’God with us’’. Glowing within us; working among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and power. When the fullness of His revelation came He could not even reveal His glory to all His disciples, He only showed it to just three among them. And still instructed the three not to tell anyone until the Son of Man is crucified and raised from the dead. Jesus refused to publicize His glory, if you dare to be like Jesus why are you seeking glory and praises in the public. Why do we have Christians today who loved to show their skills? They like to display in the public purposely to market their ministry and promote their merchandize. They negotiate with people and entice them with a lot of offers just to join their ministry. They frighten their audience into given, even if it will take them to borrow in the name of the Lord. They are everywhere all around us, taken captive the weak souls. The location of the promised glory of God is within. Remember the words of Jesus, he says, ‘’the kingdom of God is within you.’’ Don’t be deceived, anyone who claims to have an encounter with the Lord Jesus must be broken hearted. You either fall on the Rock and be broken; if you don’t, and you allow the Rock to fall on you, He will grind you to powder. How would a man profess to know Jesus and he will not be humble? No doubt, it’s not Jesus that is in him; if it is Christ in you (the hope of glory), He will be humble, gentle, kind, polite, sober, etc. You cannot be with Jesus and be seeking self-glory, it is not possible. Even the Cherubs on the Ark of Covenant cover their faces with their feathers because their identity is not needed. Only the name of the Lord should be praised! How would a man claim to have relationship with God and still interested in advertising himself? Who needs your identity anyway? You cannot be with the Lord in the public or in the physical; you can only be with the Lord in the spirit; they that worship the Lord must worship Him in truth and in spirit. Wake up from your sleep; don’t let anybody deceive you. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Hallelujah. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 19:38:47 +0000

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