*THE GOD OF SOCCER* There is a spirit behind the game of - TopicsExpress


*THE GOD OF SOCCER* There is a spirit behind the game of football. The spirit of football is what sport analysists or commentators often call the god of soccer. Some of them may not understand the implication of the term but its a reference to the satanic spirit in charge of the game of soccer. In Brazil, there is a temple dedicated to this demon, and people go there to worship the god of soccer as he is popularly called. The spirit behind football is responsible for its prosperity and popularity. Players are either consciously or unconsciously influenced by the spirit to understand the game and play skillfully. The display of skills on the pitch of play is not just the function of rigorous training and experience but the influence of this demon and to secure his support and favour. The game of football has become a fascinating one. This is the function of the demon (spirit) of football. This spirit makes people to love the game. Football has a strong influence on people that its so difficult to leave despite the heart-breaks it has caused them. This game has a strong hold on people that they have no choice than to make out time for it irrespective of their busy schedule. You love football because you have been possessed by the demom of football. Almost everybody in the world have been possessed by this demon-only a few are left out. Many were possessed from the womb or at cruddle. So they grow up becoming good and talented footballers (including myself thank God that delivered me from this wicked demon). FOOTBALL IS NOT A CONCEPT FROM GOD, ITS OF THE DEVIL. Dont think its a talent from God. No, you are possessed by the spirit of football which is from satan. Youd better seek deliverance before its too late.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:10:40 +0000

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