[THE GOD PARTICLES] THE BRAIN NOOTS [SEEDS] OF NATURE BY REASON Listen to Reason! In Nature Science NOOTS (so called in Universe Language) are the smallest particles of Matter that can exist and Still be categorized as material- physical Matter, because particles of Matter any smaller than NOOTS are classified as ENERGY-MATTER or MATTER-ENERGY. INACTIVE BRAIN NOOTS are in a state of condition between The Science of SOMETHINGNESS (Absolute Matter) and The Science of NOTHINGNESS (Absolute Vacuum), and this state- of condition does cause Brain Noots,to be MAGIC AND MAGNETIC in effect when They are activated. When The Science of Absolute Matter and The Science of Absolute Vacuum COINCIDE or become CONGRUENT with each other, MAGIC EFFECT (a miracle or action like a miracle) results. Listen to sound right reason!Brain-noots are the smallest Doticles [Black Dots/Particles]of matter that can exist .BRAIN NOOTS are the prime mover in all matter,and the prime-mover is the first ATOMS of matter to make the first move toward putting or growing a person,place,or thing into creation order.BRAIN NOOTS are magic and magnetic brain power and mental energy of the highest order,highest quality,and highest degree. Brain-noots are supernatural.We cannot see Brain-noots with a microscope nor with the naked eyes,but we can hear with them,taste with them,feel with them,(physically and emotionally),smell with them and of course,think and reason with them through or brains.Brain-noots are the beginning and ultimate power in the ALL IN ALL WHO IS UNIQUE NATURE. BRAIN NOOTS CREATE BRAINS,and brains are natural instructions used by brain-noots to grow persons,places,and things via creative reason and natural ether.Let it be remembered always and let it be known![Information Provided By Afroo Oonoo via The introduction to the nature of nature books one & three]
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:33:26 +0000

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