“THE GOLDEN CHANDELEER”. It was a real treasure when I found - TopicsExpress


“THE GOLDEN CHANDELEER”. It was a real treasure when I found it. The light socket in it was damaged and whoever was the owner of it, didn’t bother to get it fixed, they dumped it. I found it thrown away while looking for scrap metal on a Sunday morning in an industrial area. When I saw gold shining, I said aloud: MY LUCK HAS CHANGED, I just struck gold and I took the chandelier away. After checking it over at home and installing a new light socket in it, I hung it to the ceiling and after the bulb was put in and the light turned on, you should have seen it shine. The gold kept me thinking of getting married all the time and a gold wedding ring to be permanently placed on my finger. They weren’t just idle thoughts or daydreams but reality yet to come in not a distant but very near and foreseeable future. I did get married and the golden wedding band sat permanently on my finger as the stars foretold. “THE GOLDEN CHANDELEER” has been sold and is hopefully decorating somebody’s house other than mine and bringing them good luck. FOOTNOTE. The old blind woman who bought the chandelier from me died, it was inherited by her corrupt son Paul. The chandelier was a curse to him because he lost his boarding house license and was forced to sell out. He lost everything through his corruption.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 08:10:55 +0000

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