THE GOOD OLD DAYS IN HONG KONG 40 YEARS AGO 40 years ago, the - TopicsExpress


THE GOOD OLD DAYS IN HONG KONG 40 YEARS AGO 40 years ago, the Governor of Hong Kong was appointed by the British Monarch. There was no universal suffrage of the Governor at all, not to mention a universal suffrage with citizen nominations. Members of the Legislative Council were appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong. There was no room in the Legislative Council for street fighters. Students distributing anti-British leaflets were to be arrested and jailed. There was no room for “communist brainwashing education”. Troublemakers were to be blacklisted and expelled immediately from Hong Kong. Wooden houses hindering urban development were to be burnt down “accidentally” at midnight. “No demolition, no relocation” was impossible. Therefore, residents in Hong Kong lived a simple life happily. Hong Kong under British rule was so good… 40 年前的香港,多麼好 港督由英女王委任,不用爭取公民提名。 立法局議員由港督委任,不會有爛仔議員。 學生派反英傳單會被捕入獄,不會有洗腦教育。 滋事者會被列為不受歡迎人士,即時送離香港。 木屋阻礙發展,半夜火災燒了,何來不遷不拆。 就是這樣,市民可以生活簡單,安居樂業… … 港英時代的香港多麼好… …
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:53:03 +0000

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