THE GOVERNOR AND HIS TOWNHALL MEETING? For all I know, Townhall meetings are called by governors to discuss purely State matters, matters of importance to the entire State and citizenry, to members of the ruling party and the opposition. Whatever is happening in a political party is certainly not a state matter to warrant the convocation of a Townhall meeting. Its a business to be handled strictly within the confines of the party Secretariat. The day a governor is sworn into office, he becomes the governor of the entire citizens of the state, the governor of members and non-members of his party. He must not reduce himself to the status of a party governor. That is exactly what Governor Martin Elechi is doing and has become, and its appalling and disheartening. Its an insult on our sensibilities. There was no essence in Elechi’s Townhall or, better put, Labour Party, meeting. Less than six months to the end of his tenure, Governor Elechi should engage our minds on serious State issues, bordering strictly on his administration - the journey so far and how far. He should be calling the citizens of the state to brief them on what hes doing or not doing to better the lots of the people. He should be telling the people the projects due for commissioning and what he has done and still intends doing to make lives better for the people who voted him into office. Elechi MUST NEVER call us again to discuss party primaries or who succeeds him. Its a brazen insult on the psyche of the people. Its with our votes that we determine who succeeds him. Elechi should be telling us how he has managed the mandate that we gave to him over 7 years ago. He should be giving account of his stewardship and make party primary a state issue. And let him also allow things to work in the state. We are making no progress, and its saddening. Too sadly, impunity, paternalism and hubris appear to be the defining factors in the life of our dear governor. Who are the people advising our governor presently? Let them advise well. #ROUN
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:04:03 +0000

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