THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THE LOVE OF GOD, AND COMMUNION OF THE HOLY GHOST, BE WITH YOU ALL. Amen (2Corinthians 13:14). . . Our opening scripture is a valedictory statement Apostle Paul wished to Corinthian brethren, and to us today; get this clare, he wasnt chanting a religious creed nor doxology as many took this verse to be, rather he pronounced upon them the THREE important experience that would make them remain vibrant in their faith, despite whatever challanges that comes their way, knowing that he may not be opportuned to communicate them again. And so i will like to take them sequencially as the Spirit of God enables us see some intricacies of this profound statement, and i pray the Spirit of God gives us understanding, in Jesus name: . . First on the list is GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. . Now what is GRACE? Among other definitions, I considered grace as a supernatural endowment from God, which enables a man do or accomplish what he could not by virtue of his disposition as a natural man. . It is a spirit, and until it comes upon a person, his/her destiny in God remains at stake, blink and unattainable neither can it be accomplished. . You must also know that mans state of depravity cannot be redressed except by the GRACE of God. (Zechariah 4:6-7). . . The importance of grace cannot be overemphasised cos, thats what opens the eternal door which was shot against humanity, as a result of disobedience, and enables to fulfill ones purpose for living. . It takes a man from the realm of natural to supernatural and it has an answer to every situation in mans life, both for now and eternity, and many more. . . BUT HOW DO WE OBTAIN THIS GRACE?. . . The grace of God doesnt come by any religious bigotry, nor through any archeological means, neither by scientific nor by educational means, and the Bible did not leave us in doubt concerning this matter. Lets see the scriptures: (John 1:14,17). . Oh! What a wonderful description of Jesus Christ in this scriptures weve just read. It shows us that before now, Jesus was the only one ever existed in the world, full of grace and truth (reality), and the Bible is so specific about this: it says, For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth (reality) came by Jesus Christ; waoh, this is fantastic. . And I just perceive that someone realy wants to have access to this machless grace, its not far away as some think it is, its so simple, a free gift from God, the only requirement is just to believe with all your heart, and declare with your mouth, the Lordship of Jesus Christ over your life, and you have it. (Romans 10:9-10). . . And to those of you that realy want to experience this owesome grace in their lives, sincerely say this prayers with me: . Heavenly Father, i come to you today, have mercy on me, forgive my sins Lord, i believe Jesus died for me, and you raised him from death for my justification, i therefore confess his Lordship over my life, thanks for saving my soul, i am born again: Hallaluyah!. . If youve just said this prayers with me, i congratulate you, welcome to the household of faith; . And for your continuous empowerment in this grace, I will like you to visit my time line, theres a lot of articles that will cause a transformation in your life there, and your life will never remain the same again. Click also on my 2013 & 14 posts. . And I pray, the grace of God will abound upon your life as you do in Jesus name: Bless your heart, till i come your way again with the second one on the list. You are lifted.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:17:46 +0000

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