THE GRAND LODGE OF WASET AT LUXOR - THE MYSTERIES OF THE OSIRICA & THE MIS EDUCATION OF THE NEGRO MASON (MUST READ!!) “That which was sacred to us, they have desecrated and caused us to laugh at -- Dr. John Henrik Clarke In our continuation of being mis-educated in Masonic principles, we find that many African American Masons & African Americans in general, choose to perpetuate the notion that Europe is the birthplace of such a system of morality (freemasonry) However, when one examines the roots of these particular philosophies of Masonry, we see that these principles are redundant because they were already in existence within the heart of Africa or Al-Kebulan. Waset was the capital of Kemet during the Middle and New Kingdom periods. The word itself means, “center” and it had become the center of higher learning within Africa. Tens of thousands of students from all over the world would come to Africa to be taught the ways of the arts and sciences and more importantly spirituality. These teachings were called the Osirica (this term is Greek and is used for a lack of its original terminology) The purpose of these teachings was to evolve man and woman into a divine state of being. To subdue their passions and circumscribe their desires on the terrestrial plane which we call earth. To be in harmony with all that existed and show reverence to the “Hidden One” that manifested within the man and woman. The Grand Lodge of Luxor (WaSet ) was the work of several Grand Masters , from Tut Mose to Amenhotep III, from Set I to Ra Mose III. A scholar by the name of George G.M. James a professor at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff wrote and published a book in 1954 called “Stolen Legacy”. It was in deed controversial at the time. In fact, some say that the death of Dr. James was suspected to be foul play. In his book, Professor James profess that the Grand Lodge of all lodges was situated in Kemet (Egypt). James continues to write that the Ten Virtues which were taught within the mystery system were copied by Plato and became four Cardinal virtues, which are Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice. Dr. George G.M. James wrote in Stolen Legacy which is about how western civilizations rise was due to the light brought to Europe from the Nile Valley by Greek scholars such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Pythagoras..Whom all studied at the feet of the Masters of the Craft in Kemet. Pythagoras travelled to Egypt and was taught geometry by the Egyptian Priests and made to sacrifice to the Gods, before they showed him the proof of the theorem of the square on the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle. Pythagoras did not discover this proof, and it is misleading to name the theorem after him... Socrates is identified as a member of the Egyptian Mysteries or Masonic Order... The ancients, including the Greeks and Romans, visited this Grand Lodge to obtain the Highest Degrees in human learning. Here they were introduced to Philosophy, Law, Religion, Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, History, and all of the other subdivisions of the Seven Liberal Arts. Many arguments are made against this position from both the European and the Westernized African about the origins of Freemasonry being out of Africa. Yet, evidence will show that within the western European Masonic Lodges, images of Africa are embraced and with those images come the symbolism in which the African images, which are expressed, exist. The most common reasons which Africans in the Western world are victims of in general is the mis-education and the suffering from an inferiority complex. Why is this issue so important? Because the average African Mason like the average African American in general is being mentally enslaved to European ideology and slaves to a way of life which is contradictory to culture of African people. Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was founded in 1400 BCE. For centuries Thebes was the capital of the known world. Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan, or Dr. Ben, as he is affectionately known, has showed us exactly how the Mysteries of Egypt were developed from the ancient religious rites of the indigenous Africans who once occupied the lands around the major great lakes of Central Africa and along the head-waters of the Nile River... And how the Mysteries of Egypt through the Egyptian Book of the Coming Forth by Day (Book of the Dead) gave rise to the so-called European lodges. Through intense research any man can trace the Proto-Masonic order to ancient Africa. The Afro-Asiatic knowledge found at The Grand Lodges of Africa. Prince Hall, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali and even Elijah Muhammad each addressed these truths THE MYSTERY SYSTEM First and foremost, I must make clarification on some terms that will be used in this topic. The terms are “mystery” and “degree(s)”. The term mystery is a word, which means something that is not fully understood and it also pertains to a trade or an occupation. In matters of the educational system in Kemet, it was a system of various disciplines not fully understood by those who were not natives of Africa particulary the Greeks. The second term is degree, which comes from the Latin word degradus and it means “down step” and the educational system in which the Greeks were embarking upon needed to be fractionalized or in grades for them to begin comprehending the entire mystery of the teachings of the Osirica. Even in modern times, we practice different forms of grading systems. The earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25). Plotinus defines this experience as the liberation of the mind from its finite consciousness, when it becomes one and is identified with the Infinite. This liberation was not only freedom of the soul from bodily impediments, but also from the wheel of reincarnation or rebirth. It involved a process of disciplines or purification both for the body and the soul. Since the Mystery System offered the salvation of the soul it also placed great emphasis upon its immortality. According to Pietschmann, the Egyptian Mysteries had three grades of students (1) The Mortals i.e., probationary students who were being instructed, but who had not yet experienced the inner vision. (2) The Intelligences, i.e., those who had attained the inner vision, and had received mind or nous and (3) The Creators or Sons of Light, who had become identified with or united with the Light (i.e., true spiritual consciousness). W. Marsham Adams, in the Book of the Master, has described those grades as the equivalents of Initiation.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:56:20 +0000

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