THE GREAT DIASPORA DECEPTION!! The kind of our some of our - TopicsExpress


THE GREAT DIASPORA DECEPTION!! The kind of our some of our aspirant leaders leaves a lot to be desired!! In diaspora which is supposed to mobilise our skilled people and be the engine for a new impetus, you will be forgiven to think you maybe lost, the dearth of any meaningful influencing anything at all in Zimbabwe is just heart breaking. The obsession with title is so overwhelming and sadly its fanned by some individuals at home as they is no resolution of central committee or politburo debate, assessment or resolution. I want to see some mobilisation of skills in the shortage areas and strategies to go and bridge the gap, the sad bit is leadership is almost entirely carework or London entertainment scene based with one or two exceptions with no impact at all. There is no balance at all, so the one trick pony style prevails, thus other professionals who are really needed in skills shortage areas are not joining the ranks. Worse it would seem a big number are looking for a break through via Zanu PF than any belief in what Zanu PF stands for. The ideology of Zanu PF is incidental to their selfish needs. Until there is balance and professionals in the critical shortage areas come on board or made to feel its worth their while its gonna be more of the same till 2018!!, now for me that is sad, a lost opportunity. Zimbabwe certainly has no shortage in the care sector or entertainment sector that now dominate diaspora politics, nor religious sectors, worse some are only just getting regularized after many years being illegal, nothing wrong with that, except their total sum of diaspora experience is fighting immigration for a right to stay while working illegally in care or nightclub circuit, thus unemployable in diaspora or at home nor in any skills shortage areas desperately needed in developing our economy. Most times supposed leaders are just a captive audience to the same slogaaneering as at my rural village with no substance beyond utopian rhetoric about development, most times tailored for an equally captive audience at party HQ where I predict some waking up to a shocking realization of a paper tiger will sooner or later happen. WE NEED TO GO WELL AND TRULY BEYOND RHETORIC TO BE MEANINGFUL, WE CANNOT BE DOING THE SAME POLITICS AS AT MY RURAL VILLAGE AND EXPECT TO BECOME THE MISSING LINK TO OUR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WHILE WANTING TO BE RESCUED INSTEAD OF HELPING OUR COUNTRY, SOME NOW WANT LAND, THEY GO HOME, THEY START COMPETING WITH LOCALS IN SATURATED INFORMAL SECTOR!!, KOMBI, GONYETE, FAST BUCK CAR SALES ETC, NOTHING THAT PAYS TAX OR EMPLOYS ANYBODY, YET WHEN CDE CHINAMASA CAME HE WAS CLEAR ABOUT SETTING UP A DATA BASE OF SKILLS AVAILABLE IN THE SHORTAGE AREAS HE LISTED AND ACTUALLY ASSURED THOSE PEOPLE WOULD BE ASSISTED TO SETTLE BACK HOME OR UTILIZE THEIR SKILLS TO BRIDGE THE SHORTAGES GAP. THE HEART BLEEDS!! I will be attacked again for shooting straight from the hip as I always do, but truth be said 15 careworkers(with all due respect to vast majority of innocent people in support work) sitting around a table, nomatter how they may title themselves are not going to formulate strategies that help the skills shortage areas as the minister and government are expecting from the diaspora this is harsh reality, I stand corrected, and will apologize if anybody proves me wrong on this.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 21:21:19 +0000

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